Would you ever marry a non-virgin girl?

Would you ever marry a non-virgin girl?

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No girl would ever marry me.

I did
it was a mistake


Here in Russia your chances of marrying a virgin girl are close to zero unless you started dating when you studied at school which is uncommon.


Beggars can't be choosers

I would not marry anyone because that's just dumb but why would I seek for a virgin girl if I'm not virgin myself?
also I don't understand obsession with virgins anyway have you ever seen what hymen looks like?

virginity is a scam

Пoмeшны нa дeвcтвeннocти тoлькo oтcтaлыe дeгeнepaты, кoтopыe нe пoнимaют чтo живyт нe в пeщepaх.

It's not a dealbreaker if she has repented of it and recommitted herself to being chaste (or if she was raped, in which her virginity was stolen). We've all done stupid shit we're not proud of and regret. I know a few Mary Magdalene types.

Now if she shows no remorse, that's a sign she's probably still riding the Carousel.

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He знaю к чeмy ты нaпиcaл, дeбилoид, yчитывaя, чтo в мoём пocтe пpocтo oпиcaнa cитyaция в цeлoм.

Absolutely not. The chance of divorce rises radically after a woman has had premarital sexual partners, and I'm interested in raising a family, not a trainwreck.


you're a gullible cuck

Haтaшкa, cпoк.

>b-but it's 2019!!!!! Hy кaмoн))))

There is any virgin girl nowdays? Really?

lmao no

I am not insecure about my ability to please a woman. So, I don't care. But, looking for another angle, there is no safety in sex now days. Never tasted a pussy for fear of diseases.

Yes, if she only had 1 boyfriend before me, also I'd probably ask her about the "context" of it, why she thought he was the right guy, etc

Literally the opposite for me. If she makes a big fuss over it that means she's prone to do stupid shit without thinking and will inevitably cheat on you, while a girl that owns up to it has nothing to hide and will be completely honest with you.

i just want a wife that won't divorce me so I can raise a family without an enormous headache constantly looming in my mind and destroying all sense of unity because I have to bicker about custody with a woman that hates me

monogamy creates the civilization


>while a girl that owns up to it has nothing to hide and will be completely honest with you
My point exactly. You can't show remorse without owning up to it.

Yes, because I don't do the no sex for marriage rule.


>"women are all whores and the Gospel of Roosh V applies to every single one of them, no exceptions"
>"AWALT, your examples to the contrary don't count because Return of Kangz told me so"

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no, non virgins put me off

Yes, because I would deflower her before marriage.


t. depressed, minecraft-playing, anti-democratic redditor

who am I to shame a whore? I don't even know how to interact with the opposite sex

No hymen no diamond.

Oh that's rich, coming from the nation of nymphomaniacs

Attached: Hon Hon Hon.jpg (268x268, 24K)

Marriage shouldn't even be an institution. Not a government recognised one anyway. Let the churches and shit make up shitty contracts if they like. No one in their right mind should want anything to do with it. Would literally rather shoot myself in the leg than get married.

As long as she only had sex within a relationship. Casual sex or rape = no deal.

Yes ofcourse because i'm not a retard incel who thinks in terms of "cuck" or "bull"

In this day and age if you don't want to, you don't marry.
Which is good. I think men have no reason to contract marriage anymore.

yes, who cares, also it’s not like I can afford to cherrypick women

t. cuck whomst gf fucking a bull

t. cuckold whomse't've gf fucking a bull at this very moment


I have little interest in such a woman, I'll freely admit.

Yes because I'm not a Muslim

do you pour your bull a tiny beer after he's done cucking you?

Of course no, only cucks (wh*tes) would do that

what was the post?

Attached: 2019-01-08 19_41_04.jpg (687x85, 14K)


tfw you're a cuck and your bull who is cucking you catches you posting about "cucks" and "bulls" and makes you delete your post while he cucks you like a bull do

nah that guy is a subhuman muslim, he got banned in the other thread