Snowy mountains edition
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
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what a beta cuck
he didn't articulate himself well at all
Snow is for niggers
when I become dictator of this planet I will make sure to destroy all snow before it lands on soil
you need to play with your friends, dont look excuse in the snow
Why haven't gr**ks thanked Albanians yet?
>big bang
>big words
those who push religious shit to others should be hanged
I need a bottle of cola
I'll thank Abanians for creating thicc women like pic related
Whomst is this thot? I only wish to know so I can send her messages about the error of her ways with Quranic verses alhamdulillah
makes you think who the target audience is
>amerimutt porn actress
For real though, do Christian and Muslim Albanians really hate each other or is it just internet bantz?
Bitch is half plastic jesus
I don't want to sound barbaric but I would like to crush her skull with a brick, dismember her corpse and then cannibalize meaty parts of her body
She is going to hit the wall like a truck in a few years
Damn boy...a brotha finna get some kfc on foe nem..
Well he is right, instead of saying he has no idea, he starts bullshiting with baseless and debunked theories
There is no way she's Albanian she looks like a nigger
>parents gjergj gjieli and veronica gjieli
the thicc genes reeked of latina and i was right
>tfw already cucking latinos in USA
That's the best thing to happen to BG rap in ages
she's half something else
But considering the fact BG "music" in general is a perennial struggle between гoвнo and лaйнo, it's not that bad probably.
I guess she would rather be seen as Albanian instead of some street rat latino
I feel like nobody in this general has ever seen an actual black person, you guys think everyone looks like a nigger
>starts with "black person"
>ends the sentence with "nigger"
you must be the nicest racist I've met so far
I've seen negros several times but they only show up in places with lots of people, never encountered one in wilderness
The only thing I'll miss about living in Serbia is pretending that I'm a Serb on Jow Forums and then deliberately posting really stupid shit.
Krasnoblyatsk are you playing Kenshi
Fucking disgusting
All look the same
half sudanese / albanian from tirana
What do you consider "good" music then?
BG has some pretty decent artists in all main styles/genres though not great in number or popularity.
I blame estrada for the current state of music in Bulgaria, it's basically the mother of chalga culture and all it's offspring, we also focused on estrada too much, while other eastern block cunts like Poland and Yugoslavia had an enormously widespread and quality new-wave/rock scene
Going in hungary will make you more depressed, stay in based Serbia
How do you make money with wordpress?
>going to the country you like instead of being a minority in a country that you hate will make you more depressed
No it won't, and besides I don't think it can get much worse.
Stop being a lazy piece of shit and learn actual web development.
How about your povide me with an actual answer first, dipshit.
>I don't think it can get much worse
You will be alone in hungary, your friends are here. Think twice before doing it and don't feel bad if you come back to mother Serbia
Of course shes going to be a whore showing off her body
Got anymore? I'm interested in Sudanese ppl
Buy some online classes/lectures they are like 10$ and start learning. But as the magyar said you'll need to stop being lazy and actually try to learn. You must commit 200% to it if you want success, its not that easy
no unless you are talking of mortal kombat character
Okay but why is wordpress bad or anything?
dios mio...
to be fair they look quite black even for black standards
Check out her quadroon son
>that qtie in the lower right
There's too much competition because every moron can make WordPress websites, and even if you manage to find someone who's willing to let you set up his site, it won't earn you much money and you'll likely spend more money looking for clients than actually working. Learn actual web development and then look up startups in your area and offer them your services. Web dev is easy and any retard could learn it anyway.
>returning to Serbia
That sounds terrible.
this one looks fuckable though
It isn't bad, 30% of the websites are made in wordpress. It's not that hard to use.
If you want to make a website and start writing or selling stuff you don't really need to pay for lectures since you can learn on youtube how to make a wordpress site, not hard.
But if you want to go into development and stuff like that then visit udemy, udacity, lynda, coursera etc.
You'll be homesick in no time
Imagine having her around your house at night, she would give you few jump scares
>If you want to make a website
to make website in wordpress* I meant, not overall.
Also gn lads
I see, thanks anyway.
Gn and thanks.
Their sweat smells like sulfur though (from experience). Not racist, jus sayin. We smell bad for them too.
>Their sweat smells like sulfur
I don't think nigga girls smell like demons from Supernatural but whatever
Θέλω να μείνω Γιάννενα
In the animal kingdom sweat smell determines how compatible your genetics are with a particular partner, so no wonder we both stink for eachother.
No wonder even the slav that washes everyday stinks like a dog to me
Yeah I feel the same way for shquips and turks too, they all reek of something like dead pus to me,
But memes aside, "advanced" WP requires PHP and JS, so if you're willing to learn that you'll automatically be above a large percent of your competition and actually earn some money because many companies today simply want a modified WordPress website.
These are nilotes from south Sudan, the blackest people on earth unironically. Sudanese ppl are more Arabic apparently
t. dropout
t. IT bugman or a cuck
Why do I understand 100% of what they're saying? I don't even know bulgayrian.
hungarians are gypsies
fuck h*ngypsians
>I don't even know bulgayrian.
It's the same with serbian and croatian. I understand them 100% even before I was exposed to them.
bought cola
not real hungarian
real hungarians look like mongols
Ho.. кaквa e глaвнaтa пpичинa хopaтa дa зaпиcвaт yнивepcитeт? Ecтecтвeнo, зa дa вaдят пoвeчe пapи. Ho иcтинaтa, e чe в днeшнo вpeмe yнивepcитeт нe e paвнo нa пoвeчe пapи. И пpичинaтa, e чe мнoгo oт хopaтa нe paзбиpaт кaк вcъщнocт paбoтят пapитe. Bcъщнocт BИCШE нe e paвнo нa ПAPИ. A CTOЙHOCT e paвнo нa ПAPИ.
>purple shirt
staying true to their gypsy heritage though
Which country are gypsies safest in?
Based Nreek song
what happened to greekshit music, it was really popular here in the early 00s then it just died out
I hope my ancestors forgive me but I am really attracted to greek women.
i found raw meat behind a trash can near the place were i found the poisoned cats
i picked it up and threw it in the trash can
idk man it's really good still compared to turbofolk and americanised shit that is popular nowadays
No, not. like daemons. Only slightly. Like a toad when you squeeze its glands.
And Asian girls smell like musk (not Ellon).
Lmao is that what passes for Gen Z in Buggeria. The zeiss on the right would probably lose consciousness if I slap him.
These people all have that scared look in their eyes idk how else to describe it.
notis is a golden dawner aswell
tiho pedal
who and what
yea and his house is designed to look like knosos palace in crete
he also believes in aliens
What are we doing with our lives? Sending Nreek songs to eachother in the morning?
who and what
gold down is that meme greek party i think, but is "notis" that fag from Antique?
notis is the guy who sings "soma mou"
golden dawn is the Nationalist party in Greece
oh, im retarded, i thought you were quoting the Antique post, just saw his name