Let's have a thread about which women we like

Let's have a thread about which women we like.

Use mapchart.net and the Simple World map for the template. Rate other anons' maps and post your own!

Attached: _int_ Girls Ranking.png (6460x3480, 1.55M)

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Nepal is a strange choice.



Attached: 1528623709971.jpg (720x708, 37K)

Hit 'Simple World Map'.

I like slavs and aryan women.

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Only virgins care about nationalities and ethnicities

There is definitely a sense in liking a particular type of girl, or having a type. Most men do. Often, these are tied to ethnicity.

>which women we like
I thought this was about which countries we like, but I already finished it so I might as well post it
>this is not about women

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I have good taste

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This took a lot of work, comment what I had to say about your cunt

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why the struggle
you will stay virgin till death anyway kek

a chad woul have already picked up a girl and inseminate her coin slot
an incel spends 3 hours to paint a map for a cottonpicker forum kek

Decent taste, you should like Arabs desu.

I would rank our women lower.

Germans are the biggest incels you'll ever meet, joyless repressed bastards.

cope, scottish subhuman

I don't like those features. I like European features with darker complexion.

How do they compare to Irish? and what's the difference throughout uk

truth to be told by myself
stay mad

And Latinas are the best for rough anal. No question about it.

Arabs look European.


If you like pale and redhead girls, Ireland is good. If you like that, Scotland is better than England. Class is a big thing here, and determines the quality of girl in terms of class.

I don't think so. I can tell a Spaniard apart from a Moroccan. Greeks and western Turks may looks similar, but a Lebanese girl and a Greek look different.

Do you have a middle eastern gf?

keep projecting shite scottshit wanker
you are the one seething, my girl is laying in on my sofa naked and leaking cum, that pumed deep into her

I'm currently dating a Tunisian girl, and have previously dated a Turk and a Pakistani. My current girl looks Greek.

Germans are gay

I'm not Scottish.

You don't care that she's Muslim?

not an argument

Not at all. I'm Presbyterian, and we've said that our kids would be Christian.

this tbdesu

im not a faggot, and sex is fun most of the time if you want it.

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Post her pic, I'm curious to see

I'm not keen to take that risk.

Post her nudes w/o face

t. Never been to Finland.

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People are very divided over the Chinese question.

>Basically all Mena/Horn Africa/Mediterranean/Hapa
>Everyone else

you didn't even post a template

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Edited pic from yours op. Current gf is from the caucasus, first got my liking from a greek girl I knew

Fucking retard

Attached: You_Doodle_2019-01-05T01_19_21Z.jpg (2911x1494, 764K)

>tfw 25 year old handholdless kissless virgin

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The only logical map in this thread.


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Never ever?

Why did you have to use some proprietary third party site when you could've just used pic related?

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