I earn 300 dollars a month and i want to kill myself every waking moment of my life

I earn 300 dollars a month and i want to kill myself every waking moment of my life
How about you guys?

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I earn a random amount between 200 and 1500 dollars a month while having no days off and I don't give a shit about life anymore, thank you for asking.

What do you do?

I was earning about 600 a month 12 hours no rest days.
am not working now but will be soon.

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$60,000 a year but still only in my twenties so still have a lot of time to better myself and learn.

Things will get better user, just work hard and always do your best. Always look for a way to make yourself and your life better.

Unlicenced electrician with a side of CCTV and internet wiring. Sometimes fire alarms, too. A wirecutter monkey, so to speak.

i think im in an exactly the same situation if you are killing yourself we could do it together
i also had this crazy idea of just moving in some abandoned village (our countries are full of those) and restarting it, you know, growing vegetables and so on while eating homeless people food we get from charity until our first plants grow

Shit man
I work two 16 hour shifts and then rest for two days but this bitch quit her job so I had to fill in for her. Been working for 3 days doing 16 hour shifts. Tomorrow i have to show up again.

1350 Euro per month

But my apartment is 500 Euro per month here..

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That would be cool but I know nothing of agriculture so I'm not exactly suited for that lifestyle

>open amazon account
>go to mechanical t*rk
>earn 600 a month while sitting on your ass, listening to music, playing video games and sometimes working when you feel like it
I bet you guys still ride bikes with training wheels on
Having a computer with an internet connection and earning 300 euros a month is inexcusable

I get 1100€ in neetbux but my rent is 550€ so youre not left with much

what other options do you even have?

c-can i join you

Offshore welder/repairman.

I earn 1600€ a month, live with parents and don't know what money is for.
I just go to work like I used to go to school except there is only old women and no more friends.
I really don't get life and try to stay healthy to get good mental state.

Why don't you just move to Austria like everyone from your cunt?

Forgot pic

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man i swear

i could gather at least 20 balkaniggers who are all working 50-60 hour weeks for 1$/hour wages
we could all gather and just start a huge fucking village in some abandoned landfill, 90% of serbia is just abandoned villages

we could grow potatoes, no for real we COULD grow metric tons of potatoes if we only have water, then we would need just ONE of us to figure out how to make vodka/rakia out of it and we would practically have french fries and vodka all day everyday

we might not have electricity or gfs, but at least we'd have vodka and french fries all the time, beats balkanian urban slavery
we would go from thinking about suicide to not thinking about suicide

fuck all of you im doing this screw you im out

it doesn't matter, man. i make 100k a year and i am depressed.

i currently earn 2500 euros a month and i feel like i'm wasting my braincells being an engineer. i'm going to pursue a career in science and earn less, but at least i'll feel better about myself

Can I come ?

I don't understand, what do you do with an amazon account and a Turk?

>what do you do with an amazon account and a Turk?
sales. bird enthusiasts need bird-feed in the form of insect

wait, explain this shit
are you saying that i could go collect bugs and sell them to some fucking retards on the internet and earn a living wage??????????????

if you arent meming me hard i might just not need to kill myself anymore

I earn 2300 after tax and i have never touched a woman in my life.
I don't want to off myself though

uh.. yeah it wasn't meant as a serious answer, but on a more serious note: yes, you can earn a very good dollaridoodle just by selling insects or insect larvae on the internet. ladybugs are in high demand for instance.