Whiteo*ds literally, LITERALLY, can't stop breeding with Mexicans

Whiteo*ds literally, LITERALLY, can't stop breeding with Mexicans

Attached: PST_2017.05.15.intermarriage-01-00 (1).png (420x778, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=half mexican

the kids won't speak spanish and will call themselves latinx



youtube.com/results?search_query=half mexican

>about one-in-five intermarried couples
Too bad whites are by far the least likely to be a part of an intermarried couple, haha. Better luck next time, Mexico

Attached: miscegenation by race.png (311x439, 8K)

And the whites who do get into intermarried couples are mostly urban degenerates

Attached: miscegenation by race urban rural.png (310x439, 8K)

thats because white women are single mothers

Can someone explain why BLACKED.com is such a meme and yellow fever is everywhere online but both are rare IRL while you almost never see any discussion of white/hispanic couples?
For that matter, how the fuck did black/white get surpassed when it's shilled everywhere in the media?

Attached: paris-pool-party.webm (576x320, 1.15M)

This is based

Attached: 2BAA5420-2F77-454E-827D-5692C317A953.jpg (234x217, 17K)

Ok retard

Attached: single motherhood by race.png (420x320, 11K)

Lower expectations and butts that dont quit

White/black is rare because for whatever reason (I won't get into this) whites tend to exclude blacks as partners; furthermore, people marry assortatively with regard to social status, and there is a large gap between the white and black means in terms of income and family wealth.

Whites have always been obsessed with black people.

can u break it down further by race of the kid's biological father?

Jews run the pornography industry, and they're trying to advocate for the single most socially destructive combination (BMWF). Highest rate of rape, domestic violence, absentee fathers, etc. Such a pairing also creates offspring that is mentally and physically less healthy, from a white mother that would otherwise have white children; thus ensuring less competition for the levers of power. :^)

that's because there are much more white women than spanic men

>More interracial marriages among men than women
>Men more twice as likely to date black women than white woman to date black men

>Muh bbc
>Muh woman selling out the white race

> hispanic, hispanic, hispanic, hispanic? hispanic!
stop using this word as it was some type of race fucking amerilards.

It's the other way around: White men have yellow fever and white women want the BBC

Both can't resist the spice tho.

none of the kids race is mixed

Latin American Amerindians are a race

The white obsession with the black race goes all the way back to the Greeks. This obsession reached its high during the 1800s when Whites were determined to prove their superiority and constantly compared themselves to Blacks and ignored every other ethnic group on earth.

Is this what they teach in Black Studies at your Kwanza College?

this doesn't make sense.

why the whites would want to prove something so obvious back in 1800

Make way for the Indian Century, losers!

Attached: jus 7.jpg (717x960, 148K)

When the US government is collecting statistics about children, they almost always list the child's race as the same as that of their mother. They usually do not consider the race of the father, or whether the child is mixed.

Pedro here, can confirm this.
We'll have those states back in no time, diego

Attached: make_america_mexico_again.jpg (636x185, 37K)

amerindians are (there are only few of them tho), hispanics aren't

You realize that superiority simply means being of higher or above in rank? Equality doesn't exist and cannot exist; equality is a social construct. There is no possible interpretation, especially in the times of slavery, that blacks could be interpreted as being of higher rank than free whites, and especially their masters. Literal white superiority over blacks was a fact of life, not something to agonize over and try to prove.

A lot of Latin Americans have Amerindian admixture though. Not many have pure Iberian blood, despite what some may claim. The US has always been big on the One Drop Rule (and that's a good thing).

Okay? Whites have always been obsessed with black people. This is undeniable.

>One Drop Rule
Which makes most Southerners and "whites" in the Apalachians black. Ironically enough SJW liberals are more likely to be white by your standards


Then you should say the mixed ones are... mixed? When you say "hispanic" you are generalizing an entire population just because they speak the same language and a lot of them are mixed. But what about the ones who aren't? The black hispanics, the white hispanics, the yellow hispanics?

Porn is fantasy, nigs can only dream about touching a white woman irl

Attached: nigger.png (500x562, 326K)

I don't know why people always cite this Cobb case. I'd never even heard of him outside the context of his DNA results. The vast majority of white people do not carry DNA from other major racial groups like Africans and Asians.

Hey the US government's racial classifications are pretty retarded. Arabs, Nafris, Jews, Mexicans, and more are all counted as white, rendering the term basically meaningless in the context of census data.

Oh yes because whites are mass migrating to black countries, demanding more representation in black communities,etc
Fuck off nigger

/pol was the one pushing the blacked meme in order to create anxiety on incels and other assorted losers and push their "white genocide" narrative see

Yes, you're right. I love my mex wife very much, even though she insists on dragging me to church. We have two kids together, possibly more in the future.

