>your cuntry
>Russia invades your country, how fucked are you?
>what would you do if they did invade?
- Portugal
- totally fucked
- welcome our new Slav overlords
Your cuntry
>Stalin pic
Lol, modern day Russia isn't commie, brainlet. The only actually marxist state today that would make Marx and Engels proud because of how well they make the dialectical wheels of materialism turn is CHINA.
We don't invade anyone.
They'd better not or we tell USA
start underground resistance group and fight guerilla warfare
fight till death or liberation
>invade your country
>genocide/displace your population
>200 years later claim our coutry was always russian land
I don't know where jordan is located
1. Half of our general staff are commie-leftovers and their spawns, so the army will capitulate immediately and spread their asses.
2. NATO and EU will probably bitch out and do nothing and send concerned diplomatic notes to Moscow.
3. If the Russians don't close the borders half the country would just escape to the West where we will be met with "We only want brown Muslim refugees!" signs.
On the saint jewish land
I think it's cheating if I were to post.
not with that filename
become a FELLAG
>We only want brown Muslim refugees
you'll be fine
>someone actually made this pic
>some russian subhuman actually saved and it is actually posting it
lmao, saved
-totally fucked
-welcome our new Slav overlords
Invade Belgium please, I want this """"country"""" destroyed
please invade my country and put us out of our misery
I certainly would like to see them try that shit again
Invade us instead. We won't defend this country I swear. You can freely rape our women, go unpunished, kill and destroy.
I'd collaborate with invading Russians if they gave me a cute Russian gf tbqh