Why is this particular american so fat and lazy?

why is this particular american so fat and lazy?

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Meme fantasy writer. Just like Sapkowski and Salvatore. Why are these garbage tier writers so popular.

name a better fantasy world than Song of Ice and Fire

the elric saga
that was easy

>lets Hollywood writers essentially finish his story for him

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describes most of them really

this fat fuck is gonna die before the series is finished, i gave up hope years ago

>reading books written by a dude named MOOR COCK

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the first two books are pretty great, not gonna lie. GRRM has come up with a ton of interesting, complex characters and was really good at subverting readers' opinions and kind of deconstructing generic fantasy tropes. Or something. I also love how he manages to portray medieval life and politics (relatively) realistically, despite all the memes about tax policies.

But the world building itself and especially the fantasy aspect of the books are utter shit. Definitely the weakest point of otherwise very interesting books and once that side started becoming the main point after the first two books or so the series really went downhill and fast.
Nigga should have stuck to writing historical fiction or children's books or something. Now we've just got this mess instead.

>But the world building itself and especially the fantasy aspect of the books are utter shit.
Which aspect of the worldbuilding do you dislike? I thought a lot of it was fairly convincing desu

never thought about that but thats fun indeed, books are dope tho.

George R.R. Martin is Celtic?

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yikes. rambling incoming:

it feels inorganic. The continents, kingdoms, economy, everything is built around plot contrivances. Understandable in a way since there's no way to actually come up with 10,000 years worth of history and tell it all to the average reader, but still. The lore (if that's the right word) is extremely bloated, while at the same time both too strictly referencing real history as well as being completely unbelievable. The reader can't remember all of it and can't be expected to care which Brandon ruled Winterfell a thousand years ago, and yet the plot requires some understanding of it.
Also, the way the author tries to make his brand of magic and mythology seem original and interesting also backfires, as now the reader can't know what to make of all the spells and prophecies and legends. The supernatural is implied to be real, but it's also not; the fate of the world and everyone in it was decided long ago, but it was not; realism and originality go against the expectations the author now tries to set up and it doesn't work. It's like Martin tries to both have the cake and eat it (heh) by having both realism and fantasy, but you can't have both. He can't make the compromises himself so they feel forced.

The fantasy aspect is generic. You've got the elves (who are "totally not elves!"), the usual fire-worshiping religion, dragons, prophesies, the whole shit. That works as long as it's got some novelty in it, like with how the usual bad guy is made to be the good guy (Stannis/Renly) or how dragons are important because of their use in war instead of some magic bullshit, but the story goes on for so long the spell doesn't hold up. It becomes more and more predictable and generic the longer the story goes on. The good writing gets shoved to the sidelines and the original characters are killed, and then all that is left is the bad stuff.
GRRM should have made it a trilogy at the most. Would have been near perfect.

Yeah I definitely agree it should've been a trilogy (that was his original intention).

While the environment certainly feels inorganic to an extent, this was probably intentional. There are many hints littered around the books to this series not really being of the orthodox "fantasy" genre at all. Hence the supernatural element feels awkward and forced. The only issue in my opinion is the disequilibrium (as you pointed out) between the realism, and the fantasy for no apparent reason.

>The reader can't remember all of it and can't be expected to care which Brandon ruled Winterfell a thousand years ago, and yet the plot requires some understanding of it.
As for the bloated lore, I suppose I am the sort of person that is so autistic as to go out of my way to remember the entire list of kings and all that, so I can't really speak for this. However I don't really think that not knowing it would cause anyone any issues, since as long as you know the outline you can kind of understand the plot points. For example the meaning behind esoteric references to former leaders can just be inferred from context usually.
And besides, most of this is limited to certain POVs, and I don't feel it infected the rest of the plot.

While the fantasy is rather generic, and pretty much directly borrowed from history, there are still some rather unique aspects. Particularly in the cultural aspects of the lore. What originally drew me to the series was the fusion between various features from history - I can't think of any other fantasy world where so much is directly drawn from such obscure historical occurrences.

Unfortunately while I do really like the environment and the characters, the series has palpably been declining in quality since ASOS, which was the last one that I really liked desu.

there's way too much content to song of ice and fire to pack i all it in just a trilogy
maybe if it were a story of a single character like 99% of books, but this world is just huge, you are getting a story with no main characters, few different points of view per book, and everything around just feels alive and real, instead of some character being center of the universe
he took time to design all these houses and their banners, mottos and shit, he took time to design a history of the world incuding migrations of different people to the continent so it deserves as many books as possible plus additional stuff like World of Ice and Fire which is also great to read

Perhaps, but as a trilogy it would have has less of the boring AFFC tier shit and could've avoided having certain aspects of the series feeling unnecessarily drawn out.

>like World of Ice and Fire which is also great to read
Yeah that was (unexpectedly) really good

that's the fate he deserves

All the stuff you listed that you don't like are the reasons he wrote the book in the first place. His whole thing was going against the standard or traditional fantasy and fairy tale structure and exploring pieces of the story we normally don't get to see or think about.

