I would have liked the Japanese if they behaved and talked like us white people

I think the Japanese are pretty cool.
Their language sounds good.
They have gooe food.
Their streets are clean.
Their cities are bustling with activity.
One thing about them ruins evrything for me though.
It's what I would call their "mannerisms".
What I mean by "mannerisms" is their bowing and the way they talk with neeee ohhhhhhh all the time.
It can drive me crazy.
If they didn't bow all the time and talked like us Europeans/Whites/Westerners I would have liked them much more.

Attached: Bowing-2.jpg (755x912, 72K)

You will learn to ignore them or let them know that what they are doing is totally unnecessary.

But ignoring that will be considered rude.
That is the problem, thag the bowing and the aizuchi and all that are all considered mandatory politeness.

>We are white

Do you love Japan?

Like I said I think Japan is pretty good but I don't like Aizuchi and the bowing.

Attached: aizuchi.jpg (400x400, 192K)

You need balls to stand up against their autism. Two days ago I went out with my wife and one of her friends. When we came back to the house her friend said "thank you very much" (in japanese) and I asked why. Why was she saying thank you? She didn't know how to answer and after several seconds of unconformable (for her) silence she said "for... coming...?".
In a nutshell they are used to a bunch of useless mannerisms and they don't even know what they mean.

Fuck off daibido-kun

Thanks god I wasn't born in the US.

Quit "teaching" English and get a real job.

go out of my country rude gaijin
asking it is already not polite

I'm a tourist, I still have some self respect, I'd never teach english.
Go fuck yourself you disgusting war criminal supporter.

Yea same

>people of other culture behave differently reee

I'm not talking about war criminal
got it?

I'm here and you can't do nothing about it. I also walk around the house with shoes.

Attached: 1546431059358.jpg (600x600, 128K)

I just wish the Japanese didn't bow and didn't speak like they do.
In short I wish they behaved and spoke like us Europeans (I consider Israel Europaean in this regard).
We Europeans we do not bow and we speak directly.

There's only one autist in this post

Youve gone too far.
Even I who don't like bowing and aizuxhi know that it is a blasphemy to walk with shoes inside the house in Japan and I respect that.

Are Japs the least sincere people in the world? Extremely vapid and two-faced. I like the language and history, but I don't think I could ever live there because their nature would drive me mad. Even their supposed politeness is forced and nonexistent in many situations, it doesn't come from their character, as a natural action, it comes from tenuous social expectation.

>I also walk around the house with shoes.

It's not all that bad once you get to know them (or get them drunk). Can take time for them to start acting naturally though. And everyone acting polite in public is fine because they're not people you interact with on a regular basis anyway. It's literally that pic related in action, but not in a bad way.

Attached: 1540072577287.jpg (636x773, 32K)

Jesus Christ that’s autistic.

>he isn’t using all the Japanese he’s learned from anime to get through day-to-day interactions as a tourist

I managed to ask where the bathroom was in Japanese yesterday and I was very proud of myself.

Attached: 543DD3DA-9230-4865-8766-94FAE821700F.gif (600x600, 119K)

>OP's flag
>dislikes a nation
i will bite for the purpose of bait.

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