HOLY SHIT 00000000000000000021e800c1e8df51b22c1588e5a624bea17e9faa34b2dc4a

HOLY SHIT 00000000000000000021e800c1e8df51b22c1588e5a624bea17e9faa34b2dc4a

Attached: DgL-EtoXkAEF1GQ.jpg large.jpg (500x701, 94K)

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I dont get it, explain to a brainlet

Attached: 1449724153239.png (314x278, 129K)

eighteen zeros consecutively is extremely improbable.


Black Swan

Attached: chnF2k5l_400x400.jpg (400x400, 30K)

Brainlet, it's not the 18 0s, thats the difficulty adjustment, it's the 21e8 which is some string memetheory number.


There’s literally nothing it get. Brainlets have worked themselves into a frenzy over a random number no different to every other block

that the world exists in the state that it does is extremely improbably

shuffle and drop a deck of cards and it's extremely improbable that the cards will land in that order

not sure why this hash is made to be a big deal when there are way more incredible things happening all around us every day

Attached: simpsons lisa37.jpg (217x349, 15K)

Successfully routing a payment in the Lightning Network is also very improbable.


Attached: lightning network4.jpg (1365x1842, 160K)

People who think this is "just random numbers" really dont understand much about bitcoin.

In retard terms something that was mathematically improbable happened.

So....what do we do?

Hope that the time traveling AI known as Satoshi is benevolent.

>bcash reddit circle jerk
LN has more traffic than bch.

wow creating random hash numbers for years almost nonstop resulted in a combination of numbers that also means something else in a compelely different area , its almost like creating random number generators sometimes generate the numbers u are thinking of lmao, wow it generated 420x69 must mean something

Unironically this.

I heard the probability was that this would happen in 300 years on average, so its perfectly plausible to happen in 10 years. ive staked shit that mathematically should take 12 days in like an hour and also things that should take 1 day that took 12 days, this shit just happens

>corecucks at it again

Block size was 15,000 btc yes?

lol no

Attached: funny35.jpg (300x300, 27K)

leading 0s is in every block brainlet. thats how difficulty is adjusted.

Any brainlets who are lost read this:

It could have been random, but the probability of it is so very low that people are speculating that a high power quantum computer exists or time travel is a thing

its a meme but honestly pretty convinced the satoshi came from a dystopian society where government tyranny was an all time high(and no, guns did jack shit against this) and crypto didn't exist in the masses. time traveled to invent bitcoin so that future tyranny would be impossible as crypto is practically unstoppable as a concept.

Blocks 26284, 83434, 187323, 259695, 304822, 349158, 437039, 475118 all start with 21e8.

That's precisely the number you'd expect. One per year.

This is nothing improbable.

literally the stupidest thing i've read all month

what is this shit meme

Shows over boys. Your magic number has been showing up once a year. Nice try FUDers. Quantum computers aint here yet.

what are you talking about? Every time you shuffle a deck of cards, chances are its the first time the cards have ever been in that order.

This, there is most likely a technical reason behind it retards

This. The chance of this happening is exactly the same as any other random number appearing for the block. Very improbable. Doesn't mean it's anything special.