Why are liberals so happy that white genocide is real and white people will be gone one day?

Why are liberals so happy that white genocide is real and white people will be gone one day?
Aren't they the ones who care the most about animals going extinct?

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white people aren't animals like violent shitskins

They want the world to be ugly like their shitty modern art

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did not read a single word btw

if white people went away, mulattoes would become the new white
somalians do that with light skinned blacks

>white genocide
Umm that's not real sweetie

>woman would rather fuck a nigger than me
>this is literally genocide and also causes by the kikes somehow

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>their shitty modern art
Uneducated nigger

why don't wh*Te people just make more babies?

you don't really sound a very educated yourself

on one hand, you fuckers claim that there are more white people in America today than ever before. and on the other hand retards like you claim they are going extinct. pick one asshole.

White men lusts the yellow rice
White women lusts the big black cock

white countries have low birth rates
media encourages this
no measures are taken to incrase it
third world countries have huge birth rates
they will slowly take over by numbers alone
whites will go extinct
this is genocide

>you fuckers claimed that more white people in America today than ever before.

why make babies if someone can REMOVE NIGGAB?

>I saw a girl that would never date me with a brown man

Aaaaand that's a good thing

if whypipo are so powerful, why wont they just fix their "problems" and stop whining about >muh genocide on a Djiboutian basket-weaving image board 24/7?

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maybe this is like a holocaust trick
say you are being hunted so you will gather allies and have a reason to rise and do something big
maybe this is the plan

Because they don't control their own institution after centuries of robbing other continent.
>Do you feel in charge?

>white genocide is real
If you're an actual liberal, not a "classic liberal" alt lite type, white genocide is a conspiracy theory promoted by white supremacists and their useful idiot allies and nothing near closely supported by actual science or demographic data.

It's on the same tier as climate change denial.

White """""""""genocide"""""""" is literally just whites not having enough kids, white men preferring non-White women, and whites committing suicide. In other words, whites are the reason for their race dying out, and that's a good thing.

girl is not white because brown eyes and prbly dark hair additionally

you know, this might be a smart trick to get white supremacy back in action
and it will be a big happening

The world would be less ugly if you removed your disgusting, uneducated mutt self the gene pool, you sub-90 IQ flyover plebian.

It's true that countries like France and U.K. will become minority white before the conclusion of the 21st century if current projections are even close to being reasonable.

>armenians get genocided by t*Rks
>armenians still a thing and everywhere, literally everyone knows at least one armenian
>jews get genocided by germoids
>jews still a thing and everywhere, literally everyone knows at least one jew
>whites get """""genocided""""" by their own mental retardation
>somehow this means the end of the white race

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Fuck off crypto-wh*toid

ever have a conversation with one that's all 'hurr durr there's more white americans in america than europe?'


She's Australian

>nothing near closely supported by actual science or demographic data.
You must be bad at math. The numbers are clear: these immigration trends, left unchecked, are demographic death.

Attached: 49343485_800480150304123_4006992032315736064_n.jpg (720x561, 32K)

>nothing near closely supported by actual science or demographic data.
? but it is backed up by data. all you have to do is google US demographic changes and european birthrates. white population and concentration is demonstrably shrinking while nonwhite increases in both first world countries and worldwide is increasing. by your analogy DENYING white genocide is on the same tier as climate change denial

>haha I was naive and made a fuck up in my life
>id better just blow my brains out, and that's a good thing :)
t. nonwhite or white beta

shes not white, shes brown
and this is good

Attached: neu.png (449x580, 578K)

It is white supremacist propaganda, sry for the long video.
The demographic issue facing Europe is not extnction but economic decline and falling living standards as a result of an unsustainable economic model based on constant growth, if you want to keep capitalism going then you do need migrants to continue growing the economy like the Americans have. The contradiction for the far right is they can't both keep capitalism and reject multi-culturalism.

i'm half slav half med
according to Jow Forums logic i'm the epitome of non-white
learn to read retard
she cute

Attached: niger v germany.jpg (600x450, 25K)

>Wh*toid reading comprehension
Suicide rates among old white men are the highest. Ironically this is the demographic most likely to whine about "White genocide"; they contribute to the problem they so desperately think is happening.

