Why are they so autistic about the Holocaust? We only killed 6 million of them

Why are they so autistic about the Holocaust? We only killed 6 million of them.
Meanwhile we killed 20 million Russians and they don't constantly whine about it.

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Israel.svg.png (2000x1455, 35K)

you killed 20 million people across soviet union, not 20 million russians
unless you finally recognize betrayer nations like b*Larus and that other one I wont even name as russians in denial

20 million is pocket money for mother Russia

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thats because we raped you for that

Germans vs Russians
Gonna grab the popcorn

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>20 million dead
Those were just cooked stats to make Russian death camps disappear in the numbers.

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maybe they have chingook genes

well the russians killed upwards of 100 million of their own people (tho it was mostly ukrainians) so maybe they just didn't care?

We forgive you this time

pretty sure it was 7 million

> 100 million
100 retardillion

is there any cuck porn where a nazi soldier is forced to what his blond 13 year old daughter get raped by 5 slavic bulls

>thats because we raped you for that

It tickled :^)

Attached: dicksize europe.jpg (1400x788, 161K)

>a nazi soldier is forced to what his blond 13 year old daughter get raped by 5 slavic bulls

God I want to be the girl


it was even smaller than that since many of the soldiers were churkas

advantage of african inmigration

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cuz u kill them to reomove them not fighting with their army.

>their own people
Class enemies aren't people.

what are they

Imagine being obsessed with africans and being unable to admit we're just HUGE

Mine is average 18cm and thick, whats your?

Wait till we stumble upon a polack.

mine is 32cm soft

Never heard about. However, there's a lot of "Jewish soldier rapes female SS officer" kind of porn. It was very popular in early days of modern Israel.

Because you targeted an ethnic minority across an entire continent and they were subjected to the only industrialized genocide in history, and you killed 2/3rds of the entire ethnic group, and it was only about 70 years ago.

>betrayer nations like b*Larus
Nigga wat? Belorussians performed some GOAT gorilla warfare.

because germany actively tried to exterminate them, as opposed to russia which was mostly just being retarded and negligent

putin said 36 millions.

There's a difference between forced liquidation of a people versus a meatgrinder of a war

Wait. The only Ahmeds who killed the russians are the chechens.

That's because Russians aren't in control of every institution of the west.