Capitalism was a mistake

Even Americans admit it now.

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>20% reject both capitalism and socialism
It's almost as if the average american has no fucking idea about what they are talking about.

zoomers and boomers both join together to beat the shit out of millennials every day


absolutely based
undeniably redpilled

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capitalism wasn't cool since 1979

A majority of young Austrians voted for a fascist party. Does that mean it is ok to be fascist now?

They receive an average of 63% from men under 30 years old.

Call me when Austria has a viable communist party.

I don't think you understand my point. A bunch of young people voting for something does not make it right. Communism is a disease. Socialism is a disease.

Social Democracy is the way forward for mankind.

That's because they're ignorant and don't even know what it is. They've been told by the celebrities of the age that capitalism isn't cool so they just nod their heads and believe it, then go out and buy their made in China Che Guevara t-shirt to show everyone how cool and counter-culture they are.

t. seething porky

I want to anally fuck her so bad.

>It's almost as if the average american has no fucking idea about what they are talking about

>Social Democracy is the way forward for mankind.
I used to think so, but it seems like capitalism will just undermine it.

t. dumb Commie


>Because social democracy requires effort lets instead go for a system that has never produced anything but mass slaughter
How can you be so stupid?

Capitalism is OK. All problems of the USA are a result of communism.

I see 35% from voters under 30 though?

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Look at the stock market bro. It's see sawing back and forth like a drunk sailor. Another collapse and global recession is coming.

I meant to qualify it with men. I did so in the second part but forgot on the first sentence. Apologies.

Nobody has any problem with the general idea of market economics or democracy, and nobody's trying to erect a new socialist state. People are merely realizing that capitalism, i.e. the rule of capital and the political manipulation by those with the most money, really is the problem.

better than being a lefty soyboy, for sure

>and nobody's trying to erect a new socialist state
If only that were actually true.

>A poll shows

>You are either a soyboy or a fascist
>There is no in between
Makes me think.

>Austrians are once again trying to set a chain of events into motion that will end with the whole world being on fire
The eternal Habsburgs can never rest

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>capitalism, i.e. the rule of capital and the political manipulation by those with the most money
I just rolled my eyes so hard they almost went into the back of my skull.

That's literally what capitalism means. Political rule of the capital. It's not my fault everyone's misusing the term for trade and market economy.

*starts territorial conflict in western Europe for the first time since 1945*

Huh, nothing personal stability of mankind.

Because social democracy failed before my lifetime and now capitalism is going to unironically destroy the environment.

No, that is what it means to Marxists. Capitalism means a system built on a market system of distribution with private production of goods. The rule of capitalists is called a plutocracy.

Social Democracy did not fail. Americans tore it down purposefully.

donkey teeth matches well with horse face

How will America's future look once the boomers finally die out, lads? The zoomers on Jow Forums think they'll somehow become even more right wing, but they don't have the numbers for that. I think the country will become more and more leftist.

>i suck at basketball
>therefore basketball is an awful game!
>basketball is unfair! 1% of the tall people are better at basketball than 99% of the midgets

who cares? these complainers, how many howitzers per kilometer of front do they have? how many mach 3 (supersonic) aircraft? none?
they have no power and complaining isnt a skill, these college girls of both sexes need to get a marketable skill instead, or military power if they dont feel like trading

im sick and tired of hearing the moans of these worthless, skill-less complainers, 'muh capitalism sucks boo hoo' bitch i dont care that you personally suck at it, it has nothing to do with me

You have no idea what you're talking about. Just stop posting before you embarrass yourself any further.


>ideology whose sole purpose is to tame capitalism
>gets undermined and defeated by capitalism

You will swing to the neoliberal left (people like Beto O'Rourke) for a generation then back to the right once you have your inevitable backlash. America is a joke when it comes to politics.

Ideology does not tame capitalism. People tame capitalism. This is the problem with your Marxist preconceptions, you don't make things happen without trying to. If you wait for the force of history to do it for you then you will be waiting until the Earth dies.

People have been taming capitalism since it was first invented. originally it was the monarchist reactionary politicians like Bismarck who decided that they would tame capitalism through social programs. When Socialists of the time saw how effective this was they created a new ideology to promote this taming of capitalism rather than replacement: Social Democracy.

I don't know about that. The US is well on its way to becoming majority-minority. This could seriously change things up. People are just gonna continue to get more extreme, unfortunately.

