Do we have the right to call ourselves European?

Do we have the right to call ourselves European?

Attached: Kurac.png (1046x786, 178K)

why not

All of it belongs to Turkey.

yes of course
also who gives a shit


Redpill me on the split in Croatia

It's a cool city

Blue = muslim turk part
White = christian magyar turk part

you hould inlude romania hungary slovenia and italy in the balkans

Slovenia is the only european the rest are non whites.

Hungary is central european

Not until you reclaim Constantinople

Italians on here seem to be under the impression that ćevapćiči are a national Slovenian dish and that the typical Slovenian name is 'Slobodan Milošević'.

Yes. Except Albania and Kosovo

While the actual national dish is bahklava and the typical name is Muhamed Imamovic


Attached: 29786296.jpg (500x501, 154K)

Only geographically.

if not European than who?

identify as whatever you want who gives a shit

Thing is, most people here refer to Balkans as seperate from Europe.

Can confirm
"They don't have this shit in europe" is one of the most common phrases in the Balkans whenever someone sees something bad going on
It's for a reason though
Balkan is culturally as far away from Europe as Bangladesh is from the Balkans

That map is perfect, fitting for the future Montenegrin Empire.

Attached: me-flag.jpg (1047x697, 63K)

Did you know that the Principality of Montenegro, a tiny coastal state, defeated the Ottoman Empire in several wars despite being heavily outnumbered every time?

>They don't have this shit in europe"
Europe means western/developed countries in that case, no one is reffering to Lithuania for example when they say that.

Yeah we have too many Bosnians and Albos so that might be true in the future

Do people still say this in slovenia?

Europe; From Ancient Greek Εὐρώπη (Eurṓpē). Possibly of Semitic origin.
>Possibly of Semitic origin
Yeap We Do

>Do people still say this in slovenia?
No, cuz things are for the most part much better here. We do somethimes say something like "that would never happen in Austria" or "Austria has that better than us, we should do it like them".

It's the original Europe.
Greeks created the concept of Europe, by opposition with Asia and Africa.

remove Greece and yes
else no

Attached: greekoids.png (640x640, 202K)

Surely only the true descendent of Venice and ultimately Rome will be able to accomplish such glorious victories. They are the true kings of Europa.

I just want you to know I appreciate this post

You are that kind of Albanian that wastes his one life in Balkan edgy forums, judging from the picture of course.
That's Pathetic lad

Also Slovenians don't really consider western Europe to be a role model anymore, many of us often make fun of Med countries or Great Britain. The only role model countries for us are Austria, Switzerland and Germany, and sometimes today even V4 countries (mostly for immigration policy though)

>having role model countries
Slovenes confirmed for nation of ten year olds

No, I'm a proud Indian.

kek slavonia is poorer than some blue parts of croatia

Slovenia is a beautiful country, but the people are terrible unfortunately...they have a giant complex towards Croats for some reason (probably just because they know Croats are just nicer people).

And by no means Slovenia is western Europe. It might be a decent one, but still an eastern European country.

Slovenians have nothing in common with east europeans.

But we don't consider ourself Balkanic. When referring to Serbian or Bosnian food or music or speech, we'd say that it's Balkan. Also, we don't say in Europe when comparing ourselves to WE countries, but in the West (na zahodu).

Europe is getting less European day by day

>na zahodu
And people wonder why Croats bully Slovenians
You give them so much material they'd pretty much need to be saints to resist the temptation

>Slovenians have nothing in common with east europeans.

they are east Europeans

have you ever seen Melania being referred to as anything but an eastern European (born/raised) woman in American media?

>And people wonder why Croats bully Slovenians

We don't, we just laugh at them, also make love with their wives.

Of course, but what sort of a subhuman would identify with a continent?

the speakers of a language that calls a haircut a scythe have no business making fun of other languages

što radite u Belgiji i Poljskoj?

zivim ovde gde sam rodjen ja

a ti sta radis u Italiji

>We don't, we just laugh at them, also make love with their wives.
>zivim ovde gde sam rodjen ja


robujem za novce

>thread about the balkans
>balkan people represented by every flag possible
>except for flags of actual balkan countries
el diasporANO

jel ne moze Hrvat da bude rodjen vani?

sta ti smeta dijaspora

you're a polak (white croat), right?

evo mene