This is so outdated. The reverse is true now. If you find something more recent just based on percentage of Asian women + white male is higher. And Hispanics mix with other Hispanics. The only reason this was high anyway is because you guys still believe in marriage and "white-hispanic" is still a thing. Most of those whites were probably Hispanic.

>. The vast majority of white people do not carry DNA from other major racial groups like Africans
Outside the two regions I specifically mentioned they don't, you're correct

It's not just Jow Forums, for instance marketing company also have racial quota to get progressive good boy points

The push for diversity in media is a different thing, it only creates anxiety in already alienated racists

Care to name a single major porn production house or website that isn't run by Jews? Pornography is an instrument of control, not pleasure. There's a reason it's so notoriously hard to render profitable and yet they keep churning it out, same with legacy newspapers.

Attached: e michael jones porn libido dominandi.jpg (752x564, 132K)

It's not all about anxiety; also normalization of taboos

Attached: miscegenation ad campaign.png (1000x1000, 244K)

Well it's obviously not made to trigger incels in purpose ofc

Not really, the only non-whites thatbwhites obsess over are jews
there millions of books about jews and about judaism and trying to understand that
blacks are actually the least interesting

>normalization of taboos
Black americans would not have become a disenfranchised minority had not "taboos" prevented their asimilation into the mainstream

Porn is largely funded by individual perverts who are in it for the sex, look at any number of independent producers and how they got into it.

>major production house
Jewish prominence in media can be explained without resorting to anti-semitic conspiracy theories, same a s banking it comes down to a willingness by their community to pursue professions historically considered taboo for Christians. Theater was traditionally considered disreputable and this carried into early movies, once you have a large community networking and giving breaks to their own you create both inertia and a reputation that is reinforced by stereotypes eg Trump has gone on record claiming he'd rather it be Jews handling/counting his money.

Still their pressence is largely overstated many of the big studios in the US are run by Asian tech firms for instance and there's probably plenty of WASPs making money in film. There's a lot of peo´ple who might go into the business side of porn were it not for they perceiving it as social suicide, if your family/social circle is more liberal/intellectual they might frown upon it but not disown you. Are some Jewish communities more educated and liberal than average? Is that not a simpler more plausible explanation than Nazi memes? Occam's razor applies.

>it's another mexican intellectual making bait threads on Jow Forums at 3 in the morning
yikes Paco what did you smoke tonight?

Attached: 1541558400842.jpg (753x1061, 109K)


>Occam's razor applies.
that's funny because you are the one coming up with convoluted theories about jewish prevalence in porn being due to liberalism

>once you have a large community networking and giving breaks to their own you create both inertia and a reputation that is reinforced by stereotypes
this part is like "how to paint nepotism in such a good light that you manage to make it sound like nepotists are oppressed" jesus fucking christ

>how to paint nepotism in such a good light
I never claimed it was good, it is what it is, all groups in power are loath to give up a position of power, Jews are no better, and no woprse, than any other human beings.

>convoluted theories
So you think their running a multi-generational worldwide conspiracy meant to dominate the world put the white man down is a more simple explanation? Do you read a lot of comic books?

It's as simple as why Italians became mobsters in the US, why Mexicans dominate the drug trade, why Asian tech firms have become so dominant or why France and Italy dominate world fashion, the convoluted part is reading more into it than what is already apparent, even if a simple paragraph long explanation looks complicated to you.

But hey, it's not like we could actually prove the protocols of the elders of Zion is not a hoax right?

>Jews are no better, and no woprse, than any other human beings.
So they should be held to the same standard as other then
>So you think their running a multi-generational worldwide conspiracy meant to dominate the world put the white man down is a more simple explanation? Do you read a lot of comic books?
"if you disagree with me you are obviously a tinfoil schizo" how about you fuck off
no the simple explanation is that jews have always been like this, driven to do shady shit, you talk but i bet you don't even know any jews while i am surrounded by them
the convoluted bullshit is analyzing political tendencies of certain jewish communities and then arguing it's the main factor in their choice of activity like please
>It's as simple as why Italians became mobsters in the US, why Mexicans dominate the drug trade, why Asian tech firms have become so dominant or why France and Italy dominate world fashion,
first off, a bit off topic but "italian" mobsters during early 20th cent USA were largely jewish, meyer lansky's story is a good example, you could read about that, it's the same for "russian" mobsters btw

second, what is notoceable here is that you only take positive examples, like can we put gypsies stealing chicken in your post too as something consubstantial to the gypsy community ? and if yes, should they not be judged for it ?
it's really mind-boggling because you accept to make sweeping statements about entire communities, which is something completely unacceptable, and then play as a moral person

>the convoluted part is reading more into it than what is already apparent,
which is what you are doing, not me

>Jews are no better, and no woprse, than any other human beings.
Equality is a social construct

