faces of Jow Forums
Faces of Jow Forums
Would i pass as a local in your cunt?
you are getting old :(
HNNNNG you could pass as a local in my bed
no homo
aren't we all? :(
mala onda
leaked photo of El Gnomo
Ecce el goblino
pic related is me unironically
I'm a little shy...
>posting current face
>not posting childhood pics
be my gf
How much you will pay my family?
ill make you tiramisu every week, that would be more than enough
be my Mazarin I’ll be your pubertypie
Dad wants at least 12 goats and 8 cows
ffs im not a farmer, what about expensive family dinners?
how much would that be in eurodollarydoos
I don't know, we use barter, no money
are you being sarcastic
No, I pay my internet connection with eggs and I sold a slave for my pc
I think I found a recent picture of you
I am white in my country. Am I white in yours?
same phenotype
I'm not german
be my daughter
No you're not, you're the average flaite
Maybe in your shitty country
But will not end like Usagi Drop
you're that half spic from the thread yesterday
My parents are from Spain desu
no, they aren't
you literally said you're half spic lol
You're not white, bro.
>Rin discovers that she is not actually related to Daikichi by blood, and the series ends with Rin wanting to have a child with Daikichi.
i knew it the j*poids are at it again
lmao keep coping you delesional shitskin
la maldicion.....
Uruguay here
pic related, it's me
i think i recognize you
I am a goblina chi. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
m'lady, wanna fug? i need a green card
this is me i'm very handsome i believe
Are you near Chicago?
No, and why?
Just curious is all..
Hi Shroud.
sup gee
k chief
I wish you happiness
thank you bb same to you
u look angry! try smiling
You cute
you look fantastic my American friend
You're quite handsome just use some skincare and start to smile :)
Wow handsome too!
thanks, you as well
I bet you got nice eyes
Thanks lads I'll keep in it mind. School teachers always told me I looked pissed off lmao
why? people rarely post their own faces anyway unless they are complete newfags
there are plenty of pale niggas out there like you
we get it you're obese now
I would punch myself too if I looked like that
I have a picture of them on my phone, I'll let you be the judge of that
I squint pretty hard naturally whenever I smile for some reason, it's kind of retarded
I been here four years tbqh
why are you sucking your cheeks in, mong?
cause i'm pursing my lips so my eyes stayed as neutral as possible because they squint easily in most lights and facial expressions. Or just get smaller, for some reason.
You got a nice jawline user a lad like you can be pulling pusy in no time flat