Eternal struggle edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Where's the new
why does this odd mexican make the thread and then never post
Paging the janman
have you seen kyle?
Needs to change his proxy
i don't post in 90% of the threads, i usually just sit and watch all the conversations
You quite literally have a bent paki Primeminister you fucking stupid cunt, get the fuck out of my general you sad delusional bastard
he likes to make threads. he does it with /cum/ too.
now there's some proper autism
We discuss why the Chinese are beating us economically
baffling behaviour
/brit/ is a neoliberal general
Go on then
The asian I’m dating is Korean and yeah she has a flat face but SEAsians have protruding mouths like that
Yeah I’ve been called right wing by some little soy manlet friend-of-a-friend just because he found out I’m a gun owner and don’t want to ban all guns lol
>The qualifying factors are politics and class,
Left wing macho street fighters willing to kick arse.
>They said because of racism they'd come out on the street.
It was just a form of fascism for the socialist elite.
>Bigotry and blindness, a marxist con,
Another clever trick to keep us all in line.
>Neat little labels to keep us all apart,
To keep us all divided when the troubles start.
any fellow radcens in the building?
you aren’t white and you get bullied in school underage little chapotraphouse listening fairy
Cus dey terkk er jerbs!
This is 100% correct, fuck the Irish spackers posting here probably from /ptg/ lol
you were talking about splitting up with her last year lol
all women should be arrested
I want to get married while I'm young.
GOOD post
just killed a leftypol
the italian poster is below
Listened to 40 hours of Ryuichi Sakamoto last year lads
any racists in?
Did your mam extend your bedtime so you could post here with the older lads big boy?
simple as, now fuck off and play with your spuds, padraig
war, war never changes
(tbf had a very big down which we came back from very early on, not quite the same)
thats just a typical reframing of the definitions of left wing in order to incorporate anyone who isn’t a corporatism shill
>just killed a leftypol
just killed an interpol
business idea: bring back rasheed-posting
and I want a speedboat
Because there's 15 of them for every brit and that's including "brits".
leftypol fears me
imagine being so obsessed about something that lives in your head rent free that you have to make 26500 posts about it
Human rights and environmental violations
the west is king of those
radcen who's in love with a leftist here
>Pogo on a nazi, spit upon a jew,
Vicious mindless violence that offers nothing new.
>Left wing violence, right wing violence, all seems much the same,
Bully boys out fighting, it's just the same old game.
>Boring fucking politics that'll get us all shot,
>Keep your petty prejudice, I don't see the point
anarcho primitivism is the only ideology I can agree on almost everything.
why are you getting so upset? You admitted to posting on a chapotraphouse discord here coordinating posts, own up to it you little embarrassment lmao
God I long for the death of the United Kingdom. I hate it. Hate the Tories. Hate what you cunts do to my country.
What happened to hatposting
Was that all amer’s doing
Can't tell if Big Narstie is acting
if it was, corbyn would arrest may and throw rorkes in re-education camps
How big of a faggot does this collection of books and magazines make me look
Love are summer
All me, fighting the Rorke menace is a thankless task which I have slaved hard on
grug want every grug to live in forrest
>not real
Are you gaslighting, or just retarded.
daves on the loose again
rorke is a concept that leftypol haven't really got to grips with yet
they just label all right wingers as rorke when that's isn't even remotely close to being true
Get a clue rorke
>zelda encyclopedia
had a dream I was sent down the mines
it's literally a strawman/bogeyman
are you retarded?
on the loose
Don't get it.
bint came in and left the door wide open
>Zelda encyclopedia
stfu rorke
rorke is SEETHING
I have never voted in my life... I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it's certain they will win
The ONLY accepted ideological stances on /brit/:
An wen they closed t' mines, I tell ye' t'was t' end of mi life
Sorry I actually JUST got that and normally keep it somewhere else but the gf got me a switch and I got that to re-up on nostalgia and game concepts
The rest of it however
Couple of good books there lad, the Teller and Lloyd-Wright ones in particular
Would literally kill you with a single spud from the fresh frozen earth
What happens next?
Could literally rattle the brains of any (you) merchant with a quick decisive blow of logic
Friday night? Time to post on the 'chon!
leftypol's finest mind
good post
just shagged the leftypol gf with my girthy 8 incher and converted to her to rorkism
she said that puny leftypol men with tiny willies don't even compare
Strasserism requires an IQ way above any other ideology
the thread we were supposed to recyycle was way better than this one
anyway lads got me beer
4 pints of 1664 wahey
got a dead pixel on my monitor lads
saturdays are when 21 year olds go out kiddo
*pats you on the head*
>having sex with a girl who's been fucked by other men
secret /brit/ discord leak:
Bought a Brydge keyboard for the ol’ iPad
Quite like it desu, makes it feel like one of those midget laptops you could buy a decade ago
saw an mtf tranny near the subway today. looked incredibly depressed and uncomfortable. genuinely felt bad
I wouldn't exactly call them men
the smartest man in america
think Rorke's gonna make his move
Like I said in I just got it and needed to put it somewhere I might just keep the switch on top if it, have been building a collection of nice magazines and books and that was just a one off thing I got
The UK makes a surprising amount of nice periodicals. Riot of perfume and museum to name a few, I think highsnobiety is printed there too and while I’m not a fan of streetwear culture they write some decent stuff
212 (pic rel) is WONDERFUL though and that’s British