>The reader can't remember all of it and can't be expected to care which Brandon ruled Winterfell a thousand years ago, and yet the plot requires some understanding of it.

You aren't suppose to. Outside of the Robert's Rebellion, which happened only 15 years ago and some Targaryen history, the world history is just there for flavor and not important to the story.

>the author tries to make his brand of magic and mythology seem original and interesting

Not true

>as now the reader can't know what to make of all the spells and prophecies and legends.

Also not true. Readers have quite a few ideas, George is famous for planting clues within his writing. I guess reading and watching mystery stories or films are frustrating for you?

>You've got the elves (who are "totally not elves!")

The Children of the forest don't resemble elves. They're humanoid deer or cats. they're small and ugly and they now live in a cave. You're getting caught up in the fact of them liking trees.

>like with how the usual bad guy is made to be the good guy

His whole thing is that there are rarely a purely evil and purely good characters.

>how dragons are important because of their use in war instead of some magic bullshit,

It's actually both. He doesn't beat us over the head with it but he mentions it often. Daenerys' dragons hatching has caused magic to return to the world, examples and clues and talk of it are sprinkled all throughout the story.

>It becomes more and more predictable and generic the longer the story goes on. The good writing gets shoved to the sidelines and the original characters are killed, and then all that is left is the bad stuff.

This is also not true. It's the opposite in fact

>that spacing

Do you really think the books improve in quality over time tho? The first few were by far the best, most recent ones have been weak desu


Yes I do.
I've read them multiple times and I'd say my least favorite is the first novel because it's too short and even a little cartoonish or too close to traditional fantasy. Tyrion being an acrobatic monkey demon springs to mind, I'm glad George (partially) dropped that trope and gave us master mind Tyrion instead. We have a a fully fleshed out and iconic character now. The further you read the deeper and more intricate it becomes, this is why the fanaticism for the books has endured for the last 22 years.

there is nothing more boring than LOTR
Martin > Tolkien

>10 years to finish a fucking book
>the lazy hack can't even do that

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Who is team Stannis the mannis here ?

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faggot, LOTR is pure

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i'm 99% sure Stannis will be shown in the end of season 8 hiding as a peasant somewhere because we never saw him dying
the writers will be huge faggots if they don't do this

>epic battle scenes

GoT unironically has better combat scenes
just take a look at the season 7 battle of Lannister forces vs the Dothraki and the dragon, or Battle of Bastards

No he won't.. we are past the denial stage friend.

Battle of the Bastards was good, the other battle scenes weren't that great tbqh

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But what was Aragorns tax policy?

>muh literal hills of corpses

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He got so rich and famous of the tv series, that he decided more writing isn't worth his time. Now he spends his time eating pizza, playing vidya and occasionally travels to some gay fantasy conventions.

Sound like Yoshihiro Togashi.

Last I heard he was on a diet. He doesn't play video games, he thinks they are a waste of time. He hasn't been traveling as much he's currently in his secret forest cabin he retreats to when he's in serious writing mode.

The reason he couldn't restrict himself to a trilogy like he initially envisioned is because the story needed a time gap for the characters to mature. He needed the kid characters to grow and mature and hone their respective crafts (Arya and her assassin shit, Sansa with CIA, Bran becoming an old God, Jon and Dany needed to grow into leaders etc..)
However, he realized that the adult characters wouldn't remain static for those 5 years (the Lannisters and co, Stannis and his campaign, Dany's enemies) so instead of speeding shit up in AFFC, he serviced us to long rambling monologues by literal whos, entire chapters with Tyrion fantasizing about raping Cercei and getting kidnapped by multiple people, the whole Dorne subplot (DARKSTAR I AM OF THE NIGHT) and a lot of other meandering shit. The pacing in that book was all kinds of fucked up and to think people waited 5 years between AFFC and ADWD when the former is the most unsatisfying type shit. Ugh.
Cercei's court intrigues could have taken a year, 2 years easily. I don't understand how he wrote himself into this corner. It's not like he's lacking imagination.

fucking based, bookfags BTFO

look at all these nerds talking feverishly about books lmao

Because he's american
>. I also love how he manages to portray medieval life and politics (relatively) realistically,
Fuck no. The entire politics of asoiaf is limited to the small council

>there's way too much content to song of ice and fire to pack i all it in just a trilogy
Excess of content was a problem too.
There was no reason to put Aegon in that story

god created them to show the rest of humanity the flaws of capitalism

Oh no no no

but then we wouldnt have the Ironborn plot (which is the best imo)

sounds based if I dare say so myself.

>write some meme books, land a good tv deal and live on the money till you croak without ever writing a word again
he's actually based and redpilled

G.r.r.m. fans the only people in the world who complain about his lack of writing and calls him lazy after getting what totals out to be 14 books in 20 years, set in a world for a story that was suppose to be a trilogy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