If you can survive brazil you can survive the world

if you can survive brazil you can survive the world

Attached: homicides-by-country.jpg (1566x894, 141K)

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I don't care. At least I'm not Indian.

Murderous low iq subhumans.

If your countries are so safe why did you escaped to first world?

Wtf? Why do you think that I'm from other country? I'm native Finn. And danger is not this black and white.

Somalians neets are not native Finns

Theres an undeclared war going on over here, often some murders happen here and there on other levels of society, but most of these murders are young poor males, it seems. And states like the northeast and rio de janeiro are extremely dangerous.

Huemonkeys think that everyone who criticizes them are immigrants.

Maybe because you are? Only butthurt immigrants care about our problems

Why do they think that?

I don't care about your problems. I do however find it fascinating that a population of 200+ million has 0 Noble Prize laurates

You are immigrants and you don't fool anybody. Explain to me why would a first worlder care about problems in a south american country very far away from them? They don't talk about south america in Jow Forums.

Why not give them 1 Swedish-bro?

Because all the young men are being murdered; is it easy for me to snag a qt brazillian chicca?

Immigrants in France do not care about South America

Brazilians should just ignore these type of threads...

They'll probably get one in the future.

Because your posters on Jow Forums are extremely loud and obnoxious.

>nobel prize meaning something
Intellectuals who deserve it there's hundreds

What's next? Oscar?

brazil will be fixed

Attached: bolsonaro-israel.jpg (650x390, 59K)

I agree that this guy should have gotten one.


