What's the solution to depopulation in Eastern Europe?
What's the solution to depopulation in Eastern Europe?
Muslim immigration
Nigger an other assorted shitskins.
1 gazillion moslims has been transferred to your account
>We must save the white race from extinction
>Without immigration the white race is literally driving itself extinct
>We need more white people to have children
>Said the incel with no dating experience who will die alone
just let the stupid squareheaded traditionalist macho homophobes die
Under communism, the population of this region steadily increased. Maybe it's time to bring that back?
Who cares? Just let us die
>Implying they want eastern europe
Im just curious. Take your memes somewhere
It’s more so the urbanization, back then people were second generation from the village so they did what was considered culturally appropriate and had lots of children. Also loads of people emigrate now
there was an event where some “refugees” rented a bus and escaped to Germany
Give us money
You will just use that money to buy vodka
Which will lead to coitus and pregnancy
End free movement of people/workers.
Well for now we just steal people from Ukraine
Seems like all of Russia will move to Moscow soon
It's simply urbanization. For a long time Finland has had the policy that fights centralization of populations into one place but it really doesn't work due to there simply never being incentives or services to live in remote places and the upkeep of services in smaller urban centers is way too costly
Would like to point out that Germany's in the red too.
And how's Bosnia blue?
When do we send every last """refugee""" to the gas chamber?
East Germany
What a bunch of ungrateful cunts
You could start by trying to raise wages in poor countries or by lowering (or increasing taxes) wages in the west...
Central too, outside of Bayern, Hesse, Baden Cologne, Hamburg etc the whole country is depopulated and all those places are full because of jobs for Eastern Europeans and gibs for nogs.
Hungary ain't getting depopulated either. People just move to the capital because of better salaries.
I have relatives in Austria and Sweden they moved away in the 90s asked for political asylum. None of them owns their house, all of them don't have as much cash as I do. You can be a retard in every country and what they did in the past decade was to live on gibs doing a minimum wage job for 6 months then get fired and do another state founded course so they can apply for gibs again. Rinse and repeat. And these aren't gyppos at all, they are just juvenile in thinking and lazy. They tell everyone there what kind of victims they were here during communism, but when here they tell me how rich they are even though I know for sure they aren't.
To the south
My relatives in mexico on their own houses and such. While the ones that moved to the US are rentcucks. Sometimes i think the first world is overrated
I never claimed you cant have comfy life in red states (from my picture about wages), but when you encounter difficulties in your life (for example lack of job opportunities), only idiot would stay in romania when he can make 5 times more in france.
Mexico has 30% the GDP of Germany, that's 10 times what Romania makes now. It's hardly a shithole. Last time I checked it had skyscrapers too unlike this shithole does.
Yeah it sucks. Only shitty jobs nowadays in cali. Back when family moved here there were many good paying jobs and everything was cheap. I was born too late
Half of your salary goes on taxes the other half on rent and food in both Germany and France. All that I've been offered were minimum wage jobs such as taxi driver, electrical installer, security guard, nothing that was related to my degrees or experience. Also if I was a geek no one would pay me a full salary of a software developer, Germans outsource it.
Germany's population has a turnover measured in millions. Millions come, millions go. The only Romanians that have a good living there are the ones that scam you here promising good wages there then employ you as slave labour there until you get pissed, leave then you get replaced too pretty fast no fucks given. But don't think Krauts themselves don't do the exact same fucking thing.
>Half of your salary goes on taxes the other half on rent and food in both Germany and France.
This is awfu way to live. Thats why firsties are so depressed
Oh, we have skyscrapers too, that says a lot
Based and Kalergi pilled
Don't kid yourself, living in a first world country has so much other benefits than just "higher wages". Everything in 1st world country is better, from healthcare, education, services to better infrastructure. Romania might be cheap to live, but it also has shit roads, shitty healthcare, shitty education, and is overall a much bigger mess than Germany for example.
>Hungary ain't getting depopulated either. People just move to the capital because of better salaries.
That's terrible tho, centralization is bad.
Technically there's also a glass ceiling. No matter how good you speak the local language and how well you integrate you are always considered immigrant shit behind your back, they always scheme like kindergarten retards against you. Both local-born French and Germans are heavy into tax evasion then they just look down upon anyone and consider you a slave you either brake your back for them for less money or they pretend you don't even exist.
Most Romanian medics leave both France and Germany for Denmark, Sweden, England for equal pay with the locals.
Well we don't however we have houses for 500k eur because it's a scam and everyone's selling just to move away.
I have dual citizenship and been to the USA even before Romania was member of the EU. Something else?
Literally rent is 450eur+ everywhere without heating, electricity, food still not included into your monthly expenses but salary is barely 500eur outside of Budapest.
The trick is to get a western salary but live here. You can then easily bypass all the bad things.
Learning Haskell is the way to exactly this way of life.
Ask corrupted af goverments. Noone wants their kids to live in poverty.
>He believes France isn't corrupted as fuck.
Dont tell bro. You cant even imagine the scale of shit happening here.
>1stworlder think he knows what the corruption is
>tfw second deepest red
I don't mind, Europe is too fucking full.
you are talking out of your ass
why the heck do i need MORE people?
tractors and combines are doing all of the farming, factory mechanization is making all of my shit, one unmanned jet drone is doing more security than a division of infantry, etc etc
what do i need more people for? to consume? to take stuff away from me? more people = more trouble today, people arent very useful, you just need little bit of people and then they can live better than the emperors of few centuries ago
back to dvach with you, zoomer
Immigration connected with functional economy and high level of investments. If local population dies out, but country has good economy and high class infrastructure, dead locals will be always easily replaced by people from somewhere else. If the country is a total shithole without any geopolitical significance, it could just turn into half-deserted wasteland.
Thankfully Poland is placed in one of the most strategic points in Eurasia, on the intersection of major trade routes, and our geography is extremely important for major empires, so even if all Poles die out here, our country will be always full of life and human interactions, only of different origin
all whites in turkey die while the shitskins and mongrels breed like animals
Hope youre happy with coins Judas
3/4 of them will soon leave for Germany, lol.
People here dream about nothing else, because our salaries stop growing since the invasion. Unfortunately, it looks like German economy has its limits too, and eventually nothing really changes.
which is a good thing since we don't really like asiatic hohol hordes
>which is a good thing since we don't really like asiatic hohol hordes
Ukrainians being 10% of cities population in Western Poland are actually nothing dangerous. But the same situation in Eastern parts of Poland already creates serious political implications that could be potentially dangerous for our territorial integrity.
statistics sell well, why? because propaganda sells well.
Lol, s*rmatians crap from fear of real Children of the Steppe.
But no one comes
it's almost like a guy with a funny moustache solved this 90 years ago
>But no one comes
That's a myth actually. At least in case of Poland.
your children are spreading their STDs en mass migrating to the ME and western yurope to suck jewish/black/arap cock for low shekels..shameless hohol
it's one of the reasons why they want you kind off the holy land and back in your peasant ridden shithole.
>growth in bosnia
we're already flooded with lazy hercegshits that only speak sth*kavian
it's over
Idiot, they go there to kill you in 20 years, as it was in 1943, pshek.
in 20 years you'll be chechnya 2.0 hohol rat scumbag. and personally I cant wait
does it mean I should invest in eastern poland?
Do you want more slavs?
Paid vacancy in Brazil.
i don't know shit user, our birth rate is one of the lowest in europe, why is the population in Spain growing?
The entire world needs to be depopulating. Eastern Europe is just ahead of everyone else.