Why people love election?

why people love election?

Attached: election.jpg (720x405, 41K)

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Because people enjoy feeling like they have power without having to take responsibility for what they do with it.

yes hitler was loved by the people

>democratically elected

Japanese education

he was

t.riots whenever the government does what he doesn't like
the French don't know anything about democracy


>why people love election?
only faggots do

east german education
definition of a healthy democracy desu

last time americlaps riot'd? not nigroid chimping, white american riot

America is not a healthy democracy, our government is currently shutdown

>t.riots whenever the government does what he doesn't like
this is based though

heard that, but didnt understand what it did mean
like, no firemen to put out fires? or what hospitals arent public there so they dont stop, schools?

because it's fun

Those are funded by their states. Federal entities have to use whatever funds they have until the government reopens, and federal employees have to keep working even though they won't get paid until it reopens.

the definition of a healthy democracy is not one which abandons its institutions and constitution whenever theres a downturn in the economy

how many workers are we talking about
honestly, hospitals aside i would love to see those leeches gasp for air

Irish reading comprehension

A good leader, a caudillo who loves his country more than himself, and a group of technocrats, is all that a nation needs to be governed.


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But the election of Hitler wasn't exactly democratic. And even if it was later he became a dictator. I doubt you could go protest in the streets without facing consequences.

Pretty much.
It's only a feeling of course, for the people has 0 power in a bourgeois democracy

People have the right to protest. A healthy democracy is one where the people are actively engaged in politics, including protests.

A healthy democracy is when the people do what the oligarchs say.
Is that what you're saying?

anyone giving a shit or fine this way

there is protesting and there is rioting


Why do I like erection?
Why the fuck don't YOU like erection, the fuck Japan.

>there are people who unironically thing killing hitler would've stopped WW2 from happening

Attached: 1446500258977.jpg (184x184, 9K)

99% of america is unaffected by it, but there's 100's of federal employees already applying for unemployment in their states kek. Conservatives blame the libs and the libs blame trump mostly
>it's not really the republican's fault it's mostly trump's

This. The root cause was France fucking up Germany after WW1 for pettyness.

The treaty wasn't even that harsh. The great depression played a far much bigger role than the treaty. The treaty was only a symbolic.

Why not


Depends when he was killed.

hitler didnt make the circumstances, the circumstances made hitler
germans had a bitter "sudden" defeat in WW1 (most german people only had news in the form of propaganda so they never heard about the defeats) and too rough terms by france on surrender
thinking "if i travel back in time and kill X person, this wouldnt have happened" is dumb. people act their way because of their situations, even if hitler didnt exist someone similar would've taken his place and things would've been almost the same.

>too rough terms by france on surrender
German myth
>even if hitler didnt exist someone similar would've taken his place and things would've been almost the same.
That implies someone would have been able to start a paramilitary force and force his way as chancellor by abusing the democratic institution, and be able to use his paramilitary force to establish complete control It could happen but it's not like its something that was guaranteed to happen.

even the american and british tried to calm down the french, but the french replied that they suffered a lot of losses in the great war and the germans deserved a huge punishment for this
>thinking there wouldn't been another ultranationalist leader in germany after the shameful terms of WW1 surrender
it wouldn't have neccesseraly been with a paramilitary force or as a chancellor by abusing the democratic institution, your problem is you are being extremelly narrow with your vision of what needed to happen in order for WW2
it would've happened in a different way, maybe they would be different ideologically but they would've started WW2 anyway

But they never got really punished, Versailles was an half assed treaty that France didn't fully enforce. Germans never respected it, and the debt was never fully paid.

nigga read the treaty
>Le traité de Versailles a été l'objet de multiples critiques. Les frustrations qu'il a fait naître, ainsi peut-être que les déséquilibres qu'il a engendrés, ont joué un rôle non négligeable dans la politique européenne des décennies suivantes. Hitler s'oppose dès le début de son ascension politique au traité de Versailles qui fait reposer les conséquences de la Première Guerre mondiale sur les épaules de l'Allemagne. En effet, selon l'article 231, l'Allemagne est considérée comme responsable de la guerre.
>La France, qui est pourtant un des principaux bénéficiaires des traités (retour de l'Alsace et de la Lorraine dans le giron français, démilitarisation de l'Ouest de l'Allemagne, dépeçage de l'Empire austro-hongrois et obtention d'un énorme montant pour les réparations financières), n'est pas encore satisfaite : pour assurer sa sécurité, elle aurait voulu obtenir la création d'un État tampon indépendant en Rhénanie, notamment sur la rive gauche du Rhin, mais elle n'obtient qu'une « garantie » verbale des Britanniques et des Américains de soutenir la France en cas de nouvelle agression allemande. Certains, à droite, préconisaient d'annexer la Sarre, et railleront Clemenceau, le « Père la Victoire », en le traitant de « Perd-la-Victoire »3.

Muttmerican faggot nigger education LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY WE WUZ

If there isn't corpses, it's not a true prostest.