Top 5 US states = higher development than any EU country. Minnesota is better to live in then Norway. Hahaha
Europoors = obliterated
HDI is a meme
Use this instead :^)
Louisiana fuck as up
now divide europeans along state lines aswell...
I fucked that up
*fucks us up
Doesn't HDI ignore inequality?
that's mississippi, retard
>Doesn't HDI ignore inequality?
Did you know we have some people here so rich they could buy a country?
Fucked up again, same thing, pretty much.
American states are the size of European countries
ok, sorry for calling you a retard
Michigan is twice the size of England.
Which would explain why the US drops 15 places to being just above Estonia when accounting for inequality.
>Minnesota population: 5.577 million
>Germany population: 82.79 million
What did he mean by this?
>Which would explain why the US drops 15 places to being just above Estonia when accounting for inequality.
>Did you know we have some people here so rich they could buy a country?
Louisiana is in a weird situation, it should be richer than Texas
HDI is and always has been a meme index.
Use OECD Better Life Index.
felt like the thing to do
I'm talking about area, not population
>American education system
What does area have to do with anything anyway.
Most of America is just uninhabited desert or mountains.
What does that have to do with life quality, other than allowing you to be more wasteful before your pollution makes an impact on the environment?
Because the German was talking about the High HDI states as if they're an anomaly in this small area like they would be in European states because they're so small. But in reality, these .950+ states are larger than most Euro countries.
One way I can tell you a little about how different America is than most other countries is talking about some people I know.
I know an electrician (like me) that owns his own private airstrip on his land. I also know a car mechanic that also has enough property to put in a landing strip for his planes.
What other country on earth have you ever heard about a tradesmen being able to own enough land and have enough money to have their own PRIVATE FUCKING AIRPORTS?
They are not rich, just regular dudes that own land and like flying.
but area size has absolutely nothing to do with HDI
It's not like European states are single towns dude, the average german state has the same population as one of your small states.
If you lived rural and worked as a plumber or something good like that then you could easily afford to build a airstrip in Australia or New Zealand.
Tradesmen are much richer than your regular dude.
What exactly is the use of everyone and their grandma having their own airfields? It's just a massive fucking waste of space and subsequently of resources, and the costs associated with many activities Americans indulge in do not reflect their impact on the environment and even the economy (more sprawl = longer transport distances in local transit, longer utility networks, therefore worse service and maintenance).
>accounting for inequality
tfw there is so much money here that despite inequality we're still richer than you.
Because American states are essentially countries of their own like how European countries would be considered states of the European Union if it were to federalize.
>2. Australia: Wealth per Adult: $424,723
>3. United States: Wealth per Adult: $403,974
Unironically because nobody knows how to save money.
What the fuck is wrong with Mississippi?
So you're not rich?
> Fuck as up
Time to go back, my native spanish speaker friend
>there are cunts with lower HDIs than Mississippi
I'll pray for you.
>6 in 10 Americans don't have $500 in savings
nigga all those states with a higher HDI than Germany combined have a lower population than Germany
we can compare the 1% here and in ameirca too, its just a stupid and disingenuous argument when you divide one into seperate entities but dont do so for the other
I'm a college student so no, but there are plenty of people here who make 100k/yr and live paycheck to paycheck
this. OP is a brainlet
>accounting for inequality
Lmfao this amount of cope
But Murica is BIG!
Therefore every other metric is somehow irreverent for comparison with other countries.
I meant "you" as in "you Americans", because the previous argument was that Americans are richer than everyone else.
all down to your society enabling debt spiraled consumerism but this what keeps you at the top as well. peak capitalism but the backlash in a crash could be huge
I hope you enjoy all your tax dollars going to corporate welfare for Bezos so I can buy cheap lube with free shipping.
>Tradesmen are much richer than your regular dude.
No, we are not, I would know.
If you want it, buy it.
It's his private land to waste, if it was land that should not be wasted, there would be regulations.
No need to seed discord and sow animosity. Nordics are good and Minnesota is OK too. Lets all be friends.
How much do you earn?
The average tradesman in Oceania is like in the top 10% of earners by default.
What about living costs though?
Your country has a higher murder rate and higher corruption than mine.
As long as you don't fix that, you live in a shithole, no matter how rich your 1% of population is.
>Illinois dark green
with all due respect, remove chicago and it is same as indiana or ohio. prove me wrong.
>if it was land that should not be wasted, there would be regulations.
Or maybe Americans collectively haven't yet had the necessary insight.
Your country is also the size of a fucking toothpick.
That land was most likely uninhabited less than 100 years ago. The majority of the US is undeveloped but rich.
corruption? doubt that. also why do you think these are key factors, not the economics such as disposable income. also it makes no sense to compare such a huge country as usa to chile. makes more sense to compare individual states. why should i care about mississippi??
*works 80 hours a week*
"It's there" in itself isn't a good enough reason to consume something, in this case land.
Although looking at the average American they apparently think so, even if they've already had three burgers.
Comparing Germany and the US is dumb because the population and area size are so different. A fair comparison would be western Europe compared to the US. Same can be said for the US and China desu, Chinese provinces should be compared to the US. some Chinese provinces have the same population as America.
Why not use the land? It's not like that land has any intrinsic value. All of the beautiful land is already protected.
Shitstralia is Missouri tier
Big if true
Not him but I believe anywhere in the US is cheaper than in the Western Europe especially in the Northern Europe.
I blame the e""""u""""
I've mentioned it before. For one greater transit distances diminish the quality of transit and utilities. Secondly with greater land use and greater transit distances comes greater pollution and environmental impact. The US are far more thinly populated than Germany, and ALREADY you guys manage to have worse polluted rivers and partially even groundwater than we do, in turn having an impact on your life quality if protecting the environment in itself isn't enough of a cause for you.
And I believe differently, for example rent seems a lot higher in the US than here, and if you go for the average American lifestyle you're immediately in the middle of four digit monthly expenses purely on house payments and car payments.
>rent seems a lot higher in the US than here
That depends where in the US and probably where 'here'. The difference within the same country is probably higher than the difference between two random countries and I don't think it makes sense to compare the averages. Like "the average rent in the US" makes no sense. It may vary from 300USD to 3000USD or whatever.
>average American lifestyle
that may be but i don't think it is relevant how you spend your money as long as you have money. Maybe you prefer to save or maybe you prefer to 'live'. Up to you.
Germans would sprawl out too if they had the land
Yeah, most humans are fucking dumb, and if they appear smarter it's by necessity.
>Muh 950 HDI
Okay, so don't like we do it because we're inherently dumber than you.
source on that map please so we can investigate those numbers.
oh this kind of thread is so embarassing
why are you boasting of your country accomplishment
you're probably just some middle class student like most of us
i never understood why people boast about their country
am i supposed to feel bad or offended?
>Minnesota is better to live in then Norway.
based psuedo-colony
>tfw poorer than shittiest US state
But still ahead of island monkeys