Why yes, I am indeed Brazilian how could you tell?

>why yes, I am indeed Brazilian how could you tell?

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Is this what German Brazilians look like?

It's funny how this section considers itself to be more intellectual than Jow Forums and other sections on this site when 95% of what's posted on here is pure garbage like this.

omg there's been like 5 threads already with this guy, lmao. expect Jow Forums to go crazy for a few days

What in the fuck

shut the fuck up dork LMAO

>Race-bait threads
>IMAGINE THE smell thread
>Making fun of monkeyzilians
Oh no, y Jow Forums-yards make fun of them? This isn't intellectual enough

Brazilians are one of the most intellectual and interesting posters, they don't deserve being called monkeys.

This whole site is pretty stupid, but this section is the probably the dumbest. All shitposting with no substance at all. It's not clever or funny.

Remove yourself from premises poltard

ive been on this shithole for literally over a decade now and ive literally never heard of a board being referred to as a "section"

yikes yeesh oof

go back

What the fuck are you talking about you fucking weirdo

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I've been here from year one, sadly. Does it irk your autism?

Lmao like we give a fuck about what first worlders say, yeah we might look and act like monkey but at least we have bunda and big dicks not like your boring countries

It is just a word. Why are you sperging out

is Brazil where humanity started?

>It's funny how this section considers itself to be more intellectual than Jow Forums
No one has ever proclaimed this, stop making up shit


turn off the proxy jose

>look at this actual retard, this is your country
>I'm better than you because my country has a higher hdi rank
99% of the content on here

Shut the fuck up you don't know shut about brazil you retard

I saved this for later viewing.

This is nightmare fuel to the max. I'd start running away if I saw this

here we go again for another 2 years of sopa 2.0...

just an advice lads, brazil is the first relevant nation (resource-wise) to actually give a step forward after being cucked for an entire century. meanwhile the f*rst world is just beggining to fall, so who will reach the finish line i wonder?

just a quick advice, don't bother with me. I mean, Brazil is just a third world nation, what's the actual chance that this thing will ever be relevant, right? hahahahahahahha

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I like that term. I'll use it from now on

Joao* how dumb are you, oh Aus flag lol okay

they're all the same to me

>everyone is a favelado
>everyone is black
>everyone think that Brazil is Rio.
>everyone think that we eat Sopa de Macaco
and now
>everyone has microcephaly
Controlling masses is very easy and this is coming from the troll that made all of these rumors viral.

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>Boy I sure love to post on the Jow Forums SECTION whilst I surf 4channel.org on my personal computer

only the latter, not the former

It's fun how Jow Forums users love to portray themselves as an ultra redpilled nation while being so easy to manipulate with false data, cherry picked videos and stuff like that. It's pretty fucking amusing to observe people UNIRONICALLY believing that everyone in Brazil look/act like this and start to shake and shiver in pavor of the supposed "future" of their nations due to jews and racemixing. Good fucking job, brazil is being directly blessed by kek in the last couple of years i suppose

I frequent Jow Forums just for pure trolling. They eat any shit you give to them, made a few "sources" and they all took the bait.

Brazilians are cringe dude. You fuckers hate yourselves for the most part. I like you, but you are a shitshow even by latino standards taking into account that there are self-haters in every country

Funny how the so called "information era" don't give us so much information as we thought

got any sources or infographics to share here?

Looks like some creature from pakistan

Sure, just go to Jow Forums.

You can make a lot of soup with that macaco.

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el pombero...

technically the genetic information of our monkey ancestors is still within us

with enough bad luck it could come to surface

He's of bulgaryan descent.

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>this section