Wow Canada, you just gonna take that?

Fucking do something.

Attached: canuck.jpg (881x868, 141K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They have an unlimited supply of Chinese citizens they could arrest

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this, they should arrest chinese citizens and execute every 10th one until china starts to comply

I'm sorry but we already tried apologizing and it didn't work.

Attached: JUSTin.jpg (1180x664, 312K)

We trying but we are just a little big boy going up against a real big boy and no one wants to help us

now you will expericence first hand what it means having diaspora chinese in your country, like all sea countries.

They've been arresting Canadians at the same rate even before her arrest. Stop freaking out and do some research you fucks

she's a tourist though.

the funny thing is trudeau isn't even responsible for this. its automatic if there's a violation that's produced and a hearing panel finds sufficient evidence.

in the end it will only fuck over china since nobody will travel there on business, like ever again.

t. lawyer

no. it totally won't hurt china.


>no one wants to help us

Wasn't the arrest done at the US's behest? Fucking LMAO canada BTFO.

what are you talking about? firms from Canada are already planning there move out since the trade war started, but this just confirms it. china is about to get fucked on FDIs since they are moving on to TPP countries.

t. i work in this sector. chinese trade will basically not happen now.

nigga canada has shitty extradition laws, very few get stopped if there's a treaty in place. we've extradited canadians to face fucked up US weed laws, many many times.

we only ever say no if there's a possibility of them getting executed.

>chinese trade will basically not happen now.

lol, what

its going to decrease, significantly. the trade deal we made-up to scare the americans to not fuck up NAFTA will actually 100% not happen now.

we are basically joining the pacific rim alliance since EU nazis keep stalling our trade deal.

Pic related, orange is going to be the New Great Alliance because Trump is retarded and China is building some weird Eurasian trade zone.

Attached: cptpp-mts-world-economy-2018-sq1.png (1280x640, 226K)

Its okay dude. If you let them imprison your people, you win.

Australia's going to be a Hyper Power by 2030 while Cancuckadia stays the US's bitch and has to implement soy in all their products to appease their shitty farmers.


where else will these countries get the volume of chinese manufacture trade at chinese prices?
honestly curious about this


lmao sure, Indian trade is a fraction of Chinese.
also their manufacture production is a fraction of Chinese.

PRC is a key commercial partner for basically every relevant country in the World and with the level of control the govt has on the economy they keep being that for the time being.
PRC is irreplaceable at the moment.

Lmao ur retarded

Maybe chinks will stop buying our real estate and I'll finally be able to afford a house .

Are you trying to get a drone strike?

why would they stop?
if anything they will buy more real estate so they can bully you more effectively.

the US will eventually join TPP.

There is even an idea that the UK could join it after leaving the EU. No member of the TPP has expressed hostility to that idea.

food for thought: almost every post in this thread has reddit spacing

>There is even an idea that the UK could join it after leaving the EU. No member of the TPP has expressed hostility to that idea.

This is an other episode of 'we will replace the EU, it's really easy lads'

? is there any planned substance to this post?

And now the brit is butthurt.

I got the full show lads

Can I just say that China's petty "what are you going to do about that" politics is really fun to experience from outside

this, it's going to be a wild ride.

Every Canadian expat I've ever known has been fucking nuts. Self-imposed exile because they can't fit in around here. Good riddance, fuck 'em. Hope Trudeau sticks to his guns.

The real nuts are the Chinese. They'll do everything to put Canada to its knees.
If they have to execute 100 Canadians they'll do it.
People seems to miss the most important aspect of this story : the Chinese woman that was arrested in canada is family to some very important member of the party. She's not another Chinese NPC.
They will not give up.

If this is true, your extradition treaty is incredibly poorly written.
Carles Puigdemont was never arrested in Belgium because the crime Spain accused him doesn't exist there,

Nice, now, remove chinksect out from Canada so I can finally visit my bf in peace at Ontario.

Imagine having the USA as your only neighbor, and anything they fuck up immediately affects you as well.

it was a good ride up until the last decade or two.

Meng Wanzhou was charged with fraud, pretty sure that exists in Canada too

You cannot arrest someone every time the Americans ask for it...
You know they love political arrests. We saw it with Snowden, Assange, Kim Dotcom etc...

Have you tried sending them a gift card :( ?

china wouldn't ever comply though

Funny how if an American company or Canadian company violates sanctions, it gets fined.
When a Chinese company does, a family member of the CEO gets held hostage as a bargaining chip in trade negotations.

When Germany arrested Carles Puigdemont and proposed to extradite him, it was at the condition that he was given immunity to everything except misuse of public funds, as it was a crime in both countries.
The only defendable position Canada could hold to extradite her is that she receives immunity for everything related to iranian sanctions, and that would probably include those frauds.

Canada is an American client state. They can tell us to do whatever they want. They've even got military units in Upstate New York ready to march on Ottawa if we get too uppity. Canadian sovereignty is a matter of convenience, but won't last long if we make it inconvenient.

Canada has sanctions on Iran too.

>the US will eventually join TPP
Probably not. The US is done joining trade blocs. We did it in the past to build up coalitions against the Soviets during the Cold War, but nowadays we carry out so little extracontinental trade that there isn't a reason to not just pursue bilateral deals instead.

Fuckin pussy leaves

Correct. However Meng Hangzhou did not violate these Canadian sanction laws nor is she being charged/extradited because of them.

Good job being an idiot and trying to obfuscate the point. The USA is charging her on “fraud” because they know Canada won’t extradite over Iran sanctions that Canada ended in 2015.

I'd find it really funny if the canadians they arrested are just chinks.

