Why are Asian countries so obsessed with white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes?

Why are Asian countries so obsessed with white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes?


My family and I have blonde hair and when my auntie and uncle went through SEA, Japan and Korea with their daughter, they were frequently stopped and asked for selfies or whether their hair could be touched. Sometimes strangers would just straight up go and start touching their daughters hair, which was unnerving. It's just bizarre.

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A lot of non-white countries are obsessed with it, they just react to it differently. People in Latin America have far better manners than to just walk up and touch someone that way.

>some japanese man slow-mo filming this blonde woman

because it's exotic
why do you think white guys go crazy when they see an attractive asian girl
it's the same thing

china seems to be the worst out of all of them, then SEA from family's experience

fairo, it's still kinda surprising when you're not used to it

it's not like these videos though man, it's this small minority of people much like people in that minority fetishizing white guys

An S tier Asian girl is equivalent to an A tier white girl. Only beta white males go crazy for a relatively attractive Asian girl.

Congrats, how does it feel to be treated like pets in a zoo?

interested because you look different, ofc

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nice but disconcerting
it depends who it's directed to
idm it at myself but i'm never taking my daughters / sons to these countries whilst they're under the age of 16 though

Ching Changs on that vid were shy, they weren't "obsessed" with whites

He was being hyperbolic you dolt

I don't think they'd walk up to other (non chink) races and react in the same way. You could say they are more blond obsessed than white obsessed but I've heard other white people saying Chinese acted strange around them, one guy told me they would touch his arm hair, in weird ways. They're just really horribly ill mannered people.

>Why are Asian countries so obsessed with white skin, blonde hair and blue eyes?
Are we?

It gets worse when you're blonde with blue eyes AND you're over 6 feet tall.

6'8" here. You wouldn't believe just how many people wanted to have their picture taken with me in Japan. Girls, women, grown men even.. sure are a friendly folk though.

Here in Kazakhstan when we see blond/brown haired blue/green-eyed Russian we don't really give a fuck about them, so y r saying that we are obsessed with them?

There's really no need to get butthurt, OP seems to be talking about East Asia/SEA.

Asian means Yellow people here

you're not asian you're arab
the brits are confused on this one i'll give the burgers that

whitu is alien

I like feeling superior, but I also don't like being the center of attention, so it's a double-edged sword.

Honestly that doesn't happen here. No one is gonna reach out to you out of the blue and ask you for a pic simply because you are white, or if it happens it's extrmely rare.
The reason is because there are whites in literally every single country (except maybe haiti), so you are not seen as exotic as is the case in SEA or East Asia


Says the Kazakh Chink rapebaby LOL

So that what they meant by "Waito piggu"

>Oh look a space alien, let me snap a picture.

He thinks he's a celebrity.
He's more like a zoo animal or an ayy lmao, it's something they've never seen before.

Looks like anime...of course. I mean, I do that sometimes on strangers of other blonde girls, although what I want to touch so much are the blond men.. but too scared to ask.

bullshit it's the other way around. I went to japan recently and saw a million cuties in Tokyo
Never saw anything like that in any major white city.

jap girls look way more anime then any other nationality though. I think it's just to do with it being different from what they're used to seeing.

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damn that's cringe af

>liking the 2d flat face asians compared to 3d face white girls from profile view
Nope. their eyes are small, even with the temporary eyelid glue to make it bigger. Whites on the other hand are all natural with the defined jaws and nose bridge. I don't consider the girls going under the knife as human but rather failed experiments, so, non-human.

>they were frequently stopped and asked for selfies or whether their hair could be touched
in japan??

you guys still don't really understand about japanese

I think I've never heard of people touching others in the street just because they have blue/green eyes or blonde hair. Never happened to me.

Sorry, I was talking about Argentina (I'm from there), because you said Latin America.

I'm not obsessed with sw*doids

why do people think japanese are friendly?

no one would talk to you for personal reasons here

Try getting out of Tokyo for a few days. Alternatively, get them shitfaced.