>Oy very they know!

>How will America's future look once the boomers finally die out, lads? The zoomers on Jow Forums think
Please take your past-their-sell-date Jow Forums memes back there.

both can match with this donkey dick tbqh lad

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Identitarian politics promote liberal economics because it is about the atomisation of people. No longer do you have Americans looking out for American interests, instead you have smaller, more easy to manage groups to look out for, like black Americans or trans Americans. There is a reason all your major corporations are on the side of it. You won't see any real social democratic programs in the US from more diversity. If anything you will become more liberal economically with time. All your leftists who think their identitarianism will lead them to Socialism are completely mistaken.

whatever we have and moving toward now sucks and we need to uproot it

I wonder where this thing was sampled from? Probably some transgender studies class at Harvard.

milk silos

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leche truck jus arive

>just ignore all the problems bro (the 99%)


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i refuse to believe you guys find her atractive unironically
painfully average imho

Welcome to the current year.

young people are always left wing, it's basically a part of growing up

the reason why people point out the generation zyklon thing is because more young people are right wing than ever before.

with america potentially being majority minority, i don't think this will really change things as much as people think. identity politics is constantly shifting, especially when it's expressed in such arbitrary terms as it is in the US. not long ago gay men were almost exclusively part of the left, and yet social trends and fractures in the LGBT community have pushed tons to the libertarian right. with latinos, you have a population that is conservative, catholic, more or less european in culture (with some aztec LARPing thrown in) and have a pretty high rates of mixing with whites. who knows how they might identify politically in a few decades

its just that the losers who do the complaining think they are smart because they are complaining
you let these bitter losers plan alternative to capitalism, and they come up with centrally planned starvation

No shit she's a politician, not a model.


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the retards at pol think she's some kind of sex symbol

the market system has nothing to do with it, capitalism is just private property of the means of production, and not "to marxists" but to everybody, that's the literal definition.

You can't have a non-market system of capitalism. A market is necessary to it.

no it isn't, you can have a planned capitalist economy, if the ownership of the means of production is private and these private owners can keep the profit generated by the workers then it's still capitalism.
just like you can have free market in socialism, as long as the ownership of the means of production is collective, it's socialism.

to dumb commies, capitalism is when something is unfair

communism and leftism, when you decode all the empty fancy speak, is just losers and dropouts wishing they were equal to the winners, and complaining everything is unfair when life demonstrates to them that they arent equal

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>the retarded serb that claims everyone is self employed
do not engage with this mongoloid.

>forgets that the Serbian Nationalists were hell bent on achieving their means by any means necessary including the murder of an innocent man and woman and that they had even infiltrated the Serbian Army
>conveniently ignores the UK and France could have easily ignored what went on in Central and Eastern Europe BOTH before WW1 AND WW2
>ignoring the fact that American interference in European affairs in two wars also saw the destruction of Europe exponentially increase

It's very easy to blame Germans and Austria-Hungary for everything, when you never studied history outside of your grade school classroom.

Why do neoliberals post stupid shit like this?
We don't want full blown communism, we just want good-paying, stable jobs.
This fucking country thinks anything but laissez-faire economics is fucking socialism.

then go to college and get one dumbass


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It was always ok to be a Fascist :) The people on the far left seem to always forget (or are in constant ignorance) of the fact that capitalism in its current Anglo-American form is as much an enemy to European patriots/far right as it is to the far left. It wasn't Communists or Socialists who invited the millions of non-whites in to France, the UK and West Germany in post war Europe. In fact it was economists and "profit at all costs" capitalists, who all went for the quick term solution while ignoring the long term nightmare.

how do you go to college as a working class man?

Perfectly said anonchan. Even though I am as far right as you can get, democracy should be the end goal of society. And of course well managed market economics is the most ideal form of economic prosperity.

Hungary had a fascist government in WWII and was a minor Axis power. Horthy and the Hungarians are equally as responsible for the actions of Germany as are the Austrians.

>it's another austria starts to burn europe episode

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retards think they are entitled to good paying jobs because they went 6 digits into debt pursuing mongolian throat singing phd

loans? stipends? savings? part time jobs? full time jobs?
working class has obesity problem, not starvation problem

>20% is average
Petrol sniffing abbo detected.

