What's your opinion on mestizos? (Amerindian+White mix)
What's your opinion on mestizos? (Amerindian+White mix)
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They're shite
Pic completely unrelated.
Mexican girls can vary from pure native to castizas, almost white looking. Maybe you're thinking about the purest ones(75-100% amerindian).
pic related is a castiza
Also a castiza.
This is how a balanced mestiza looks like:
they are Scheisse
Blocked on my country.
I know that even actual mestizos(50/50) can have pale skin.
The biggest error in the history of this continent and the Spanish Empire, they should had to murder all of them and fill it with Spanish families, like the British did, if that were the case, Spain would be one of the most rich countries nowadays, i dare to say more than the UK or Germany
They didn't kill them for practical purposes, they needed a massive work force for mining and building up their colonies. It isn't really comparable to what was happening with the British and the colonies they were building as they had different resources they were working with and completely different goals (also, completely different kinds of natives, you really can't compare the Aztecs/Inca to a lot of the smaller, hunter-gatherer type tribes the British encountered).
Women - Hot
Men - Dumb disgusting mutts that should be exterminated
If you think that's hot you should come to either the Southwest or Mexico proper, you'll be in heaven.
Superior to the hapa menace
Friendly reminder that Chile is a mestizo country and it's almost the same as Portugal in terms of development
Friendly reminder you're a faggot
I like brown women but i don't want to be decapitated. Can you just send them here?
IDH IDH IDH asdfjklasdfjkl
So just go to California then.
it was the same goal: get richer, at the end we all were going to import africans, but their culture can be replaced, amerindians easily influenced all ex-Iberian colonies with their culture because they were a lot more literated than africans
yeah go behead someone and don't get angry my half-aztec friend
It was the same goal but gone about in completely different ways and working with completely different circumstances. Native influence happened as a result of sheer numbers (not the case with the British and their natives) and because the Spanish maintained some of the social practices out of practicality, plus Spanish intermarriage with native upper classes (not just for the pussy but also for practical purposes).
>indexes to measure development aren't valid
>Nazi pic posted by mestizo
They're the race of evil
Extremely beautiful, they mutually improve each other's genes, disgusting bland cumskins get melanin enriched and Siberian chinks caucasianized, mestizo futurism should be state enforced
Too far away and expensive for a neet like me
>Nazi pic
thats the Chilean army retard.
Fugg :-DDD didn't notice, currently phoneposting out in the street
implying it isn't the same thing
should I have an opinion on mestizos? I guess I’m mestizo, not sure
Mestizos were created like 500 yeats ago, meanwhile every other race has thousands of years of existence in which they were also violent, corrupt, etc.
We're an extremely young race going through an edgy teenage phase but latin America has gotten better over the years
We're great! Our skin colour is nice :D
I like your digits, but you're spouting nonsense.
Which countries are mostly mestizos and which ones are mestizos+black?
t. uneducated American
>The biggest error in the history of this continent and the Spanish Empire,
the biggest error is spanish itself,i'm spanaird and i wish i gets nuked
Whiter than you Juan Andres Ricardo Veracruz Rodriguez
El Salvador, not sure.
>mostly mestizos
Mexico, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Dominican Republic
Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Central America, Cuba, Ecuador
mestizas were MADE for Iberian cock
mestizos were MADE for plantation work
>(Amerindian+White mix)
Do they even exist?
Those you cited are not "mostly mestizos", they have a big chunk of amerindian too.
I've met chileans irl and they're anoying.
We're not mestizos, We are mullato (Cuba and DR)
Only Peru has a considerable amount
Mexicans self identify as mestizos because of culture/tradition. Some of them can even be amerindian or castizos/white.
Le Mestizo Chad
>Dominican Republic
if anything they are the most clear example of a mulato country in latin america
=master race
I really don't know much about DR
it only took like 200 years to almost reach the level of the least developed country in western europe
True but we are 90%+ mixed, no one cares about making those ridiculous distinctions, even racists here only care about looks not ancestry quantum
According to /int logic anyone good looking is "castizo" which just goes to show the board's gross misunderstanding of basic Mendelian genetics (not anyone white looking necessarily has a higher Euro admixture) as well as the implicit bias towards European beauty standards as not only are there genuinely good looking Amerindian traits, most posters in here assume that anything attractive comes from the European side or that there isn't some amount of overlap in some features.
Same time as Portugal tbqh, most Euros had miserable lifes/living standards up until the mid 20th century.
Learn2cope pendejo
>anyone good looking is "castizo
Sorry, you took it wrong. I was showing that Mexicans can also appear white.
But, indeed, beauty doesn't come from the euro part. Mestizas and amerindians, in my opinion, can look cute.
>bias towards European beauty standards
I have the typical mestizo epicanthic fold
mesteeso, casteeso, you're all mexicans.
Only hyper-autists like this monkey etc and some mexcrements care about this shit.
how mestizos should be treated
He's cute
Any mixing is bad imo. All mixed people look defective.
Not all mestizos look the same, this girl is mestiza and she has grey eyes
The word you want is castizos
Second race in the pecking order of humanity. It goes like this
Whites(european caucasians)>Mestizos>East Asians>Natives>South Asians>Arabs>Blacks>Turks
Pic related is half Mixtec half Scottish
Livia Rangel (fashion model) and Rosa María Ojeda Cuen (former Miss Mexico).
Based Peru and Bolivia
Damn he's got some thicc legs
>not anyone white looking necessarily has a higher Euro admixture
wut. please explain this. I'm pretty sure the more Euro admixture you have the more likely you are to look similar to Europeans. There may be mixed individuals who have inherited recessive white traits such as blue eyes for example, but simply because one has a European trait doesn't mean their overall physical persona is European.
we call em métis here
Post Canadian métises
their natives are different than ours though and the iberan blood is different from the anglo/francophone so a métis and a mestizo are different
Oho weird if thats legitimate
They will inherit the earth and I say this as a wh*te boy
He looks like he needs some dick
Is he mestizo
Not really, looks like she dyes her hair so it's lighter but otherwise she looks like a normal enough mestizo.
I want to live in a country with brown girls
Don't you have Maori women you could chase after?
You have abos and now a bunch of Asians.
He lives near my house and goes to a fancy gym in a mall I go to the movies. I asked him for a date but he rejected me =(
Musculocas only date other musculocas
He's a bottom lol
Are you a fatty? Top or vers?
Yes, his eyes are very mestizo
I'm thin but started lifting 2 weeks ago. I'm 100% top.
Liliana Domínguez really won the lottery of genetics
Yeah she might've dyed her hair.