>they should be held to the same standard as other then
Yes ffs that is my point
>"if you disagree with me you are obviously a tinfoil schizo"
You're not addressing the point, what is your alternate explanation? You're obviously implying something anti-semitic aren't you?
>driven to do shady shit
>i bet you don't even know any jews
Yes, much the same as I don't know any blacks, that doesn't mean I can't call bs on anecdotal evidence being used to justify prejudice, I certainly know enough Mexicans to know 90% of the tripe posted about is in this board is outright lies and gross exaggerations
>political tendencies of certain jewish communities and then arguing it's the main factor in their choice of activity
You're misrepresenting my argument, if you've got an uncle in trhe film industry it isn't such a stretch to think you may go into it is it? If you mean the porn part once you're into media you get into all sorts of media don't you? And isn't that a lot easier to do long term, as getting to become influential on any field requires, if your background isn't some puritanical flyover?
>"italian" mobsters during early 20th cent USA were largely jewish
Duh, it's called the "Jewish mob" for a reason, Siegel and Lansky may have worked for Luciano but that didn't mean they were made men, most disenfranchised minorities tend to have groups that turn towards organized crime, Jews are no different than Blacks or Irish in that respect.
>positive examples
Are you fucking kidding? Italian mafiosos and Mexican narcos are "positive" examples to you?
>gypsies stealing chicken
Oh geez, I guess the Roma have no communities associated with poverty and marginalization
>sweeping statements about entire communities
I never made such, I'm talking specific circles, most american Jews are just common ordinary people same as most Blacks or Mexicans.

You're the one talking shit about Jews and other peoples.

Your point being? Money isn't "real" and neither are governments or even cultures, we live in a world of abstractions.

>Black americans would not have become a disenfranchised minority had not "taboos" prevented their asimilation into the mainstream
And that's a good thing. Assimilation is not an admirable goal. They should establish their own state by force of arms or fuck off.

>a willingness by their community to pursue professions historically considered taboo for Christians.
Otherwise known as immoral, due to the self-destructive and anti-social (aka society-destroying) nature of those activities.

>Are some Jewish communities more educated and liberal than average?
This statement is so vague it could be applicable to literally any group.

>Is that not a simpler more plausible explanation than Nazi memes? Occam's razor applies.
No, not at all. Cool pilpul though, taking the same thing I was saying but reframing it as positive or at least neutral. Regarding Occam's Razor, it is a much simpler explanation that, in order for the Jewish people to advance their national interest, it is in their interest to inhibit my people's ability to advance our own national interest, due to conflicting interests.

>Your point being? Money isn't "real" and neither are governments or even cultures, we live in a world of abstractions.
My point being that it's a total absurdity to suggest that "Jews are no better, and no woprse, than any other human beings." Every group is better at some things and worse at other things. As to my original point, they seem to be better at promoting degenerate self-destructive and socially-destructive behavior, which makes them bad neighbors and bad citizens.

>Yes ffs that is my point
and they aren't, they receive preferential treatment
>You're not addressing the point, what is your alternate explanation? You're obviously implying something anti-semitic aren't you?
Simply that they do have a tendency to do shady shit and get away with it by claiming oppression, and unlike other communities that do the same they are actually a real large-scale problem
About the why they do it, well we could write entire books together debating that part, the important thing is that it is an issue.
What bothers me is that apparently for you, circumstances relieve them of all responsibility and need to fix them, "it's the fault of society for making them that way" yadda yaddi yadda and it's up to us to be nicer and they will behave nicer in return, not only is this idealistic af but we are in a desperate time, at the edge of the precipice with no time for such considerations

>Yes, much the same as I don't know any blacks, that doesn't mean I can't call bs on anecdotal evidence
Argument of experience isn't anecdotal evidence, it's not an end in itself but it is hardly useless, yes there are repeating patterns in some communities which was actually one of your points too. Saying what you're saying is like saying travelling is useless for discovering another country and you're better off making assumptions based on patterns you already know, that practical experience is useless and only theory has worth. I say it's nonsense.


>Assimilation is not an admirable goal
And why the fuck no? "Race"?
>immoral, due to the self-destructive and anti-social (aka society-destroying) nature
Oh yes, dog forbid people dedicate themselves to activities like the theater
>statement is so vague
I'll grant you that one but then we would have to go into specific detail and discuss the very specific history of Jewish communities in say New York or LA and the social dynamics surrounding them. People can make a reasonable asumption rather than fight tooth and nail against conceding any point on pedantic standards and moving goal posts but then that would imply an actual willingness to advance a discussion and we both know where the zeitgeist of internet culture lands on that, don't we?
>No, not at all
Here you go unironically defending Nazi memes
>it is in their interest to inhibit my people's ability to advance our own national interest
Except the mechanism for them to organize in order to do that, or to even agree to it, goes beyond any plausible explanation. You're advancing tinfoil theories here.
>Every group is better at some things and worse at other things
No conclusive scientific evidence supports this is a function of biology tho, you're taking an opinion (and a rather evil, dehumanizing one at that) as axiomatic dogma
>promoting degenerate self-destructive and socially-destructive behavior
Case in point, I guess the irony you're promoting racism will not dawn on you

