I really like Russians

Although I despise their country and politicians I must say I like them. They are very good posters, always chilled out and actually make me laugh more often than anybody else. Thank you Russbros for being with us.

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I will cannibalize you

>i HATE Putin! he is an EVIL DICTATOR!

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he keeps his people in a fake delusion that Russia is a superpower, while most of the people live in conditions that insult human dignity. You do no believe me? google street view any Russian city. (No offence Russians)


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like a zoo attraction
you don't want it near your house, but funny in a cage

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Russians are super hospitable and fun people, until you don't get into Pootin and politics with them.

I don't know what it says I don't speak french

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to be fair crime and homicide rate is down like 80-90% since 90s. bretty good, considering.

I want a Russian girl to ride my penis

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I also like Poles but despise their country and politicians. the leeches of europe

>he keeps his people in a fake delusion that Russia is a superpower
oh shit, you dont know anything about Russia and revealed it in the first sentence
incredible. your entire post sounds like regurgitated sensationalist Polish propaganda

maybe you arent smart or respectful enough then

is she attractive to you?

Depends on where you live, actually. The further from Moscow/St. Petersburg, the more true it is. Our propaganda is getting more and more ridiculous on all sides.

Russians and Amerimutts + LA + Asians make this board worth visiting. Western Europeans are ok usually. Swedes/Danes/etc... are usually garbage. Polish posts can be summarized as "REEEEEEEE Russia". Baltics are eternally butthurt, Romanians just dumb

we are controversial that's for sure. but you can always argue with us and we bite back. you may not like it but we add a lot of value to this shithole.

kek don't forget the finns. They're responsible for all salty posts. Can't figure out why. They literally have life on easy mode.

i agree,they dont pretend to be better than they are which makes them quite chill to talk to.
Brazilian posters though,those are the absolute worst.They never have good posts and pretend to be better than they are which makes them absolutely insufferable

>They are very good posters
They are when they aren't putinbots or literal shills.