
Japanese Breakfast

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this singer is meme.none of her is japanese.

/brit/ is the worst general

Which of you wanted to be an EMT? This is the shit you’ll be dealing with. Maggot infested homeless people

Hope you’ll enjoy that

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She looks japanese though



want to kill myself
least mum's bringing maccas home

Nobody cares hanzo jog on

would like to pack that in a bowl and take a fat rip off the bong

*closes tab*

beetroot base pizza
pretty nice

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i really enjoyed hunter x hunter (2011) thanks

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Sex with Emma Watson would be magnificent.

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I understand
but it's just not too typical chinese


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lying in bed with a cup of coffee and some porridge
got no plans today, very dark out

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'ate porridge
used to eat it w/ water twice a day when I was a povvo
'kin 'ate it

i have to go to my cousins christening

how does this even happen

Porridge is best cold.

always leave the browser on a youtube or reddit tab if I'm leaving the room for a bit incase someone calls over unannounced and wants to come in so they won't know I browse Jow Forums haha

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Overnights every morning for me

might do a DNA ancestry test and investigate my family tree
that will affect my national loyalty

American post

the maggots were given to him by the doctor and are used to eat the dead flesh

Faggot cunt

reckon he had a prolonged, untreated infection to the point where half of his dome piece just fell the fuck off is 'ead.
lotta bizzaro shit like this goes on in the 3rd world.

Amazes me how thick the skin is surrounding the skull


why the maggots are still alive and havent been sprayed immeditely is beyond me, man is a walking infection

>spraying pesticides into an open wound

better yet, why not just chop his head off

Dave phoned in to the radio

>Chinese military vessels have fired at Filipino ships in the South China Sea

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This is so obviously scripted man

is this the guy who had the chat with moni?

niggas brain damn near exposed

happens every fucking day mate, the south china sea has been baiting poltards for years

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Do u like the greatest showman

Iain Lee is such a lefty cunt I already know this isn't going to go well

How does all this "black history month" stuff do anything other than creating more division?
And what relevance does black history have in the UK exactly?

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bitch must have beer flavoured nipples


little areola

By my age my parents had 2 kids, and just on my dads income bought a semi detached house that has increased in value by 600%. I still live at home, have a dull office job, virgin have never had a gf and can't even drive.

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thats Ian Lee from that show in the late 90s that spawned Gervais and SBC??

christ what happened to him?


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imagine if she doesnt take him back

dunno what that is...but i googled it and it looks incredibly homosexual

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Once he had a regular caller (Racist Jonathan) who'd phone in about things like The Bell Curve, and that caller was later arrested for (unrelated) racist offenses.

Entitled kid

>I still live at home, have a dull office job, virgin have never had a gf and can't even drive.

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I want to know the name of a song but I only know a tiny part of it and my only success in finding out what the song is is finding out that some redditor from four years ago was trying to do the same thing reddit.com/r/NameThatSong/comments/2uwovn/go_go_goooo_song_help_me_out_here_reddit_info_in/

Things I've eaten in the last twelve hours
>pack of chips
>tube of rollo
>bag of peanuts
>bag of lollies
>deep fried fish fillet

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her cat lives better than most humans on the planet lol

every willy on naked attraction is a semi and its hilarious watching them pretend it isnt

So im doing law
have a car
have lost my virginity
am a full time carer
have lots of friends
Do I fit in with /brit/ or should I just leave?
Dont even care about racism or who and how many guys a girl has sex with anymore

95% of brits can't drive lmao

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wew lads

It’s her other pussy I’m interested in.

saw the video to This Is Me on one of the music channels over the Christmas with the fat bearded lady and honestly thought it was a pisstake

turns out it was 100% serious

had two frozen ‘zas for dinner after having a kebab for lunch yesterday lads

95% of yanks can't walk lmao


>am a full time carer


I bet you see right through those brexiter lies as well

PM the guy

leave, this place is full of children and mentally ill

Can you drive, legally, with your """condition"""

for the grandad, get paid for it though

sometimes my willy feels totsie then other times it feels long and comfy

business idea: Aisha deepfakes

Lmao wrong law student champ

>Dont even care about racism or who and how many guys a girl has sex with anymore
never cared about them things. I'm only here for the laugh and to talk about doing a poo and having a wank without consequence

>don't care about sex
>totes not a virgin tho
yeah, fuck off please

cucked by the rest of your family

yotsuba b; the patrician choice

I admire people who care for the elderly or disabled, people who volunteers for suicide helplines and stuff like that, I couldn't do that

voted leave actually, i guess this is why I dont fit in though
yeah its a shame but I think my brit time has come to an end. Farewell friends, will come in just to see what moni does once in a while I suppose

just woke up
bandersnatch: go back to sleep, or stay up

Don't know what to do with my life

A strange place. You've got hardcore Welsh nationalists and very strong Welsh language areas and then there's Little England Beyond Wales in southern Pembrokeshire which is as English as somewhere like Someset

Tragic really. But I suppose if you're black and you have such an unremarkable history, clinging onto anything that is slightly noteworthy and dragging it out for a month makes sense.

turn yourself gay and get a harem of twinks

the song live your life by ti and rihanna released 11 years ago

What is black history anyway

reckon if I had a twitter or instagram account it would be just nothing but random nonsense shite I would post while drunk

basically like all my posts here

Gnorts, Mr. Alien.

You a child or mentally ill?
perhaps...a mentally ill child?

don’t care

>every month is white history month

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fucking love milfy chebs

Why are girls on tinder so rude?

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What's your job /brit/?

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bongo bongo bongo don't send me back to the congo