Why is the UK like this?

Why is the UK like this?

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The only region in the Netherlands is also the poorest one here by all metric ranging from income to unemployment. It only shows up there because gas is extracted from their soil (which causes earthquakes) and the money spend somewhere in Amsterdam-The Hague.

don't care about poor people simple as

No one lives in West Wales apart from old people

Yorkshire mentioned TWICE

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terrible social mobility and entrenched class system

Seriously how do you even have bad social mobility in 21st century like all you have to do is have some form of schooling system

>when you have the richest region and the poorest region
Capitalism is such a great system, huh?

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Only Paki's and Poles go to public school in the UK.

Unironically because Thatcher took the industries out of those places and no govrnment since has ever replaced them.

Many European countries suffer from post-industrialization.

Sure, but since we industriliased first our situation is unique.

I always imagine Northern England is still shitty and bleak like it was portrayed in Peaky Blinders except without coal power plants and with uglier people.

This country is Eastern European-tier if you don't live in Southern England.

You would be surprised how bad some regions in 'rich' countries look like outside of the more relevant parts. There are towns on the Dutch-German border that are still stuck in the 80s or something and for example upon entering Walonia you just feel some sort of anxiety falling upon you telling you to get the hell out of there.

The North is more powerful without industry, especially the aerospace one that was bombing in the 50s and 60s. Thatcher was right to destroy what was left

Fuck off tarq

It's the same for East/West Coast and Middle America.

I always though places like West Wales and Cornwall were rural but still overall nice with little crime and shit, just kinda honest working farmers and shit. Or are they ghetto style poor areas?

I live in one of the poorest municipalities in Sweden in terms of municipal income, but we also have like the top 5 highest average personal income. Weird.

What did Thatcher actually do to fuck them up? Was it like weird as fuck tax shit, or was she mainly just pulling the plug on businesses that couldn't stand on it's own feet without government gibs?

because of eu

We're not really first world, at least not outside of the Home Counties.

>mainly just pulling the plug on businesses that couldn't stand on it's own feet without government gibs?
Mostly this. I'm not going to defend coal mining or anything, but when combined with the fact she made literally no effort to replace those jobs with new industries it's unfogrivable.

We told you it's a shithole.

yeah you guys keep spamming about it
almost like you've got something to compensate for

>I always though places like West Wales and Cornwall were rural but still overall nice with little crime and shit,
And you'd be absolutely correct. Obviously to the towns there looking for crime, you'll find it, but overall they're some of the best areas in the UK

>I always though places like West Wales and Cornwall were rural but still overall nice with little crime and shit, just kinda honest working farmers and shit.
The rural areas are. Poverty is almost exclusively found in council estate suburbs and mid-sized towns.

>Obviously to the towns there looking for crime
>obviously if you go to the towns looking for crime

Its a facade. Only London (zones 3 to 1) is developed. Albeit english towns are comfy but they cant compare to the continent.

>East/West Coast
The coasts in general have better looking people that most of the country, not including the South East IE Dixie. The Midwest is a major shitshow though apart from Minnesota and Illinois.

Britain has become the City and nothing else thats why Brexit is gonna rek them

>but they cant compare to the continent.
I hope you aren't including Poland in that statement.

>Britain has become the City and nothing else
If there exists one legitimate criticism of uk by germans, it is this. Successive governments have fucked over so many regions it's ridiculous.
Germany on the other hand has been doing the opposite, which has worked out much better

based pepe posting yorkshireaean

honestly i don't think it's as bad as it looks, at least compare to finland where we have this

the richest region aka helsinki area pays up to 600M € each year to keep all the böndevillages in eastern finland at 1st world level yet somehow these retards still keep complaining about government favouritism towards the capital region

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t. kepu

the anglo is controlled by the jew and this is his reward

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based apustajaposter

>letting your c*pital fuck over the rest of your cunt
nicht völkisch

>Northern Europe

>nicht völkisch
ja ich weiss. Konservative partei sind dumb dumbs

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Because London has been steadily draining the wealth out of the rest of the country and then justifying it by pointing out that it's the only one making money (after, of course, underfunding removed the ability of the rest of the country to make money).

Brexit wasn't as much about hating the EU as much as it was the rest of the UK cutting its nose off to spite its face.