>You're misrepresenting my argument, if you've got an uncle in trhe film industry it isn't such a stretch to think you may go into it is it? If you mean the porn part once you're into media you get into all sorts of media don't you? And isn't that a lot easier to do long term, as getting to become influential on any field requires, if your background isn't some puritanical flyover?.
And the push for jews to get into media in the first place, what was that, random, coincidence ? No, it was coordinated by influential members of the community, it was made in full conscience
You take theater as the root of this but that's anachronic, Jewish influence in media really starts from the late 19th century, early 20th, at this point theater was respected already
>Oh geez, I guess the Roma have no communities associated with poverty and marginalization
Ok so what, give them more welfare ? This isn't the 1990s, we don't have enough for our own people already
>I never made such, I'm talking specific circles, most american Jews are just common ordinary people same as most Blacks or Mexicans.
That's just ignoring reality though, like "everyone of every community is normal people, no differences, nothing to see here, move along" not only is this 12 yo tier it's kind of insulting for your own political side, it even contradicts the whole rest of your post
>You're the one talking shit about Jews and other peoples.
who ? gypsies ? why would you care ? if that reassures you i couldnt give less of a shit about mexicans btw

Man there are no qt latinas where i live and muzzis/black chicks are not my thing...le sigh

>Assimilation is not an admirable goal
>And why the fuck no? "Race"?
Absolutely. Human biodiversity is real. Cultural assimilation is a secondary concern to racial hygiene. Traditions can always be revived by classicists, but pollution of the blood is forever.

>Oh yes, dog forbid people dedicate themselves to activities like the theater
GOD forbid you speak the name of God. I wonder why you would do that... Anyway, I think it's pretty clear that you're cherrypicking the most innocuous-sounding example of what is otherwise a pretty horrid list. Promotion of pornography, financial crime, government corruption, abortion, miscegenation, mass migration, the lying press, the cost in blood and treasure of endless wars in the middle east for Israel's sake, etc etc. Even if you don't think all these things are bad, you must at least see my position. The theater is the least of my worries.

>it is in their interest to inhibit my people's ability to advance our own national interest
>Except the mechanism for them to organize in order to do that, or to even agree to it, goes beyond any plausible explanation. You're advancing tinfoil theories here.
There are so many mainstream-recognized mechanisms by which they advance their national interest that it would take too long to discuss in depth, but suffice it to mention the likes of AIPAC, the ADL, and the large number of dual Israeli citizens in the US government (both elected and bureaucratic). They have very advanced mechanisms to advocate their national interest, and that's not tinfoil. youtube.com/watch?v=3hmgVwoQQWs


>they receive preferential treatment
By whom, themselves? Or do you mean specific cases like the American Evangelical lobby?
>Simply that they do have a tendency to do shady shit
That's no explanation
>circumstances relieve them of all responsibility
Individually no, I don't argue drug traffickers should face no responsibility if they belong to my nation, neither do I accept blaming an entire people for the "shady shit" some of them may do, responsibility is always an individual's burden and claiming an entire ethnicity to be an acomplice of whatever is it you're accusing them of is intellectually indefensible
>it's the fault of society for making them that way"
Most men are largely a result of their circumstances
>we are in a desperate time, at the edge of the precipice with no time for such considerations
Yes, it's called climate change, right now it's so called "nationalists" standing in the way not ze jews
>is like saying travelling is useless for discovering another country
Some of us travel and what we discover is people are the same everywhere in spite of meme differences, that has no bearing on anecdotal evidence beinjg a poor substitute for facts and research
>And the push for jews to get into media
Can't it be people prefer glamorous and profitable careers over becoming onion farmers? Why would anyone given the chance choose a better life for themselves I wonder.
>Jewish influence in media really starts from the late 19th century
No, there were already a number of well respected authors and intellectuals going back to the middle ages, 16th-18th century literature (including plays) already present them as an influential community, and also under very negative stereotypes.
>so what, give them more welfare ?
I'm only saying there's usually a reason behind stereotypes that isn't biological determinism
>That's just ignoring reality
Acknowledging some basis for cultural perceptions isn't the same as arguing most members of a community

>Every group is better at some things and worse at other things
>No conclusive scientific evidence supports this is a function of biology tho, you're taking an opinion (and a rather evil, dehumanizing one at that) as axiomatic dogma
Nonsense. Race is absolutely biological. One can easily tell an African skull from a European skull on visual inspection--why? Over millennia, different races of people have evolved for their surroundings. As a very indisputable example, the Inuit have been demonstrated to have evolved a superior visual memory compared to almost any other group on Earth. The reason being that there are almost no visual landmarks on the frozen wastes of the Arctic, so it is rather difficult to find one's way home. Every Inuit hunter with an inadequate memory to find their way home based on the subtleties of snow drifts froze to death--only the strong survive. This process of evolution has been taking place around the globe for every group in different ways.