So? tons of people in the hispanic caribbean have sephardic ancestors.

first off: should have done well in high school and then it would have been free anyways, otherwise just do community college for 2 years and then transfer to a 4 year university for 2 years, applying for as many scholarships as possible and taking out loans for the rest, try to do an internship or two during school or the summers, then graduate, get a job, and then pay that off. Or go to grad school if you want. Either way if you pick any useful degree the debt should be paid off in 1-3 years and then you can live mostly debt free after that if you manage your money well.

>you let these bitter losers plan alternative to capitalism, and they come up with centrally planned starvation
Reality check: it wasn't usually working people who ran communist countries.

>what is mercantilism, autarky, primitivism etc.
kill yourself you fat tard

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>retards think they are entitled to good paying jobs because they went 6 digits into debt pursuing mongolian throat singing phd
>He believes the memes about obscure degrees

>what is primitivism
absolutely retarded system without even a viable defense sector
>mercantilism, autarky
meaningless buzzwords because if you have nothing to trade or be completely self reliant with, none of your shit matters anyway, cant trade what you dont have

>first off: should have done well in high school and then it would have been free anyways
and your living expenses? they're free as well?
how can you both study in university and work at the same time? don't give me anecdotal evidence about these 2 friends you have that actually pulled that off, find proper research about this and tell me what's the success rate of someone who has to actually work to survive and studies in college.
>applying for as many scholarships as possible and taking out loans for the rest
so the answer to be able to study as a working class man is to work as you study to survive and also get in debt for it, without knowing if you're going to actually be able to finish your studies and get a job to pay the loan off, superb.

Fucking Hapsburgers

getting a good paying job is a simple matter, there's supply and demand

back in the day you could have a high paying job being horse shoe blacksmith, today you gotta be a car mechanic instead because there is more demand for that now, while it requires more effort it also lets you move stuff around much faster than you could on a horse

there's nothing 'unfair' about supply and demand, there isnt a moral or emotional dimension to this, you just get yourself the skills that are in high demand and that is literally it

>If there is trade there can't be self-reliance
amazed at the balls of slavshit intellects
this take is honestly even braver than "taxes is socialism"

you are not very much concerned with "survival" when you have enough free time to shitpost on Jow Forums, this story about every second counting for your survival while you are shitposting here doesnt make any sense

living expenses can be cut too, you can always beg for stale food at a bakery, eat throw away bread (perfectly fine) and drink water instead of vodka and caviar, welfare money anywhere in the west is at least 50 times bigger than any living expenses

welfare states dont have a survival problems, your story is out of touch

What long-term nightmare?

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>people dislike capitalism in a post-industrial society/economy

Chinese overseas biz man here. Chinese ascendancy is unironically beneficial for right wing whites. American and Western European contemporary society is a horrific amalgamation of self loathing leftists and blacks, muslims and jews ripping it to pieces. My country has it's problems with past European imperialism, but I have always (and all non-retarded East Asians as well) admired and enjoyed and respected European history and its accomplishments in various fields. It's tragic to see it's current state. And America and Canada being offshoots is the same. Yet America has been a cancer for so long.

I'll admit the PRC has its own severe problems, as well as Japan and ROK as well. But you can't deny that Europe should have ended up like us, demographically speaking and of course in terms of societal unity.

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You are now aware that the pan European federalism movement is led by an heir to the habsburg throne

cause you know, you can trust polls and news you stupid shit. I am so fucking tired of all these lefty shill threads but you make on middle of the road comment you disagree with you rage say go back to Jow Forums

I don't blame them. Capitalism has even made government's subservient to capital. Whoever has the most gets the most with scrapes for the proles to keep them from revolt.

The current paradigm is gay

omg capitalism is so horrible i gotta scavange for worms to survive, every calorie matters, i will starve because of capitalism
t. professional welfare diabetes class
>cant go to uni cos im starving on the internet dood lmao

tale as old as time. the least of the wealthiest age bracket wants what the wealthiest age bracket have. don't be surprised when millennials start inheriting or accumulating wealth they'll love capitalism.

It's so intriguing to me that university students in America claim to be poor (and even glorify it) yet they all drive the newest cars, wear the most expensive brand-name shoes, and have pounds of weed in their room.

in capitalism, being poor (tm) is a lifestyle
in good ol' yugoslavia/soviet union, being poor is a 12 hour shift in the coal mines on 2 slices of bread and 1 cup of water a day

>21st century
thanks for proving my point

extremely ignorant post.

Stop please.