How often do you see people who speak standard version of your language in your region (the accent spoken in the...

How often do you see people who speak standard version of your language in your region (the accent spoken in the capital city)?

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>standard version of your language
>the accent spoken in the capital city
Not the same thing. In Germany it's commonly believed that it's the Hanoveranians, not the Berliners who speak high-German. In Berlin they speak a weird accent.

Everyone speaks Hochdeutsch besides a few old folks. Speaking a dialect is seen as a sign of being a some kind of uneducated redneck and most young people aren't caring that much about it anyways.
>inb4 some butthurt bavarian post
Fuck off I don't care about you inbred cowfuckers.

Always but between 1/2 and 2/3 of Finns speak with d*alects

Only speaking the local dialect is something you will only find in godforsaken places at the edge of the country full of unemployed monsters.
My parents never spoke the dialect to me, only to each other. So I speak standard Dutch but can switch to the local speak if I want to.

>Speaking a dialect is seen as a sign of being a some kind of uneducated redneck
dialect is cute desu

"You all" or simply "You" are the only acceptable choices. Unfortunately Irish people say retarded shit like "You's" or "Ye"

There isn't much variation in the Australian accent.
People in Canberra speak like everyone else really.
I don't think the city has existed long enough to form it's own accent.

>Be English
>Cuck yourself so hard that you no longer have separate words you, one for plural and one singular.

We should bring back thou, thee and thy to fix this desu

Does Austrian german have big difference with German german?

Yeah you should
I would approve

Would be cool

No thanks, i'm absolutely good having only you in english.

Strangely enough, the biggest country in the world has no dialects.

I only see few people with standard accent here. That’s interesting

They have their own terms for some words, but genereally speaking it's not that different. The swiss versions are much harder to understand in my opinion.

jeez, were you trying to get somewhere except Moscow and Piter?

I live in the south but the only people who actually have an accent are mostly hicks. I kind of have one but it only comes out when I say certain words

What about Ukrainian? Or that region bordering Ukraine all Russians hate?

Didn’t Stalin do something that practically destroyed all dialects? Like forcing people to move to different areas

You have to understand that there is Austrian German which is a full-blown dialect and Austrian Standard German which is virtually similar to High German except a few terms.

>He does't speak a dialect
Lmaoing @ (you)

On West of country among highlanders there are very hard dialects of ukrainian, also they speak it very fast so even i understand it not really good.

Speaking "standard english" makes you sound like a posh twat.

Although saying that my accent isn't that strong most the time.

There are only really two types of Icelandic that can really be considered
Hard and soft
Hard Icelandic is the type where people pronounce words in full, exactly as how they are spelled.
Soft Icelandic is the type where people slur their words.

Take a wild guess which version is spoken in which parts of the country

Nuh, it is because of there is one sort of russian in schools now, also people watch TV, hear music where only ordinary russian is used.
But also there is difference in pronunciation at South for example. Southerners speak russian more softly.

without more information pretty much the only thing that comes to mind is that you only speak the hard type while you have an erection

The accent of the capital isn't the standard
No one anywhere speaks it except politicians and even then its a fucked up standard

What do you think about scotish accent?

You lot.

What is considered a standard English because to me you all write the same English
Forgot to mention i was speaking about Albanian

Very funny, if it's really strong you can't make it out.

People consider Received Pronunciation to be proper english even tho like 3% of english people speak like that.

people say y'all in the south. I do as well but the stereotypical southern accent is basically dead. Only a very light southern accent exists for most people.

nobody's biting, Yank

Why can't you guys get along?

Why does nowhere in the US say y'guys?

That's how "you guys" can sound in casual speech.


Never seen it in my entire life

Nobody knows different regions of your country.

Hungarian has no dialects.

Tfw from the South but got cucke so hard that my accent is very weak

Hungary is about as big as the state of Indiana

Yeah we do. Y'all and you.

My dad was doing a presentation in Oklahoma, when he said
"now when they come in you need to go over there and sign up"
No one got up because they thought he was talking to a singular person.

We also have reflexive dative pronouns like "paintin' me a picture" which means "I'm painting a picture for myself".

The South is the last bastion of true English and has the sexiest accent.

>Rusyn is a dialect
Your days are numbered Kievan scum.

Standard English would be to just say 'you' when talking to groups, and to say 'thou' when speaking to a single person.

We've all gone off the rails centuries ago.

And whose fault is that? That's right Woodrow 'the devil' Wilson.

This. “You” is solely singular in the south. Plural You sounds odd

Why don’t you blame the actual participants of World War 1 instead of us, who was barely in it

>Berlin they speak a weird accent.
But they do that cute thing where they pronounce g as a j at the beginning of words.

Here the dialect spoken in the capital is not the standard proper language. No one speaks proper standard Indonesian, except in very formal circumstances.