Additionally, for what it's worth I find your contention that humans are born identical like little Tabula Rasa robots to be significantly more dehumanizing than the idea that we each carry the legacy of our ancestors.

>promoting degenerate self-destructive and socially-destructive behavior
>Case in point, I guess the irony you're promoting racism will not dawn on you
The recognition of the completely indisputable truth of human biodiversity is not self-destructive, and it is not destructive to my people. It could only be considered destructive towards social parasites that deserve righteous indignation.


may not fit into a stereotype
>who ? gypsies ? why would you care ?
Because we're all humans first, whatever our specific identities and circumstances may be should come second, or at least I was very naively raised to believe.

>Human biodiversity is real
Not in the way you imply it to be
>Cultural assimilation is a secondary concern to racial hygiene
You guys sometimes write the cringiest pulp fiction villain shit
>Promotion of pornography, financial crime, government corruption, abortion, miscegenation, mass migration, the lying press, the cost in blood and treasure of endless wars in the middle east for Israel's sake, etc
Conservatives in my country generally blame Americans as a whole for all of that, are you arguing against nuance?
>hey have very advanced mechanisms to advocate their national interest
Lobbying for the narrow interests of a government is not the same as a massive world conspiracy, you do understand there's such a thing as an Israeli left?

>Cultural assimilation is a secondary concern to racial hygiene
>You guys sometimes write the cringiest pulp fiction villain shit
It's actually very similar to several excerpts from the Jewish law of the Old Testament

Deuteronomy 7:3-4 ESV
You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly.

Numbers 25:6-8 ESV
And behold, one of the people of Israel came and brought a Midianite woman to his family, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of the whole congregation of the people of Israel, while they were weeping in the entrance of the tent of meeting. When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose and left the congregation and took a spear in his hand and went after the man of Israel into the chamber and pierced both of them, the man of Israel and the woman through her belly. Thus the plague on the people of Israel was stopped.

Deuteronomy 23:2 ESV
“No one born of a forbidden union may enter the assembly of the Lord. Even to the tenth generation, none of his descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord.

>Conservatives in my country generally blame Americans as a whole for all of that, are you arguing against nuance?
See pic related, I'd argue for synthesis.

>Lobbying for the narrow interests of a government is not the same as a massive world conspiracy, you do understand there's such a thing as an Israeli left?
The ADL does not lobby exclusively for the interests of the Israeli government, they advocate for the interests of the Jewish nation.

Attached: compass synthesis.jpg (400x502, 47K)

>Race is absolutely biological.
No, it is a social construct, some negligible amount of phenotypical variation within a species, as large or important as it may appear to you, hardly justifies the fetishization and quasi-mythology racists have created around the concept.
>One can easily tell an African skull from a European skull
There are quite a number of controversies surrounding skulls for you to claim that
>the Inuit
The Inuit haven't been in their environment for that long really and what allows them to live in an environment where no other pre-industrial society could thrive is their very sophisticated culture.
>Tabula Rasa robots
Never made such a claim
We're not fantasy races in an rpg with different bonuses, those occur in an individual basis, not as groups.
>completely indisputable truth
aka dogma, talk about intellectual bs
>is not self-destructive
It certainly is so for multi-cultural societies which like it or not is what you were born into, even if you were born a Japanese or an Icelander you are now living under a global culture, for better or for worse.

>the Jewish law of the Old Testament
Yeah, the old testament also calls for such niceties as genocide and the slaughter of children, it's fucked up to take it as a basis for morality in the modern world
>I'd argue for synthesis
I'd argue against memes
>they advocate for the interests of the Jewish nation
Which whatever they argue for must by necessity be narrow goals, the Jewish nation is diverse

You don't have to be married to get BBC.

>for whatever reason
Niggers look the least similar and are the most distantly related group. There's nothing surprising about this.

>No, it is a social construct, some negligible amount of phenotypical variation within a species, as large or important as it may appear to you, hardly justifies the fetishization and quasi-mythology racists have created around the concept.
They say that it is extremely difficult to communicate effectively over an IQ gap greater than 20 points. In America, someone with an IQ lower than 85 is considered unfit to enlist in the military; generally considered the cutoff for mental retardation in the United States. Equatorial Guinea has an average IQ of 59--remember that this means half of their bell curve is actually lower than this. Before you start spouting off about environmental and socio-economic factors, studies regarding the adoption of separated twins have demonstrated that the "socio-economic factors" argument is invalid.

