Lest have one of these

Lest have one of these
>your latest purchase (groceries are allowed)
God bless Bookoff and their new year's sale.

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>the rape of Nanking

Waittu piggu detected

>Dragon’s Dogma
Pretty good so far. Though I’d like if character customization was a bit more indepth, considering you have to do it twice.

I have a copy of Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen, I'll play it one of these days.
I'm hittite.

Got some tires for my car. Also ICO was novelized?

Yes, it was.

Bought a the last piece of wood i needed to build my new table and bought the book i need for my japanese classes. Gonna spend 3 hours a day on an intensive course throughout january, shits gonna be tough but i never going to truly learn if i don't put some effort into it.

I also really fucking miss book-off they were one of the few places that had clothes of my size

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Bought a book for a 12th year exam preparation, I'm going to university next year. Felt quite sad buying it, I've finished school 10 years ago, the girl at the counter must thought I'm really dumb (she's not wrong, though)

it is never too late my dubs getter Portuguese friend.

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>East Laos
>Pic related
I fucked up making it though

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What's that? Ramen?

Instant yakisoba apparently

A bag of green apples, a bunch of bananas, a baguette, marinara sauce, raw almonds

A bottle of Coca Cola

Also all of those books are pleb-tier except Homer

Thermal paste, shitty coffee filters that will have to do until proper filters arrive and a dinner from convenience store.

t. star with the greeks poster

I bought some books too.

Attached: 새 파일 2019-01-05 08.35.19_1.jpg (3264x2448, 785K)

2 baguettes

cooking wine

a monthly ticket for the bus

From the cousha?


All my books are ebooks from the library and library books.

No from the buvette, tounssi ?

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It's like $5 for all routes here

Expensive, in Argentina (I'm not japanese) public transportation is quite cheap.

So like $1 a month?
I think bus maintenance cost here is high considering the conditions some of them have to work in.

For example, a bus from my house to Lemos station cost 15 pesos. I have a special discount so I'd have to pay 7,50 pesos.
We also have a discount system:
First transportation: pay full price
Second: 50% off
Third: 75% off
If I add my special discount to the discount I get by default, I pay literally nothing.

Does this apply to trips taken within the day or the whole month? How do they keep track of your rides?
I take 4 trips a day, would've cost me $22 without the monthly ticket.

You have 2 hours. The SUBE card (the one we use to commute) will "reboot" itself after 2 hours.

So in my case I'd pay $9 a month, with the discount.
I wish we have some kind of digital card though, having to go to a ticket booth to renew is kinda annoying.

A new headset