>but if it was real, it'd be good
At least he isn't hiding that.

And why do you connect these things to some supremacy?

Link for the webm:


Attached: How white is London.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

this might be a trick by jews themselves to end non-whites
"God's chosen people" everyone knows what they are, maybe they just want to guarantee their survival and control of everyone

Whites are getting breed out and that's a bad thing because all shitskins looks ugly desu desu

White "people" are not animals. They are worse.

See >US demographic changes
Yeah, the US is different, your baby boomers will require large amount of migration still to mantain your living standards and your right wingers effectively use xenophobia to mantain an exploitative system running which does impact real wages in your country. Meanwhile Trumpsters and proponents of merit based migration effectively mean to replace your elites with Chinese and Indians.

Multi-culturalism is already a done deal for your country, what you don't realize is xenophobia will only make things worse.

>but if it was real, it'd be good

by starting a big war everyone knows who will be the (((real winner)))

kys you unironic anti-semite

you too

and dumber and more violent. majority of the world would still be traveling by boat and living in shantytowns without advancements made by europeans

>replace your elites with Chinese
Sounds good to me

i am not anti-semite
i am with them

It's written in the description box of the video.

>Why are liberals so happy that white genocide is real
We aren't and the general consensus among liberals is that it isn't a real thing.
>white people will be gone one day?
There is a tiny percentage of mostly very young white ideologues and minority persons that feel whites are either inherently evil or that the collective sins of the race overtime are too great to overcome and as a result a world free of whites, or nearly so, would be beneficial. Obviously this is not a view held by the vast majority of people on the left and has nothing to do with liberal ideals regarding racial equality
>Aren't they the ones who care the most about animals going extinct?
Not really, a lot of liberals like to bitch about animal welfare, but the lion's share of animal and habitat conservation in North America is hunter/angler/boater/gun owner funded and they tend to be right of centre (not necessarily boaters of even anglers). There have been attempts to get hikers, campers, bird watchers, and other non-consumptive outdoor enthusiasts to help fund conservation but they failed. It's actually becoming a serious issue now. Hunters have always been the one's that funded conservation and cared about maintaining a healthy land, now climate change has been politicized in America and hunters, most of whom tend toward the right, find themselves in an odd place. Either support the party and question climate change and environmental science thereby betraying everything ethical hunters in North America have stood for over the last century, or support the left in their fight to protect the climate.

>media acknowledges interracial marriage exists is genocide
I know Romanians aren't that intelligent but you dont need to be this retarded

>And why do you connect these things to some supremacy?
Because proponents are quite transparent about their agenda.

Yeah, I'll give you that video you posted is fucking cringe but reality remains in a globalized world centres of power, as in global relevant capitals, are going to become multi-cultural, you can't fight that one.

damn Jow Forumsyps are so cringy

Do you understand how much work is being done to turn our countries multicultural? And do you understand the physical concept of work?

My father is a politician of Morena and knows about (((them))) you just wait desu desu this is going down niggy

God's chosen people will get to preserve their future and you will all perish if you try to negate this

I don't know. I think their endgame is to make being white super super rare.

Can I have a white gf now since she hates you anyway?

why is the mayne steam meteor like this?

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Media presents low birth rates as a good thing or ignores the issues.
I don't know what happens in Los Estados Unidos.

they know that whites strong again will make Hitler 2.0, they are going for your extinction because of this
non-whites are against them as well, but they are too weak for them, they can be controlled
after all, they really believe they are God's chosen people

>Why are liberals so happy that white genocide is real
liberals don't live in your insane worldview, sorry. Developed nations drop in birthrate. This is not genocide.

>My father is a politician of Morena and knows about (((them)))
Does your father know his son spends time promoting anti-semitism on fucking Jow Forums?