>The Inuit haven't been in their environment for that long really and what allows them to live in an environment where no other pre-industrial society could thrive is their very sophisticated culture.
The reason I addressed their case is because their environment is so harsh that their evolution occurred in a rapid and obvious way. One cannot simply attribute their specialized cognitive abilities to "very sophisticated culture"

>Tabula Rasa robots
>Never made such a claim
Your claim that "Every group is better at some things and worse at other things" is "a rather evil, dehumanizing [opinion]" either implies that everyone is born of the same potential (hence tabula rasa), or that the truth is evil and dehumanizing.


>We're not fantasy races in an rpg with different bonuses, those occur in an individual basis, not as groups.
Tolkien's LOTR races are based on the races of Nordic/Saxon mythology, which in turn were very likely inspired by races of people (dwarves as alpinoid mining folk, for example). In saying "We're not fantasy races in an rpg" you're just saying that we're not living with a simulacrum of a simulacrum of reality; technically true, but irrelevant.

>completely indisputable truth
>aka dogma, talk about intellectual bs
The notion that different groups are different is true by definition, otherwise one could not distinguish them as different groups (outside absurd proposals like people being selected for their race completely at random). It would be absurd to expect exactly the same average height between different racial groups, or exactly the same average shoe size. Yet just because things like intellect, temperament, or propensity for certain activities might be a more complex thing to examine, some are willing to accept an absurd dogmatic proposition that there is no difference at all across racial groups.

>It certainly is so for multi-cultural societies which like it or not is what you were born into, even if you were born a Japanese or an Icelander you are now living under a global culture, for better or for worse.
I would argue that especially in multi-cultural societies, those who deny reality in favor of egalitarianism are particularly susceptible to danger. These are the people prancing around with Refugees Welcome signs before they are killed at the Bataclan; the women who take a trip through the Middle East to "prove" that they're just like us, only to be rape and dismembered, and thrown in a shallow grave. As we move towards a low-trust society full of sociopathic behavior, higher alertness/distrust becomes a necessity.


>Yeah, the old testament also calls for such niceties as genocide and the slaughter of children, it's fucked up to take it as a basis for morality in the modern world
I brought this up not because I follow it as a rule, but rather to point out that my statement on racial hygiene, which you characterized as similar to a pulp fiction villain, was actually very similar to the basic religious laws of the Jews you have been defending this whole time (never mind the more extreme stuff one can find in the Talmud). Are they comic book supervillains too? Perhaps more like Voldemort? Where are you getting your morality?

>I'd argue for synthesis
>I'd argue against memes
Synthesis of good ideas is important. If you can't take an occasional joke to lighten up what is otherwise pretty dreary discourse, I don't know what to tell you.

>By whom, themselves?
Both, themselves, evangelicals, the french government, american media, the list goes on
>That's no explanation
True, because there are a million different factors of why a lot of jews are the way they are and we'll never get to the end of it
>Individually no, neither do I accept blaming an entire people for the "shady shit" some of them may do, responsibility is always an individual's burden and claiming an entire ethnicity to be an acomplice of whatever is it you're accusing them of is intellectually indefensible
Hah so i guess during WW2 you would have said "no let's not bomb germany, because millions of germans in those cities did nothing wrong"

Apparently you can explain individual problems by collective causes, but the practical solutions can only ever be applied to the individual, because that's more fair, nevermind that you are preventing situations from being fixed by proposing such unrealistic solutions. I don't see how that is moral.

>Most men are largely a result of their circumstances
Circumstances give people agency, so they can be judged. If you say a community can't be responsible of anything because only individuals can be held responsible, once again you are ignoring reality and intellectualizing up to the point where you ignore that communities still exist in reality, and the number of individuals belonging to one of them can do anything they want together and get out blameless, hiding behind the shield of "we're not all like this"
If you want to take such an approach that people are blamelesss since they are a result of circumstances, then surely you can apply the logic to anybody : it's not their fault criminals are criminal, society made them this way. Let's do nothing.
This way nobody is responsible for anything and nothing ever gets fixed, because you can keep talking pointless bullshit forever and never do anything : are you sure you are not a french expat ?

>it's called climate change, right now it's so called "nationalists" standing in the way not ze jews
Yes like donald trump, whose children are all maried with jews ? PLEASE
European nationalists have some of the most ecological policies by far, notably because want to help the rural white europeans who have been unjustly treated, save our agriculture and small businesses. We want to stop reliance on cheap polluting goods. There is nobody more ecological than nationalists in europe, and macronists are the ones arguing for ruthless globalized free market capitalism.

