late night with the lads
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Who is our greatest ally and why is it Chile?
fucking hate myself
>why won't women sleep with me?
a bit late but might call my fwb if she's dtf cause i'm horny and wanking won't do it for me
Slags are shit post women
reply now
LOL what a fucking loser
soz mate wasnt interested in instasyncing went to bed shortly thereafter
why lad
Loosely organised prostitution
poor mans dua lipa
need a swarthy slag gf
just stumbled upon a low key meme i made posted by someone else
why are you so obsessed with arrangements of lights depicting women you'll never see when there's a whole universe of ideas conceptual interplay we can discuss
im a loser
this is fine but F1 grid girls are demeaning and banned
coo-coo land
Any spasticated incel man in?
leave thread fuk of
in what sense
would you be eligible for a firearm? assume you are a citizen
ooooooohhm beetch pennnn
skitzo when did you last have sex without paying
going to drop out of uni because im depressed
no but i can tell you how it feels to fuck a BBW if you're interested
women should not be allowed to speak unless its in bed after you shag them then they can giggle or something
Anybody else notice that its only jfs that post early news?
Also posted this bint in the other thread and she is just too damn sexy to not be seen
we out here
This films just grim, not interested in this slags story just wanna see what happens to Daniel Blake
and become a based NEET?
never propositioned a woman for intercourse, so technically no
bet you're an only child
less than a year
done this
now im 26 and work in a call centre
people just think what theyre told to think innit
what's your degree?
mad that photons off a screen can hit my retina and trigger a reaction in my brain that sends blood to my penis
LOL what a fucking loser
i am
This films just grim, not interested in this slags story just wanna see what happens to Daniel Blake
reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with paying for a shag
especially if you are a freedom loving bohemian that can't be arsed to do the gf thing
And your inner ear converts vibrations to electric impulses
socially, mentally, physically
don’t do computer science at uni
huge mistake
hit the gym
see a therapist
Have mercy
A-how how how how
just chilin in bed
Do it at home
Nice blog post..
can you get a beryl with some sort of license or are you unable to completely
t. bad at maths
Only difference between empowerment and objectification is money
remember when that bin lorry absolutely crushed all of that scottish rubbish
Well, I hear it's fine
If you got the time
was watching shaun of the dead and I had to turn it off when they couldn't figure out how to effectively handle the rifle
Reminder: If you havent shagged yet in 2019 you need to go to /britfeel/ with the rest of the freaks.
ZERO british culture in this post
oh no lads!!!!!
psychology is a jewish invention
Great vlog (virgin log) post and all..
He's handling it pretty effectively there.
fuk of di
have 0 energy for sex
nice but tiring
That yours or did you save it from Jow Forums?
Would you?
>official twitter pages for the queen around the world posting gamer memes
ah yes very believable
relapsed on the diet pop
Cba with the mental gymnastics attractive females do
you can easily get a license to own anything civilian in US can, we can get even better guns than americans due to lack of import bans
but the problem is waiting for a license
>sporting licenes takes a bout a year to get
nobody wants to fuck an object, they want to fuck a woman
but the popular rationale is different
if women like it (pop music slags, underwear models) then it's empowering
if men like it (grid girls, booth babes) then it's "objectification"
not sure how you are still drinking that garbage past the age of 14 lad
water is all you need
That's fantastic
bet you think this gimmick is really funny
Ah yes the virgin incel LARP act back on his VPN i see
great stuff lad really might screenshot this, print it and hang it on my wall
moved to the sofa now xP
i don't care
neither can i
vile hog
>but the problem is waiting for a license
see this bit contradicts what you said previously.
doesnt matter how easy it is to buy one.