How long til gay and leftists start getting genocided in Brazil?

How long til gay and leftists start getting genocided in Brazil?

Attached: bolsonaro.jpg (1500x1000, 124K)


i will help bolsopresident cleaning our land

Attached: bolsopresident.jpg (910x607, 48K)

Don't be ridiculous, actual white people fled Brazil decades ago. As if they'd want to live in the murder capital of the world.

not soon enough

Why do right-wingers sound like sociopaths?


Empathy parameter set too low

can't come soon enough

How long until he's cut down all the Amazon?

Why do most liberals sound like limp-wristed faggots?

because someone needs to have testosterone in normal levels

nice meme kid

What's the deal with right-wingers who have a fixation on masculinity?

inferiority complex

soon I hope

Who knows? Because no women likes feminine men?

man up, argie, geez...

Literally r/theDonald tier thread. Bols supporters are such massive faggots.

The better question is what will happen once his sons and brother are found guilty of embezzlement lmao

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We are all one race.. the human race...

>falling for the populist meme
sasuga, brazil

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No we are white race you are nigga race

Fascism is basically the aestheticization of politics.

They also don't like cucks that suck muh strongman's cock, that's literally beta behavior

What are the traits of a feminine man? I see the masculinity of guys in k-pop bands questioned a lot and I'm pretty sure they attract more women than epic pepeposting alpha magapedes.

Bolsonaro should go full progressive era DESU
You know, sterilization for "habitual criminals"

dude is going to end up flopping even harder than Mauricio Macri