>may is so cringe she get dabbed on by a half cognizant alcoholic
would corbyn be better in your view

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>Brexit wasn't as much about hating the EU as much as it was the rest of the UK cutting its nose off to spite its face.
this is a hot völkisch take that i have not heard before and i kind of like it.

is it actually true

Truthful answer - WW2 & genuine socialism (as opposed to social democracy)

We exited WW2 with the entire economy on a war footing and nationalised, instead of rstarting from scratch as the conquered nations did, or rapidly de-nationalising, we went balls deep on it and nationalised everything.

I think it has had a profound effect on the nation's attitude to work & entrepreneurialism, but it also means that de-industrialisation was especially savage as the plug was pulled on nearly all the nationalised industries in one decade.

>Because London has been steadily draining the wealth out of the rest of the country and then justifying it by pointing out that it's the only one making money (after, of course, underfunding removed the ability of the rest of the country to make money).
This is exactly what people who produce propaganda infographics like don't seem to comprehend even at the most basic level.

Da norf

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Definitely an element of it.

I have to work in London regularly and fucking hate it. Horrible commute to sit in an office full of other pissed off people with a horrible commute so we can slave away to subsidise London being treated as a playground for foreigners.

Its the London companies driving a lot of the skilled worker migration as well as its very hard to get junior British staff who are competent. A lot of young Brits would rather stay living in their own towns & cities for a lot less than be forced into London like cattle and burned out.

The jobs need to move.

Yes. I have every intention of voting for him in the next elections, not because his policies are amazing, but just to spite the conservatives. While some of the conservative backbenchers do have the best of intentions, they have systematically failed to address any of the issues left behind by deindustrialisation. People say that Corbyn's extensive renationalisation policies would make everything ten times worse, but honestly, I'd rather someone tried and failed than just left our cunt to rot in this state.
Something has to change.

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my respect for him went up with the stupid woman mark

Also, might I add that renationalisation would reinvigorate areas that previously were previously predominantly focused on manufacturing, and now are focused on fucking nothing

he is, if nothing else, principled

also he'll stop supporting the saudis and israelis so that can be thrown in a a bonus

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based. i can't wait for prime ministers questions tommo

lol, do foreigners actually watch this aha?
I never would've thought they'd show any interest, though I suppose anything is better than the mind-numbingly dull semi-circle European/German parliaments

because the norf is full of retards

i happen to have a british ip and i have been watching on and off (mostly on with the brexit thing) last few months and i love it, it's hilarious.

>the fucking jeers and cheers
>*random call for scottish independance*
>*person randomly picks up thing in the middle, gets kicked out, goes to the pub*
>*government held in contempt*

it's very, very, entertaining

10/10 accurate

Glad someone else watches PMQs for the entertainment factor. People always look at me as if I'm a bit mad well I tell them.

Best part is how the politicians can be fairly funny and almost human in parliament before they turn back into phrase quoting robots whenever they're interviewed outside. The disconnect only adds to the comedy.

good taste bros, cheers

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>he'll stop supporting the saudis and israelis
and that's why he'll never win, no one who criticises the jews gets ahead in this country

Haha, i agree - i watch them all too, just thought euros would find it weird with no context
It's got to be one of the most bizarre political bodies in the world and is an excellent source of laughs and maymays

>person randomly picks up thing in the middle
oh man the fucking mace. If someone manages to take that thing out of the room then they have to call off all the debates

unfortunate but probably true. we can always hope though

I laughed so hard during the Qtime during last election when everyone in audience freaked out when corbyn said he wouldn't first strike north korea.

>If someone manages to take that thing out of the room then they have to call off all the debates
hahaha really?

yeah qt is also pretty good
or should i say "was" pretty good
I refuse to ever watch it again :(

I mean, he did become the 2nd most important political leader in the country, I'd call that "getting ahead".


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It's traditional, and if we buck tradition we'd be no better than the revolutionaries that killed their monarchs.

>"The House of Commons can only operate lawfully when the royal mace – dating from the reign of Charles II – is present at the table."

yeah it's the symbol of royal authority or some esoteric shit.
It's the sort of shit you'd expect to find in the roman senate c.100bc, not UK parliament 2019. Still pretty funny though


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What if it was replaced with a fake?


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>parliament of the UK stops functioning overnight
Crime of the century. Was the whole mace thing around during the Guy Fawkes days? Because if so, that's where he fucked up.