>how much work is being done to turn our countries multicultural?
I'd ask for proofs but for someone like you anything that's resources devoted towards promoting tolerance and integration is probably the work of evil lizards

stopping overpopulation of the world and keeping workforce levels do not contradict

Same reason those 2 Danish girls went for a backpacking through Morocco alone vacation. Liberal brainwashing since birth and no common sense

if you do what media tells you to do you shouldn't be reproducing in the first place

What happens as countries modernize and become better is that birth rates begin to drop. I used to have the animation.

Latin america goes blue then asia and africa is the last one and it takes them a long while.

What happens is obviously western degeneracy like liberalism, feminism, and sissifcation of men. As your country becomes gayer like korea and japan your standard of living goes up because none of the men are getting laid anymore since they are too beta

Attached: birthrates.png (595x746, 214K)

Enlightened post friend.
They do indeed. White people will go extinct because of it, there is nothing insane about it. I thought you'd already made peace with the fact.

It's the same to me tbqh, the sun shines for all, but Trumpsters are too busy bashing the poor brown people who do the shit jobs in the USA to care about theior children's future social mobility.

If you were to spend all the effort devoted to Trump's wall on education for Americans there would be no need for you to import your engineers and CEOs from Asia.

>he hasnt taken the gaypill

>Does your father know his son spends time promoting anti-semitism on fucking Jow Forums?

Everyone knows about the jews in my family user-kyun, it feels like an unironic nazbol gang family, but more importantly fuck off you probably literal faggot

Cucks like you are finna get DAB ON soon desu desu desu

it's called the demographic transition
First and second world countries already ended it since few decades, hence our low birth rates.
Africa is only starting to get civilized so the death rate is dropping, but they are still fucking like bunnies: they are beginning their demographic transition. This will stabilize one day, but until then, their population will grow.
Kill yourself, every country had and/or will have this kind of demographic evolution, there is no jewish conspiration here.

Attached: Demographic-TransitionOWID-with-pyramids-1.png (3000x2266, 250K)

I need a blood heir. If genetically engineering was feasible for the average person I would make 4-5 god tier sons. For now women will do.

>This will stabilize one day
It will indeed.
By the time it will whites will already be extinct or about to become so.

stopping overpopulation by targeting a population already below replacement levels with green guilt and then telling them they need more brown people to come live like westerners is not contradictory?

pojeet, please...

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Wh*Te deserve it because they colonised other non-European country, especially Africa.

>White people will go extinct because of it
Imagine believing this. The curve will taper off. Sorry about your worldview.

Doesn't address my argument. Posters ITT desperate to spread racist panic, won't work on this guy.

You are not only deliberately childish but are also trying to hide your own agenda behind some pretty lullaby of 'tolerance and integration'. You are celebrating the disappearence of other peoples, instead of trying to be the best you.

You are not saying "we are going to make this thing of our own the way we want it", "we are going to be better than you" and perhaps even "we are going to better on your total expense", which is something I could respect with all my heart.

But instead you are saying "you have this thing, we want a bite of it, so we are moving to your country and make your daughter pregnant and there's nothing you can do about it, haa haa haa."

If the curve "tapers off" by 2100-2150 as is currently predicted, white people will go extinct. It is as simple as that.

Yes making up facts really is that simple.

you never made an argument, chang, you just skirted around the hypocrisy.

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Argument made here for all the thread to see . Get back to me when you have a counter, I'll wait

I don't understand how you think they will survive.

I don't see how you assume we won't.

the address or stop pretending your some hilarious master baiter from a monty python sketch

You're not white

Population numbers, average age of those populations, one hundred more years of growth for third world countries and one hundred more years of decline for first and second world ones. It would take some serious apartheid to keep white people alive artificially.

White race is an arbitrary made up term by Americans, it's just convenient to use. What matters is that Romanians are also suffering heavily from the effects of population decline.

