Iraqi are too low IQ for democracy

Iraqi are too low IQ for democracy.

t. cosmic brain white IQ

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The maximum average IQ a Jeffersonian Republic can support is about 56.

Any video titled "The Truth about..." is an immediate brainlet red flag.

The Jeffersonian Republic that had slavery and unequal voting representation until the 60s.

le zoomer propagandist mememan

not an argument


Molyneux went to Poland and came back a white supremacist because he saw no crimes and white people sucked his dick during his conference there

he's been ranting about the superiority of the white man and the importance of IQ ever since

He's not even wrong, there are clear differences between races

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He's more like a docile Charles Manson.


>le obese middle aged woman next to le 20 yo model

wow.. with that high white IQ ... you finally unveiled the truth about races...

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that's not a middle aged woman you dolt. that's what abo teenagers look like here

Wrong, I've been to Australia and they don't look like that

is the one of the left the scammer? Like, the one who used to make videos with her sister or some shit?

wrong, I'm an abo and they do look like that

wrong, I'm Yakub and they were not made like that

That's where you're wrong kiddo. I'm an abo and we don't look like that in our 20s

>anglo subtypes arguing
All of you are lying

>let me tell you about your country
americans never change

In 1900, the average white American had an IQ ~2 SD below the modern mean, yet democracy was still possible.

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You mean the robber barons?

>let me tell you about your country

>aussie shitposting
Never change

except it is and you're just some retarded perthy that probably got bullied by an abo (seriously how big of a loser do you have to be to be bullied by abos LMAO)

>except it is
not it's not
and i literally am a fucking abo
my MUM is abo you white dolt

are you suggesting oligarchs hold no sway in modern US political processes

why are you posting a pic of your mum on Jow Forums? what a dumb cunt lol

>Why yes i do in fact BTFO ausie nazis so hard they have to resort to obvious lie to save face

How the fuck did they know ?

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Are you suggesting they didn't use to hold a much bigger one?

Is it an argument to just say
>Iraqis low iq lmao, they deserved to get killed look at all this proof i dont have
Iraqi intellectuals got killed off by foreign powers

says the wh*te moron who thinks we're all the same race lol

>let me tell you about your country

Even so, IQ, beauty or any other measure isn't relevant. Humans in any kantian society are measured by the most fundamental of things. We shouldn't ttreat the right woman as a subhuman because the girl of the left is one you'd rather like to fuck.

Don't be fucking ignorant.

Iraqi are too high IQ for accepting a constitution written by foreign powers.

Truly gigachad has evolved beyond regular humanity

t. lachlan chingchong-smith

Not to the degree that the state could not be characterized as a Jeffersonian Republic.

you're literally a dirty arab lol
t. white dog

Maybe two points lower but two sd is way tok much
Actually I wouldn't be surprised if people in the western countries have a lower IQ now than a 100 years ago

>10/10 model in her prime with five tons of makeup looks hotter than a poor fat old lady

Wow! Looks like I just got REDPILLED about race!

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>average aussie girl is a 10/10 model
holy shit canada, I didn't know chinks were so stupid

t. eats dogs

What did he mean by this?

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youre literally white

yeah man over here there's just filthy mudlsimes raping and killing all the poor white women because of the jews man, and we also have space aids and gay aliens
W-what do you know about my country?!

I really hate racialist scum like you and i'm happy society and education has made it so that you're always going to be a reject while those low iq abbos rise to positions of power.

>le based master race KEKEKEK praise shadilay!

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Underrated post

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If Iraqis have low IQs does it mean we can farm them for meat?

you're literally a middle eastern shitskin
how does it feel to be lower than an abo chad?

Don't know why people post pics of American confederates and Nazis as if all Americans don't look like subhuman mutts regardless of their political affiliation

cringe af, bro if you can't fit in IRL or even on Jow Forums might as well just kys, friendless tryhard poof. you're not funny.

says you...

I want Jow Forums to go

Kill yourself white cunt no one likes you

Do people really take molymeme seriously

Based abo Chad itt

ur mum likes me ROFL

My mum's a whore, enjoy it

That's why shitskin countries will never be 1ยบ world

I'm not British

what happened? sent to bed without tendies today?

wow epic white banter
you probably live with your parents don't you, steven

Lul this guy is too based for his own good

such high IQ

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why are these threads always hot beds of Jow Forumstard posts

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>Heat and light is the same as huge amounts of Carbon Dioxide
>Plants are the only part of nature that matters
What a fucking spastic

imagine getting this upset lmao, i was just joking bro you aren't going to cry are you?

i will fucking rape you soyshit

You need to have a white IQ to understand his tweets, clearly you're just too brown.

bro don't cry and have an autism attack i was only joking LMFAO


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>population growth exponential
>iq growth linear

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