Same reason wh*toids are, it's exotic for them.

I don't think so. I don't think you understand I'm japanese

I assume it was rare / non-existent in Japan for the touching hair stuff but they definitely mentioned japan as one of the countries for this sort of funky activity

I assume they are “based” whites who think east asia is basically china

>I assume they are “based” whites who think east asia is basically china

Quite the opposite actually, they definitely tried to learn a lot about the cultures and languages of the places they went to before going there, and did plenty of homework on where to go to.

They did the same with Europe before having their daughter.

>Ad hominem
You guys get really defensive and argumentative over negative attributes or facts about Japan, don't ya?

* I forgot to mention China as one of the places they went to, whoops

Went to India (Tamil Nadu specifically) when I was younger with long blonde hair and blue eyes, I was treated like a fucking rockstar. I know now what it feels like to be famous and it's shit

ok then let me straight to the point. its so fucking cringe if you actually believe “they were frequently stopped and asked for selfies or whether their hair could be touched” in japan
I still think you don't really understand how that's crazy. 99% japanese would say it's just another blatantly false

if they are decent people like you say, I strongly assume that they or you got something wrong

>You guys get really defensive and argumentative over negative attributes or facts about Japan, don't ya?
it's almost funny considering how people keep bullshiting about japan. one of the worst excuses for me

Chinese influence


They experienced it there, it wasn't as prevalent and I'm sure the 99% of Japanese people they met weren't like that, as well as the majority in other Asian nations too, just that 1% they did meet were.

This lad gets it

I'm sorry but I still simply can't believe it

Same thing in India

See: youtu.be/z-kYGagd2sw

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that's kinda scary desu
wouldn't wanna go there as a girl

Pedo subhumans

Honorary white my ass

I want them out of my country

Indians are even worse

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What about brown hair?

Jews and their hollywood lies.

That Jap migrant is probably being raped by some mulatto subhuman in jail right now.

I'd tell them to be careful to street scams if that's true

don't be like that suddenly. at least I tried to believe you. anyway it's even more worrying if you can simply believe any memorial museum made by CCP.

>The Pakistani pedo problem in the UK
is that pic of someone who diddled kids?

IDK, I don't have brown hair nor my family, and all the stuff I've seen online is about blonde hair. I assume it'd be the same because if you're European you'd have fine / thin hair and similar features.

I'm sorry lad, just couldn't resist desu
I really don't like the CCP but the meme was too tempting

Those girls are Brazilian
The guy was a Jap migrant who sexualy abused them. I hope so.

Because everyone has black hair and eyes

>There are no Russian blonds in Kazakhstan

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that's not really funny for me because I just can painfully understand that I know a lot more about asia than you just like you know a lot more about australia than me

Fair enough, I know these topics are quite serious and controversial over there, that's why I take the piss, I don't know it or feel it personally on a deep level though, I guess it can be unfunny because of it.
Feel free to make ill-informed jokes about Australia though, we'll be cackling like a bunch of galahs.

>that thread
I'm cringing

Based Nihonjin

Kuro Piggu go home

black hair and brown eyes so exotic.

their almond shaped eyes and childlike bodies are exotic

i'm calling the federal police

>why do you think white guys go crazy when they see an attractive asian girl
never see white ppl ask asian girl or tourist to be in the photo irl

1. originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.

read a book, bogan

Well, people here don't do that but do comments all the time how they want their kids to have blue or green eyes and good hair when the kid of someone is whiter than them.

>calls people bogan
>doesn't read
>be born and bred in Melbourne

you know exactly what you meant, you can't hide behind lies pedo

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based and cutepilled post

>words have multiple meanings
tell me more, wh*te manlet

>wh*Te manlet
this explains a lot desu

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No, it really is, if you consider that in a lot of these places non-asians are so rare that a lot of people just never fucking see them period. Seeing a white person with blonde hair and blue eyer for them is like us seeing a fucking honest to goodness Eskimo in full gear.

Anime tends to be a mix of Caucasian and Asian features.