It's also less cucked than saying "you guys".

But it would be nice to bring back, thy, thee, and thou. Since y'all is for accusative and nominative cases.

>Since y'all is for accusative and nominative cases.
Wym, “y’all” can be dative as well
Also the possessive form is “y’alls”

Because you saved France's ass.

>But the millions of dollars of loans don't matter
>But the material support doesn't matter
>But putting 10 000 fresh troops on the shores of France every day in 1918 does not matter

No one actually speaks Standard Albanian outside of Official and political talks. It sounds artificial af.

That yellow line should be moved up you fucking retard. People in Indiana say you all and everyone from Kentucky down says y'all

Accusative: Him, her
Nominative: He, she
"He fucked him"
"She slapped her"

I don't think Brazil has a standard dialect (or accent for that matter) tbqh, the capital was only built in the 1960's and was populated by people from every other region of the country, so I don't think it even has an accent of it's own. Where I live, I usually just hear the local accent, as well some people with the hillbilly accent and n*rtheastern accent.

With the possible exception of newfies, pretty much every Anglo-Canadian sounds the same.

Is it true Alexander was Albanian and that Macedonia and Souther Epirus are Albanian clay?

Do we have dialects here?

londoners speak a fake jamaican dialect, people speak fucking weirdly in this region but not like that at all aside from the actual londoners who moved here for uni

Same here. I can barely even speak my language properly. I sound like a cockney caricature within the context of my native language.

Barely anyone speaks proper lithuanian here. Not even the big cities. It's all been bastardized by russian influence, and no one puts stresses on the syllables they're supposed to be on.

we have a different accent here than in amsterdam
but there is no standard accent, we do speak the standard dialect tho, even better than what its based on as we pronounce the n at the end unlike the west

southerners are niggers

Fuck y'all yank cunts. Atleast we don't say "fuck" as every other word and we don't have a gay high pitched whiny voice.

I want to marry a girl from texas

>Fuck y'all yank cunts. Atleast we don't say "fuck" as every other word and we don't have a gay high pitched whiny voice.
>brings niggers to america in the first place

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Swedish spoken in Stockholm/Uppland is the only kind allowed on TV or Radio even though it's only spoken by a quarter of the population. It can be spoken in a proper way, but it usually isn't. Stockholm/Uppland Swedish, commonly called Rikssvenska(Realm Swedish), is actually quite lazy. Here are some examples.

Tjugonio(proper) Tjunie(Stockholm)

>What are you doing?
Vad gör du? Va göru?

>Will you?
Ska/skall du? Skaru?

Alltså Asså

Jag Ja

These things spread to the rest of the country due to the status of the dialect. Most people use these lazy versions of the words now. There are dozens if not hundreds of languages in Dalecarlia that are spoken by a couple hundred people each, but they are dying because the government considers them dialects, which means that they aren't allowed to be taught in school. The Schools do it anyways because the law is hard to enforce. If someone was sent to inspect the school the locals might blood eagle them. Norwegian is also spoken in some areas near the border that used to be Norwegian, but Norwegian is legally also a dialect of Swedish. Norwegian is much closer to Swedish than a Dalecarlian language however.

I've asked some foreign friends about accents and he said we do sound like our stereotype but more subtle and inflections depending on the area.
I think we have a class divide with speaking patterns more than we have regional accents. Like how every manual laborer sounds like the Trailer Park Boys (even the ones who've never watched it).

I thought you were implying that y’all isn’t dative case as well, which it is

>standard version of your language
>the accent spoken in the capital city
That's not the same. The mess that are the urban speeches of the capital are nothing like standard Slovene, which is only spoken by Slovene professors and a few really stuck up people. I suppose most of the latter ones probably do live in the capital.

No, the only place in the South where you won't find an accent is the major metropolitan areas because they're so rife with immigrants, from other parts of the states and other nations. Otherwise its still there, but when you're immersed in the accent all you have a hard time discerning small differences in vernacular. Y'all isn't the only thing used, people also rarely if ever enunciate the 'long' sound of vowels.

Yankee accents do sound snobbish though

I live in the deep south and every single person says y’all. Ive never heard you guys or you all

>ao a pischè ma che sta a fa ao so de roma ao porchiddio a burino ao

I don't speak like that thank god

Slaves were in colonial new england whitoid.. alsl we have the most fertile land (and women) so of course we had slaves work them. Afterwards we had sharecroppers.

It has 11 dialects actually, but they aren't really different when compared to each other. They mostly have differing sounds and stuff, sometimes an archaic suffix or two.
They really started dying off in the 60s-70s. That's in Hungary though, Székelyland, Felvidék and the Csángós kept their dialects as a method of bonding and strengthening identity.