I need to lose weight before I start university

I need to lose weight before I start university

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We both know you will not, so get comfy and call a pizza.

It's easy to lose weight. Just stop eating.

Meanwhile, gaining weight is a really fucking awful thing to do.
>t. 53 kg

I need to become fit and lose weight before I start studying in Germany

Why is first post always best post?

Btw OP all my fat friends got pussy in college too so relax.

>promised myself that I'd lose weight before January
>ended up gaining 4kg during holidays
We're not gonna make it, user.

drink only water
cut out all carbohydrates (bread pasta pizza etc)
cut out sugar as much as possible
try to exercises for 1 hour every day
good luck bro

that's easy
just start eating lots of trash

Kek. If Aussie universities is anything like here in Sweden it's the perfect time to get fatter.
Me and my room mates pretty much lived on pizza, burgers and anything we could fry in our tiny ass kitchen.

>gaining weight is a really fucking awful
can confirm, used to weigh 46 kg

This. I’m 54kg.
I weigh myself every now and then, especially after a week or two when I feel like I’ve eaten a ton, and I’m always confused that I either haven’t gained weight or I only gained very, very little.

>gaining weight is a really fucking awful thing to do
No it isn't. I went from 71 kg to 110 kg in 2 years.
Losing it seems fucking impossible though.

No it's really not. You're just fucking retarded.

chill out, fatso

Actually, I’m 51kg. Just weighed myself.
I’m so cute.

Stop drinking. If chemically chilling out after work is important to you, as it is to me, switch to DUDE WEED instead. I went from 220lbs to 175 just like that, and I still don't exercise.

Just exercise some self-control. Stop giving into temptation.

Okay I'm sorry for using those words. But two years ago I needed to gain about 20lbs to join the Army, as I was underweight for my height.

I drank two servings of these a day, instead of water I used whole milk, and sometimes added a little peanut butter. Easily over 400 calories per glass.

I don't drink. Fucks my head up.
>Just exercise some self-control
AAAAAAAAWWW fuck. Why didn't I think of that!?Shieeet.

i am 177 cm and 78 kg
am i fat?

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>I don't drink. Fucks my head up.
Oh. I assumed a young guy gaining a lot of weight was probably party related (fucking your head up is the point btw) but what do you generally eat?

I need to start gaining weight before I lose my chance to graduate.

fugg forgot my image :DDDD

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>Why didn't I think of that!?
Do you want to lose weight or not? It’s the only way. There’s nothing magical that could help you.

This, I am 36kg and I am just too skinny at 1.96cm

What do you mean?

What’s the point of this post?

Got no friends so no party for me.
But I eat a lot of fatty junk food. Kebab, pizza, burgers etc. I can't cook worth a damn so that's life.
Easier said than done though. Food is addicting and patters hard to break.

need to get Jow Forums before grad school so i have a chance of getting a qt grad school gf

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>I can't cook worth a damn so that's life
Veggies and healthy carbs are pretty cheap and easy to prepare m8

America has plenty of options for poor people who can't cook but want to eat healthy, and if the home of the infamous fat burger has it, then healthy happy Sweden surely has it too.

>mfw want to go to grad school just for chance of qt asian gf
im so pathetic bros

Hey back off. Stop questioning the quality of my input.

Oh I'm not denying we have it, I've got plenty of options. I'm just a lazy cunt who instead of going shopping picks up the phone and orders a kebabpizza with extra sauce.

I did try to lose weight though, honestly did. Ate rice and chicken plus broccoli for about 4-5 months while walking for an hour every day.
Lost 7 kg. Then I started nightshifts at work and back to fast food.

this but instead of weed do amphetamine
u wont get hungry unlike weed and u can study really well since u get very good focus

based Australia finally intruduces a weight limit for unis.

>Not choosing Soylent.

show boipussy

Why would you? Soylent is way more expensive

Oh yeah night shifts are really bad for you. Even people who are "used to" being up all night still shouldn't do it. It's unnatural and has wide-ranging health ramifications.

Yep. But it pays damn well.

Just go in cali then, that's where most asians live in the US

I live in Jew York, there are Asians here. But none where I live, or work

Yeah. You know your own situation and needs better than I ever will, but be mindful where you set that balance between your money and your health.

go to flushing and get your mac on senpai

Will do friend. Got tons of days off coming up so gonna rest real good. And when my summer vacation comes up I'm off to some place with blue waters, palm trees and white sand.

But do what there senpai
Just walk around?

Asians in NYC? Barely any. They are in CA.

How overweight is 50 lbs overweight?

I’m 6ft, 230lbs. I lost about 130 pounds over the last year, but I still look really flabby, like hanging gut. I’ve always been really obese so I have no idea what a healthy weight is like. I’m just worried I fucked something up and somehow the fat will still be there after I lose anything else on my bones.

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Losing weight doesn't cure autism, you're still not getting laid m8

I can't tell if you're memeing or not

>Just stop eating.
Soviet Diet

If there’s that many of them there has to be a nightlife somewhere.

>practically did nothing in the month of december, barely moved around. ate normal, had some cake
>lost 10 pounds
i think i might need to check on another scale but i also kind of see it in my belly. just flabbergasted when i saw the results

This, I'm aiming for 65 kg, currently 58 and usually 56. I was eating like a mad man these two days and reached 60 kg but then I took a shit and was back to 58

Don't gain weight you'll regret it

Gut is the last thing to go

If you took 360 degree pictures of yourself (doing a twirl on video) you would see the huge difference that 130 lbs is. Just keep at it

I'm working out as I eat so hopefully I will get some muscle along the way and I would also love a bit of fat in certain areas. I will probably turn back to my previous diet once I reach my goal.


Well thank you, here’s to hoping.

What the fuk is a lbs? Liberals? Just troll them bro