ITT: Jow Forums in 1859

ITT: Jow Forums in 1859

Attached: 1859 print satirizing the 9th Women Rights Convention in New York City with the 'Ye May session (1291x861, 385K)

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jesus fucking christ i hope women and nonwhites never get the right to vote, that would ruin society in a single generation

I'm really cold right now, anyone have extra fire wood?

>second empire
please stay this time

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Die you fucking Unitaries/Cetralist scum REEEEEEEE. Long live the Confederation and Federalism.

Rebell against the Manchus and hopefully not fk up this time

Fuck the South! John Brown innocent! End slavery at any cost!

The smell of things to come...

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Nancy boy!

Forgot you're in a war right now?

Damnation to the British Empire as well! For that pig your boy's shot, we will stick a thousand of you colonials with American steel.

I wouldn't worry about leafs too much now. We may end up aiming our steel southward very shortly if things continue to go as they're going.

Filthy Bonapartist pig, balance of power 4life

The biggest mistake that could have been made was executing John Brown and turning him into a martyr rather than simply committing him to an insane asylum.

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Don't tempt me boy!

Attached: Burn baby.jpg (768x432, 48K)

Fuck British, fuck French and fuck the Dutch especially

We shall not tolerate the damnable abolitionists up north and their attempts to impose the colored man on us. We won't hesitate to take up arms to defend our liberties as Americans if we have to.

You make a compelling argument that the Pope shall set himself to building a tunnel across the Atlantic if the Catholics ever get a man in the governorship Alvin.

54, 40, or fight! as true then as now I say

Silence, rotten slaveholder. We already saw Southern gentlemanliness being used on Senator Sumner's cranium two years ago.

>tfw from Indiana
I wish the abolitionist hollerers in Massachusetts would stop with this nonsense. They're driving our nation closer to war every passing week. Our state is economically and commercially linked with the South, we don't want to fight them because some idealist fool in Boston believes negros are my equal.

Why yes! I had a splendid time vacationing on the Bolivian coast!

Granny Buchanan is a fool, he has no idea how to handle the rabble rousers down South.

I'm headed west, young men. There's gold in them thar hills, and I'm gonna get it!

The Indians will get you get you! I say, I say!

>We won't hesitate to take up arms to defend our liberties as Americans
mmuh right to own slaves



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Fvck sovthrons
I'm voting LINCOLN

Still being a backward-ass medieval shithole that has to give the Chinese emperor 50 virgins as annual tribute.

fuck serbshits, i bet those subhumans will backstab us soon

This is the Korean king in 1859. He is an illiterate idiot and a puppet of various political factions while the country continues to slowly sink into shit.

So great is their desperation to add another slave state to our union that they are trying to force it in the desert of Kansas where cotton cannot even grow.


Yes I think moving to California and putting some distance between myself and the state of Tennessee some time in the next two years would be a very good idea indeed.

John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave
But his truth is marching onnnnn...

Imagine if we gave those yammering petticoats the vote. The republic would swiftly perish.

Now that's playing in my head, thanks user

Hey, who wants to kill some Austrians with me?

Who the fuck are you

When you're done, toss your surplus rifles this way. We may be needing them very shortly.

Churchcucks are so passé

Attached: la-primavera Alfredo Ramos.jpg (480x313, 57K)

Buchanan's Secretary of War, John Floyd, a Virginian for no reason in particular, ordered the transfer of several thousand rifles from US government arsenals in the North and West to arsenals in the South during 1858-59.

gib me lands

Attached: Apu[Soldier].jpg (636x632, 98K)

that's a given, those savages leave no man, woman, or beast unmolested

Ehm ehh..
Specerlijen for you makker ?
No gekoloniseerd pls

Get back to work harvesting cinnamon.


about to enlist to burn Atlanta to the ground lmao

he can't understand you you know, the company sent out the wrong ones

Attached: Amherst-Express-7-2-1859-LOCRBD.jpg (2947x4204, 782K)

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Grim. A pity we were about to find out for ourselves very shortly.

Father, may we become a dominion?

Attached: Flag_of_Dominion_of_Westralia.png (1200x600, 29K)

>The Williams ball, we judged to be 7 inches in circumference, and not to exceed in weight 2 oz. It was also covered with leather of some light color, drab or buff, so as not to be easily distinguished by the batter.

Apparently tricks like this were common in baseball until Ray Chapman was killed playing for the Indians in 1920 after being hit in the head with a ball he couldn't see. After that they required all balls in Major League baseball to be white colored.

Or, well, the spitball was banned. Chapman probably saw the ball if contemporary accounts are to be believed, he may have suffered deer-in-the-headlights syndrome.

It's almost harvesting season

*dies of yellow fever*

Yet another year of civil war for me, how are all you guys doing?

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This baby named Knut Hamsun was just born, I wonder what he'll make of himself.

Secession may well be in order should Lincoln or some other candidate opposing the extension of slavery win the election next year. A president with such monstrous views is beyond all acceptance.

Come to America. Minnesota became our newest state last year and she needs settlers. Plenty of excellent farmland available.

great, can't farm anything efficiently on a cliff next to a fjord, thank you