>Some of us travel and what we discover is people are the same everywhere in spite of meme differences
What do you call "meme differences" ? What does this even mean ? We aren't doing philosophy arguing if people are essentially the same regardless of origin : yes sure if you want. Now what ?
>that has no bearing on anecdotal evidence beinjg a poor substitute
Whatever, you do learn things about certain people when you are in contact with them, if you refuse to believe this i can't help you

>Can't it be people prefer glamorous and profitable careers
Yes well talking about plays, there are a lot of them that recount the social ascension of someone, usually it is a tragedy and ends badly
>No, there were already a number of well respected authors and intellectuals
Yes sure spinoza and a few others but i didn't say intellectuals i said media. There was no such things as jewish newspapers, destined to non-jews, with the influence they had later on.
>16th-18th century literature (including plays) already present them as an influential community, and also under very negative stereotypes.
And they had no reason for being this way ? All the great intellectuals of the times were all bigots and morons compared to your enlightened 21st century thought ?

>usually a reason behind stereotypes that isn't biological determinism
Yes, did i say the opposite ? You are confusing me with the canadian poster ?

>If you want to take such an approach that people are blamelesss since they are a result of circumstances, then surely you can apply the logic to anybody : it's not their fault criminals are criminal, society made them this way. Let's do nothing.
>This way nobody is responsible for anything and nothing ever gets fixed, because you can keep talking pointless bullshit forever and never do anything
Reminder that this too is dehumanizing because reduces the individual to an animal devoid of spirit or will.

this is from one year and in the america which is full of disgusting poor black people
some of the mexicans look asian and somehow all the races are attracted to white, funny huh?

>n America, someone with an IQ lower than 85 is considered unfit to enlist in the military
Isn't the figure Peterson usually quotes 83? Nevermind that, I'm guessing your number for Equatorial Guinea comes either from Lynn or one of his cronies at the Ulster Institute which is research that has been extensively debunked as deliberately dishonest. Now, you mention Equatorial Guinea which just so happens to be the only Subsaharan nation in which Spanish is a local language, I've seen more than a few videos from there and the people don't strike me as speaking as if they were below having an IQ of 70 which used to be the old standard for mental "retardation" back when IQ was used as the diagnostic tool, that you're that gullible as to believe people with an average intelligence equivalent to below Down syndrome can function on even the context of a pre-industrial society, which Equatorial Guinea is not, just speaks to the degree to which you have abandoned critical thinking when looking at this propaganda. No evidence for this racist tripe exists that isn't circumstantial, that is that it doesn't take into account those environemntal and socio-economic factors you dismiss on difficult to extrapolate harly conclusive studies on twins.

>One cannot simply attribute their specialized cognitive abilities to "very sophisticated culture"
And yet this is what mainstream anthropologists believe, the argument that cold environments promote intelligence is itself also based on very dubious data, all ancient major civilizations rose in the tropical or subtropical zones. The idea life is somehow easier on such latitudes is also beyond ridiculous as not only there exist rainy and dry seasons which do require as much foresight and planning to survive as the winter of the temperate areas but distinct challenges require cultural and technological adaptations. A good example being Nixtamalization which Europeans were unable to grasp when they first brought maize

3 of those are mostly Caucasoid so it makes some amount of sense.

to Europe.
>Your claim
You're the one making outrageous claims, I stand by this is not biological except where malnutrition is concerned-
>Tolkien's LOTR races
Mythological creatures have had many origins attributed to them including other hominids, I agree this isn't exactly relevant to the discussion I was merely making an analogy.
>The notion that different groups are different is true by definition
That's an ad absurdum, what we're discussing is whether differences are significant and not the concept of categorization itself.
>higher alertness/distrust becomes a necessity
This is just dismissing other sources for societal ills on the pretext that biological determinism can be pinpointed as the defining factor, as if European history had not been marred by crime and violence up until very recently.
>Where are you getting your morality?
Liberalism and humanism, you know, the basis for most contemporary law, as fopr the bible is not like other religious traditions were doing any better.
Humor is subjective isn't it?

>so i guess during WW2 you would have said "no let's not bomb germany, because millions of germans in those cities did nothing wrong"
The killing of civilians was never right, by any side, this all goes to responsibility cannot be atributed on the basis of guilt by association which if I was to concede your point on institutions promoting Jewish interests would still apply. As for practical solutions when discussing the issue of individual responsibility any answer other than a fair trial is wrong.
>it's not their fault criminals are criminal,
That's not exactly a good example to argue for collective responsibility but this isn't something like crime (which nations do commit) or vene liability (which can be attributed to communities) what you're arguinjg for is wholesale prejudice and it really isn't a distinction which should be difficult for you to grasp or that can be argued away on philosophical platitudes

Even if you hop on Wikipedia, you'll find that Lynn's detractors do find a higher average score in Africa, but it's nevertheless lower than everywhere else in the world, by no small measure.
>In 2009 Jelte M. Wicherts, Conor V. Dolan, and Han L.J. van der Maas conducted a new analysis of IQ in sub-Saharan Africa, which was critical of many of Lynn and Vanhanen's methods. Wicherts et al. concluded that Lynn and Vanhanen had relied on unsystematic methodology by failing to publish their criteria for including or excluding studies. They found that Lynn and Vanhanen's exclusion of studies had depressed their IQ estimate for sub-Saharan Africa, and that including studies excluded in "IQ and Global Inequality" resulted in average IQ of 82 for sub-Saharan Africa, lower than the average in Western countries, but higher than Lynn and Vanhanen's estimate of 67. Wicherts at al. conclude that this difference is likely due to sub-Saharan Africa having limited access to modern advances in education, nutrition and health care.
Average IQ of 82 for Africa is still a notably low mean. Are you aware of some other IQ serious study that finds them to be the same, or perhaps higher than the averages one might see in Europe? See pic related for an anecdote on how environment can affect society and human intelligence.

