Things you only see in Murrica.
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Alo bolan
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wish I had opportunity to bully him to death
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Hack into his computer and blackmail him.
I like how the flag is backwards.
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I've lived all over the states and I've only really noticed shit like this in southern white trash areas
and florida
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What's this? a monster village?
Renaissance Faire
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I've definitely seen similar stuff in Utah, Colorado, California, Nevada, Wyoming, Oregon, Washington, and Montana.
Muh dick
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I went there once actually dresses in a velvet green dress, but obviously, I wasn't from there, just visiting.
they have names like this
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wtf is wrong with furries? any place that involved dressing up they show up in their gay fucking fursuits. like fuck sakes
They are competing for attention.
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they're all over africa I'm afraid.
>that guy on the scooter
Its perfect
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>One Nintendo Switch if you please.