White genocide makes me happy, when white people are eradicated from the gene pool by black bulls I will finally become the white person myself as I have always dreamed of

>targeting a population
This population voted for politicians with pro immigration stances. Because, and this may astound you, but many people value empathy
>green guilt
What is this?
>telling them they need more brown people to come live like westerners
Jow Forums propaganda framing. Giving a second chance to refugees whose lives were torn asunder by foreign meddling is kind and virtuous, and relieves tension from the middle east. Is it a perfect paradise where all immigrants are perfect and integrate immediately? Of course not. That's not the point.

We will eventually gain control of genetics Gattaca style and 'race' as we understand it will be a thing of the past. By the way, the existing numbers do not convince me that whites will 'go extinct' before (or even after) Gattaca tech, just that they will decrease.

By the way it's a myth that white people are the world's saviour. Under white rule some of the worst atrocities have been committed. It is only because of lucky animal distribution that whites and asians got the leg up on the rest of the world, and kept the rest of the world down. Relevant: youtube.com/watch?v=JEYh5WACqEk

Do not bore me with your retarded science fiction. That was not the argument.

>By the way it's a myth that white people are the world's saviour. Under white rule some of the worst atrocities have been committed. It is only because of lucky animal distribution that whites and asians got the leg up on the rest of the world, and kept the rest of the world down. Relevant:

Literally not true, all of it, lol.
What a fucking idiot you are.

laughing my fucking ass off
>inb4 pic related

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>his population voted for politicians with pro immigration stances. Because, and this may astound you, but many people value empathy
Even in Sweden polls show that the majority of people want less immigration, even if not the majority vote for SD. It's not as simple as "well you voted for this so now you deserve lying and scheming politicians replacing you with third-worlders". That's some seriously cynical shit.
>What is this?
are you retarded? can't even figure it out in the context of my first pic?
>Jow Forums propaganda framing
But we're reminded all the time about how we'd need multiple earths if everyone were to live like westerners, so why not be happy about population decline instead of importing millions of shitskins to come live like us?

Jesus, the mental gymnastics you do to justify your stay in Canada, poojeet.

Just have more children retards no one is stopping you. At most you'll have some hippies complaining about overpopulation to you.

>Literally not true, all of it, lol.
>What a fucking idiot you are.
This is how I know I'm getting to people, thanks

>Do not bore me with your retarded science fiction. That was not the argument.
Stating your assumption of the future with no facts to back it up is science fiction. China has already shown they will tolerate genetic modification of humans, even if the actual news case was some scientist exaggerating his results.

>Even in Sweden polls show that the majority of people want less immigration, even if not the majority vote for SD
Because this immigration train can't go on forever, that's obvious. It doesn't change the fact that people elected politicians who tried integration as a way to ease tensions in the middle east.
>are you retarded? can't even figure it out in the context of my first pic?
What does green have to do with your pic or guilt have relevance to any of this? Just because some 2 bit internet mag tweeted something has no bearing on my life or opinions, nice try though.
>But we're reminded all the time about how we'd need multiple earths if everyone were to live like westerners, so why not be happy about population decline instead of importing millions of shitskins to come live like us?
Straw man, ignores the fact that aging boomers leave gaps in the economy.

>an unironic nazbol gang family
So much for change in politics

I don't want a bite of anything you have and if I ever marry a Finnish chic it's going to be because not only is she rockstar cool but willing to live in Mexico.

What I'm saying is "white genocide" is not real.

That is 5-6% for the continent with migration and the growth of certain minorities included.

Attached: population-to-2050.gif (684x784, 612K)

Just because africa will likely experience a population sonic boom doesn't mean that everyone else will disappear. Good gif though.

>Because this immigration train can't go on forever, that's obvious.
Why not, you just said people value empathy and that we need illiterate, welfare-sucking shitskins to sustain the aging boomers. Make up you mind already.
>What does green have to do with your pic or guilt have relevance to any of this?
Trying to guilt whites in to having less babies to fight global warming? It was printed all over, global and local newspapers alike. Why do you think you'll win points by being retarded?
>Straw man
No, it was addressing the hypocrisy of the first pic.

I'm out, but you can keep baiting and pretending to be retarded if that's your fancy.