>Was the whole mace thing around during the Guy Fawkes days?
Not this mace. This mace was only since Charles II.
If someone took it or replaced it that's okay, we have a couple of others lying around in some cathedral somewhere :^)

>Northern europe
??? sweden, norway, denmark, finland, iceland, estonia and maybe scotland if you wanna stretch it are northern europe. Does the 100000 years of inbreeding in island make brits bit wonky?

>the fucking jeers and cheers
Absolutely hate this shit. It's pathetic watching 60+ year olds acting like children.
>Dennis Skinner
Abolsutely fuckig based.

still waiting for some actual arguments instead of kepu propaganda

>Skinner has been suspended from Parliament on at least ten occasions, usually for "unparliamentary language" when attacking opponents. Notable infractions have included:

>Twice in 1984, once for calling David Owen a "pompous sod" (and only agreeing to withdraw "pompous"),[30] and the second time for stating Thatcher would bribe judges.[31]
>In 1992, referring to the Minister of Agriculture John Gummer as a "little squirt of a Minister" and a "slimy wart on Margaret Thatcher's nose".[30]
>In 1995, accusing the Major government of a "crooked deal" to sell off Britain's coal mines.[30]
>In 2005, when referring to the economic record of the Conservatives in the 1980s, making the remark, "The only thing that was growing then were the lines of coke in front of "Boy George" and the rest of the Tories", a reference to allegations originally published in the Sunday Mirror of cocaine use by the Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne (though, in the Commons, Skinner referred to the News of the World).
>In 2006, accusing Deputy Speaker Sir Alan Haselhurst of leniency towards remarks made by opposition frontbencher and future Prime Minister Theresa May "because she's a Tory".[32]
>In 2016, for referring to Prime Minister David Cameron as "Dodgy Dave" in relation to Cameron's tax affairs.[33]


Best we keep the lower classes in their place.

The area there, Durham, also has one of the best Universities in the world.

Fuck I love living having London money and living outside of there.

All other European nations suffer from poorfaggitry.



Im not obviously

millwall millwall fuck em ol cuck em ol

It's going to get worse and worse. It's over for brexit fags.

Wait I thought groningen was nice

>northern europe
Why do western europoors do this?

actually not that farfetched a notion; Nietzsche considered France northern Europe iirc
the idea that we're somehow southern europeans came with the death of morals that followed WW2


This happened in America too, but to a lesser extent. The military/industrial complex that leftists so often rage against was the result of a left-wing socialist president FDR who turned the entire US economy into a vast war machine so thoroughly that it was never possible to fully change it back again.

What definition of "Northern Europe" are the retards behind this image using, exactly?

>The coasts in general have better looking people that most of the country
Yeah I don't think so.

France isn't northern European, and quite frankly I don't really see why you'd want to be.

If Brexit kills the City it will all have been worth it.

>The Midwest is a major shitshow though apart from Minnesota and Illinois.

And what's with the Idles trying to LARP as 1980s punks and they're still fighting Thatcher? It's laughable.

>It seems that the Latin races are far more deeply attached to their Catholicism than we Northerners are to Christianity generally, and that consequently unbelief in Catholic countries means something quite different from what it does among Protestants—namely, a sort of revolt against the spirit of the race, while with us it is rather a return to the spirit (or non- spirit) of the race. We Northerners undoubtedly derive our origin from barbarous races, even as regards our talents for religion—we have POOR talents for it. One may make an exception in the case of the Celts, who have theretofore furnished also the best soil for Christian infection in the North: the Christian ideal blossomed forth in France as much as ever the pale sun of the north would allow it. How strangely pious for our taste are still these later French skeptics, whenever there is any Celtic blood in their origin! How Catholic, how un-German does Auguste Comte’s Sociology seem to us, with the Roman logic of its instincts! How Jesuitical, that amiable and shrewd cicerone of Port Royal, Sainte-Beuve, in spite of all his hostility to Jesuits! And even Ernest Renan: how inaccessible to us Northerners does the language of such a Renan appear, in whom every instant the merest touch of religious thrill throws his refined voluptuous and comfortably couching soul off its balance! Let us repeat after him these fine sentences—and what wickedness and haughtiness is immediately aroused by way of answer in our probably less beautiful but harder souls, that is to say, in our more German souls!
We are northerners because Nietzsche said it :)

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Also highest obesity rate in Europe.

West Virginia is known as America's shame.

London has all the wealth, the rest of us are eastern euro tier. Hence the similarities between slavs and our native chavs.