The man of the future will be of mixed race...

The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

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But europe is already full of mutts, germany alone is a total clusterfuck of germanics, slavs, celts and whatever the fuck else

>white Europeans intermixing is the same as mixing subsaharan Africans, Arabs, etc

>similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians
This will be interesting

>things I never said

(and why it's a good thing)


>today's races
no such thing

Wtf, i hate Merkel now.

look at how the OP text defines "mutts" and how you talked about that already being the case
you did imply it.

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Based Hapa Kalergi

>I'm a brown and let me tell you why you will all eventually look like me

I wish it happened during my lifespan

Damn I forgot he was a WMAF hapa. I wonder if he were around today he would post on r/hapas

I want to mix with japs
Is that so bad?

no. not bad at all. good in fact

The man of the future will be Islamic. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the power of Islam and the unity in the ummah. The Islamic nation of the future, similar in its loyalty to those who followed Ali, will replace the diversity of peoples with a unity of ideal.

Also yeah today's classes will disappear because we will all become SLAVES of the corporations

There you see
It's not so bad at all

Yeah but fucking a few qt nip girls is a bit different to floods of africans isn't it lad

I doubt all nips are qt

a fair few though

Attached: keai9.jpg (1800x1200, 1.29M)

Not counting the Ukrainians. We prefer not to be Mudbloods, even mixing with Poles / Belarusians / Russians close to us is Haram.

Is Islam not the religion of the barbarians from the Middle Ages?

No. Islam is the religion of the truth.

Post cute eurasian-negroids

Attached: eurasiannegroid.jpg (720x864, 162K)

There's probably quite a few ugly ones as well though

What is your truth?

Racemixing causes division
t. knower mutt

Your babylonian dream will be a nightmare of social chaos, crime, degeneracy, basically what you can find in every multiracial socity - conflicts, disgrace, no culture our bounds... like you can see in south africa or brazil.