Japan is Korea's favorite neighbor! Unfortunately their favorite is Taiwan...

Japan is Korea's favorite neighbor! Unfortunately their favorite is Taiwan. Will Korea be Japan's favorite neighbor when Taiwan finally gets annexed by the PRC?

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no never kys gook

>Japan is Korea's favorite neighbor

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>North Korea
>South Korea
Pick your favorite then

Maybe no.

I don't hate Koreans tho.

When will senpai notice koreajins?

Destroy Korea.

Your government is awful.
They never admit their fault.
now Korean image for Japanese are bottom .

sorry I don't hate people who love Japan.

But your government and propaganda is awful.


*North Korea
I also hate the leftist president
When the hell freezes over

Communism, capitalism, that does not matter.
Numerous insults that Japan received.
Do not you hear our laser sound?

I also hate your government, mind you. Anyways no more politics on this thread please.

>East Korea
>West Japan
you guys are just different faces of the same coin

Hey how about listening to our fucking opinions too?
Like, grow the hell up
First of all, you made the big fuss first and Abe himself ordered to release the video first
It could end peacefully and quitely calling everything was a “mistake”
But no Abe doesn’t want that
Because Abe wants his NPCs to focus on Josenjing more than their REAL problems
Don’t talk like only our government has got problems
Your government is fucked too
And youre too much of a NPC to know that

Then war.
We will do it if you do not accept the mistake.

>we will do it
Japan chan you’re drunk

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This is not a joke.
The reality is not a Korean TV drama.

>this is not a joke
Japs are sure cute as hell

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I’m not right wing proxy shitposting about your country, however your people are too butthurt and full of complex, short tempered.

Koreans are people who blame others for their miseries but never reflect on themselves. What they do instead is having plastic surgery on anything inconvenient to them, I cannot like such people and the country, though there are nice individuals.

Stop shitstorm anymore...

Well how about you stop playing victim all the time
It’s fucking disgusting

Stop you whining.start the game of death.

And how about you stop believing everything your media says like bunch of NPCs

Ok this is fucking boring now
Good night fellow neighbors

shutup niggers

>playing victim

Japan never ask apology,money for US or other countries.

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I met many Koreans overseas, and just said my opinion about your people. It’s nothing to do with playing victim or Media.

In a peaceful period we will kill you.
Just by signing a letter, Korea will perish.

Everyone here is an ESLer or a tourist trying to start shit for no reason (incl. OP). Already had our big KORJAP fights earlier today. Go to bed faggots

Yet another friendship thread ruined by haters. Please don't talk politics in my thread!

Koreans are ridiculous when it comes to playing the victim card, you have to admit.

You guys even play it against the 20,000 US troops and 50,000 English teachers here that YOU hired.

You also go on and on and on about Gwangju and Jeju like it happened last week. Don’t get me started.

You also whine about the Japanese using Koreans as forced labor and sex slaves even though KJU is doing all that right now and your own corporations like Hyundai Asan are chomping at the bit to get in on some practically free labor themselves

When life is cruel, I remember that at least I live in the same continent as Japan. Just in the wrong side of it

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English teacher?

Why can't haters just go to Jow Forums and have their petty fight there ;_;

poor koreanon (;_;)

What you are doing is not politics.

Because Korea really was victim?
If entire country taken by force a victim what is “victim” anyway?

Also all your other statements are too vague to answer so i will ignore on that one because no one i know hate American troops here
And what the fuck do you mean we play victim against American troops and English teachers?
Ok i know what you’re talking about American troops (Hyosoon and Miseon accident) but i have no clue about English teachers

If youre gonna keep talking about fucking minor opinions in korea and pretend as if theyre major opinions i will stop replying to you

You got me on this one
That's like saying Germany never asked apology from the allies
You jap are really delusional to think you dindu naffin. I blame the US for letting your emperor live and protected you from the soviet

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The Japanese will not to listen to other peoplethis this time.
What you did, you take responsibility

dont you insects ever get tired

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dont you see the irony in what you just posted

>they're fighting
kiss already