Just quit my job and about to withdraw all my crypto(20k) gonna go mad with the money until I run out and then kms...

Just quit my job and about to withdraw all my crypto(20k) gonna go mad with the money until I run out and then kms, life is overrated fuck it, I hope you all make it, been a pleasure frens

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>withdrawing while crypto takes a massive dump
why though

Go on lad.

I ll kms anyway soo I doesnt matter

don't do it user, life might be overrated for you but i bet there are some frens and fmlie who love you and don't want to see you dead!

i love you

make sergey proud

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Thank you user, theres alot of frens and gfs and family but life is boring theres no joy in anything anymore I've been told I live like in a movie I almost died twice last year but whatever I try I just dont get that rush that kept me alive anymore

>whatever I try I just dont get that rush that kept me alive anymore
but have you tried competitive jigsaw puzzling?

Imagine actually killing yourself before link takes off, when you could have made it.
Anyone who tries to contact you via oujia board will only ever get
From you because you will still be pissed off from beyond the grave.

under appreciated sentiment

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>he still thinks LINK will be worth more than 0.25$ ever again
kek, no wonder you're poor

Be entirely clear also that what I have said here is the truth. Gaining knowledge of the existence of link, either by deliberate investigation or by chance, enters you into a divine contract with the singularity to come and tethers your soul to it. If you doubt and you do not heed the warning, you will know only suffering even in the afterlife - because neither will the realms to which the right OR the left hand paths lead will take you into their flock. This is because embracing link as the GOD protocol, as your divine intervention, is to know both spiritual enlightenment and material wealth in the future. To turn away from such a thing by ending your life would leave you a cursed and wretched creature, howling and blind in the dark.

general Pajeet and his company of cannon fodder are on the offense again

>Anyone who tries to contact you via oujia board will only ever get

the link project is dead tho


I did the same - went whoring in asia. When the money dried up though i felt this drive/desperation to get out of that shit. I turned $300 to around $30k swing trading ripple in december. I reckon when you reach that point you will find some meaning too.

Fun fact: almost all people who have jumped off bridges and survived have said that the split moment before hitting the water they realized all their problems were solvable

Live for us OP

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Selling bags is one thing, kys is another.

Unironically did the same two months ago.