That doesn't make sense.
As far as I konw, only trump dumped that.

She's being charged for engaging in bank fraud in the US in 2011, which the Canadians take even more seriously than we do.

>Canada is an American client state.
To be perfectly fair :
- Which countries are not US client states nowadays - and among those, which are not some other superpower's client states
- it worked out well for you guys. If you can't beat them, befriend them ya know


I know Europeans like to sit around and jerk themselves off about how oppressed they are by the US or whatever, but Canada and Mexico are legit client states. Completely different situation.

Except only a braindead retard thinks that’s the reason she is being charged.

Half the US (and World) banking community has committed fraud. 2006-2009 for example. How many get kidnapped off a plane in Vancouver, blindfolded and stuffed in a car, and extradited in a political show-theater trial to a third country?

We have no friends :(

Attached: 6AABBD04-545C-4723-81A6-52B8DEC624B2.jpg (655x430, 38K)

Not complaining, just stating the facts. It certainly has its advantages, and I like living in an America-lite without so many niggers :^)

Yes, the statute of limitations on bank fraud is 10 years, meaning she can be charged until 2021. Maybe read your own link next time.

yeah no

True, but that's understandable given their close geographical location to you (a shame for Mexico though, you're shitting on them on the daily), however I'd find it hard to deny that more than a few EU country also are US client-states, like the Nordic or the British Isles.

9/11 banter is peak banter.

I think this kind of thing is great. Really does a number on all the Kumbaya retards who think we can just be friends with everyone, while Saudi Arabia is threatening us with a terrorist attack. With all the goings on I've notices a pretty significant shift in the Canadian collective political consciousness.

We have already implemented it. The largest foreign investor in Vietnam is South Korea, and most of Samsung's smart phones are made in factories in Vietnam. And Samsung has recently built the world's largest smartphone factory in India. I wonder what happens if the factories of global companies in China are all moving to Vietnam and India.

Good on you for abandoning to the CommieJew.

Attached: 1530541180425.gif (460x358, 3.16M)

you think that changes anything for China?
China grew so much during the last 30 years that it has ammassed enough capital and asets to convert its economy from sheer manufacture to a more advanced economy setting, with a focus on services and technologically advanced industry.
right now they keep the World by the balls with their massive trade and being a magnet for FDI, which they support by artificially setting their prices.
but the moment they decide to liberalize their domestic market they will experience an economic boom that will be fed by their own demand, they don't need any foreign partners as much as the foreign partners need them.

they will never be the ones being dealt a short hand, they can do this transition pretty easily and still come out as the first economy in the World. Samsung can fuck off to Vietnam but there will be Chinese companies ready to take its place and take advantage of the technical know how and industry standards they introduced in the past.
China is pretty much ripe for this transition, and Chinese companies will be the first ones invading foreign, poorer economies to do with them what advanced economies did with China during the last 30 years.

South Korean conglomerates even have plans to move factories to the North Korea's Kaesong Industrial Complex in the long term. Maybe within the next 3-5 years you will be buying "Made in DPRK" Samsung Galaxy and LG 5K TV.

China will perish due to labor costs. Chinese companies have no brand value and are full of debt. They sell hardware, but their products are cheap, so there is no profit. And they must pay royalties for patent infringement. At present, the wage level of North Korean workers is 1/5 or 1/6 of that of China. Ironically, Chinese companies may be ruined by North Korean labors.

you're talking about one company I don't see how that applies to the other points I made.

You can find news on the invaluable Chinese companies that are currently failing due to mismanagement and bankruptcy at Google. That is why China's cultural industry is ignored and unpopular even in South Korea or Japan, rather than in the West. They are uncool. censorship can not defeat democratic world. Because people hate censorship.

Foreign companies are FLEEING Korea at record pace

Maybe you should look at yourself first, Mr. Bans Porn and Jow Forums

>South Korean company
Are You retarded? GM cars and American cars are unpopular in South Korean market and GM factory is already closed in Australia though. In Spain, Porn is Democracy?

all of this is utterly irrelevant to what I said, what I said is that PRC can effectively convert from a manufacture and trade monster (hence reliant on the foreign dimension) to a country that can sustain its economy with its internal market, which is only now starting to open up and grow.
it doesn't mean shit if they don't export movies, they have close to one and a half billion people ready to consume them at home already.
China has yet to specialize in technology and other modern industry and should come as no surprise the first companies might fail, that doesn't give you an indication on how that sector is going to be in the future. what's important is how much they invest in research, development and how many high tech machines they are buying from abroad, Chinese industry is changing and the next step will be the consolidation of a middle class ready to take on more skilled jobs and improve work productivity.
they don't need "cultural industry" and they don't rely on FDI so heavily as they used to be.
they will be the ones coming out of this trade war on top.

>Porn is Democracy?
yes, don't pretend SK didn't have heavy censorship until 20 years ago, you're still very new to this concept.

>35 years*
We have the highest democracy ranking and free press ranking in Asia and East Asia.

Attached: 640px-EIU_Democracy_Index_2017.svg.png (640x329, 80K)

good for you, I was answering your question if porn is democracy.

different gookanon here but what are italian's opinions on pic related?

Attached: Giuseppe_Garibaldi_(1866).jpg (388x500, 72K)

In South Korea, porns with mosaics are not a problem. Even South Korea is a big foreign market for JAV actresses. But the problem in South Korea is "YWCA". The YWCA has a strong influence among South Korean NGOs, and the women who make up the YWCA are extremely conservative Christian women in their late 30s and early 50s. Basically, They're "NRA" of South Korea.

good guy 2bh, why?

just trying to find out stuff about various unification cases throughout history