
Attached: 5c7678e9ed671f093070d6c08fd3dad00a29d26b82ad92bea6366210e1ef1c42.png (1200x901, 842K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Me on the left


Attached: 20180912_135121.jpg (4032x1960, 3.33M)

its not 'tight' in the calves its literally squeezing the calves, to the extent I can't roll them up to pull my socks up


Attached: 1507965348426.gif (207x218, 48K)

dont care and wont translate

Is he trying to look like a pinhead with that haircut?

Also how did we end up with two Peter Griffin themed /cum/s:

Attached: freakshow pinhead.jpg (500x396, 43K)

Try to find a pair of 513's maybe even 511's desu

541 Athletic is the patrician cut. Everything else is shit.

511's are nice too

Attached: no more brother wars peter.png (672x816, 508K)

Looks like janny fixed that

Attached: 1541851336666.jpg (800x600, 175K)

Thoughts on (not literal) mommy gf?

Attached: misato.jpg (675x966, 75K)

wish i knew this stuff before I bought the pants

Attached: 1495464098860.png (1080x1080, 1017K)


Attached: janny cute.png (1024x1024, 213K)

didn't see the cute barista today
feels bad

I want a literal mommy gf because I want to find a gf who wants a baby inside of her

dead lmao

just return them and buy new ones lad

I dont think I can I bought them on sale awhile ago and didnt wear them until recently

Repressed oedipus complex desu


>order some tea on amazon because I tried a sampler from the store and it was good enough to buy in bulk
>feel kind of faggy ordering fruit tea
>amazon suddenly starts recommending me panty hose and shit

Attached: 1546184487024.jpg (152x224, 21K)

Is it recommending dildos and wigs yet?

Embrace it. Post pic of your legs wearing stockings.

is it pomegranate tea?


newest /cum/ tranny ! Welcome welcome just do gay shit here we clearly don’t mind right buds haha

Oh I'm a good old Yankee
God Bless my Uncle Sam
For sister-fucking rednecks
I do not give a damn
200,000 d*Xoids
Lay rotting in the dust
I guess their whole "secession" meme
Turned out to be a bust

Attached: shermy.jpg (600x600, 62K)

its this stuff

Attached: index.jpg (300x190, 19K)

genuinely would enjoy riding a hard cock


Attached: 1522150542422.jpg (326x351, 20K)


based, FUCK the south

All of the girls who's houses I've visited have this stuff
My FWB has some too
I drink it with her in the morning sometimes

Not very repressed haha

Hola chile

Hahaha based

this shits actually good af

cum on my ass

fuck me with your rod

how do i get a girl to tell me she loves me?

Come home, brother!

Attached: flyover-future.jpg (940x705, 609K)

ask nicely

*blocks your path*
oh you wanna get past? lets see, that means you gon' have to pay the can't dance tax, the ain't season they food tax and the kiss they dogs on the mouth tax. whatchu waiting for, pay up white boy

Attached: Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez-is-sort-of-pretty-but-will-she-impoverish-America-FUCK-YOU-Alexandria-Ocasi (960x720, 110K)

Stop taking your pills and it'll happen

*pays my taxes*

She grew up in one of the richest counties in the country and tries to act like working class



Attached: frog music crying.jpg (343x286, 36K)

Have seen people sharing ice cream with the dog before

Attached: 1483972357640.jpg (1280x960, 875K)

Treat her like shit

Attached: nigger yelling.png (500x500, 357K)


Wouldn't it be really gross if she made you drink something out of those shoes haha i bet it would be really sweaty and gross!

really need to get on that, probably have some rebates waiting for me, been like 2 years heh


Attached: frog music.jpg (240x210, 8K)

why are chilean girls so WHORISH

Attached: IMG_1964.png (640x1136, 747K)

been listening to patrice oneal lately

>Wouldn't it be really gross

people smile a lot more outside of Seattle...
weirds me out

I identify with this normie meme

Attached: 454545.png (501x498, 183K)

Attached: 1545760178838.jpg (600x566, 29K)

>normie meme
That's a boomer meme, not a normie meme

Attached: mike rowe slave pledge.png (2048x1724, 2.8M)

Thoughts on these youtubers?

The "Porky's Slave" mentality

one of those is kinda based

Attached: mike rowe.png (588x588, 448K)

Mike Rowe: Upper class LARPing as working class in order to make the working class into better slaves
AOC: Upper middle class who wants to improve the working class's position (Trump voters are all retarded and your opinion on her is invalid)

kek saved

zoomer cringe

Hate capitalism

Reminder that the rich are already engaging in class warfare and not supporting their wholesale slaughter makes you a cuck

Attached: xrr229e7y1421.jpg (713x640, 36K)


Attached: compass synthesis.jpg (400x502, 47K)


>cat keeps staring at me
what does it want?

Attached: 1535203479785.png (410x409, 192K)

>attempting to localize it to one state and one ethno-religious group
Blame all rich everywhere

No more orgasms. You are not allowed to cum. Clear? No diddling.

Attached: eac979b2fd6a812b4bdac1d7ef41894d.jpg (425x640, 20K)

latinas>everything else
based on porn that is

Hate capitalism
Hate the rich

Attached: xfezNRb.jpg (680x4048, 735K)

wish i had an mmo to be addicted to

There was objectively nothing wrong with the killing of the rich in the Russian Revolution

dont care about politics

Fuck off

someone invited me to Canada but I said no because I don't like canada

nah, think ill stay and tell you that i dont care


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old school runescape niBBa


Wait... why isn't the woman charged with rape too? If he's intoxicated he can't consent either

it cant get more reddit than this can it?

here's a good video for incels like you two


Is 'Josie' a normal dude name in europe?

Attached: 1485660100094.jpg (125x97, 2K)

Patriarchy unironically

There's never consent if alcohol is involved

cringe pic

>C-calling me an incel for posting incel propaganda makes you an incel!
Go get laid virgin


today i got trapped in moms car

politics posters are the worst this general has to offer.