Perhaps you might be unfamiliar with the rather extreme class/political situation in Equatorial Guinea. Their state is ruled by an aristocratic upper class funded almost entirely by their large per capita oil reserves, while the vast majority of their population remains in absolute poverty with few opportunities to do anything. For the most part, videos and interviews one can see online from their media are representative only of their ruling class. Arguably somewhat comparable to Mexico's white Spanish ruling class versus brown Amerindian peasantry :^)

>yet this is what mainstream anthropologists believe
See: judithkleinfeld.com/ar_visualmemory.html

Attached: tasmanian model.png (768x1024, 151K)

>The killing of civilians was never right, by any side, this all goes to responsibility cannot be atributed on the basis of guilt by association which if I was to concede your point on institutions promoting Jewish interests would still apply.
wow ok so you would have milited against bombing nazi germany ? well at least you really follow your ideals to the end i guess
still allow me to doubt you a little and think you're probably saying this for the sake of winning the argument and don't really believe what you're saying

>As for practical solutions when discussing the issue of individual responsibility any answer other than a fair trial is wrong.
so if you are in a situation where you can't give a fair trial, i guess there's nothing you can do huh
we could apply this logic to the old regime for example, because back then a community managed to raise itself above the law, and defended this status with violence, i'm not sure how exactly revolutionaries were supposed to give them fair trials
or the USSR, which by the way i never have seen a fair trial of the responsibles, they actually slipped into west german and EU high administration (which explains some things)

>That's not exactly a good example to argue for collective responsibility but this isn't something like crime (which nations do commit) or vene liability (which can be attributed to communities)
israel was called a nation long before it's state existed

>what you're arguinjg for is wholesale prejudice and it really isn't a distinction which should be difficult for you to grasp or that can be argued away on philosophical platitudes
but you don't even know what i'm arguing for ? i didn't detail that at any point

>Yes like donald trump
Yes, Donald Trump specifically is an obstacle to fighting climate change and what matters here is his political base and not the relations of his family.
>European nationalists have some of the most ecological policies by far
You can't make that a blanket statement and it still leaves a hosty of issues unresolved, are European nationalists agaisnt importing high tech (rare earths and their environmental damage are all produced in China) or other global commodities (like cocoa, palm oil or rubber) whose production promotes environmental degradation? It's hard to call yourself clean when you're paying others to get dirty and Nationalists do stand in the way of comprehensive and fair global solutions.
Yes, you learn about cultures and customs, in some sociological way I'll grant you could even speak about a "character" but taking this to the point of drawing such sharp distinctions as to dehumanize others is learning nothing.
>talking about plays
Yeah that's the Greeks and the traditional Hubris-Ate-Nemesis structure, blame Western culture that's not Semitic
>i said media
That doesn't really make sense as a concept pre-Guttenberg, you can't separate intellectuals from literature, as for music and theater those were downright disreputable crafts when not in service of the church
>All the great intellectuals of the times were all bigots
No, for their respective eras they rather lean they rather take to the contrary, Ivanhoe and Eugénie Grandet are good examples of works that while they reek of stereotype do not portray Jews in a completely negative or dehumanizing light. Democritus spoke against slavery in terms as to shame 19th century Americans as far back as ancient Greece.
My bad

I don't want to stop. qt Latina gf's till the day I die.

>what you're arguinjg for is wholesale prejudice
Prejudice is a needless pejorative synonym for learning and pattern recognition.

One simply cannot operate in the world like a little baby learning everything from scratch every time. It'd be like having Alzheimer's.

>Yes, Donald Trump specifically is an obstacle to fighting climate change and what matters here is his political base and not the relations of his family.
I don't see your justification for disregarding his personal situation, but anyways his political base is pro-israel republican americans, i don't see what i have to do with him, i don't see what european nationalists have to do with him outside of a vague "they're both white and racist" which really doesn't go piss far

>You can't make that a blanket statement and it still leaves a hosty of issues unresolved, are European nationalists agaisnt importing high tech (rar
Did you read my post ? Yes we do, we want and need to rely on our people and production as much as possible. If you haven't noticed nationalists are the only ones who are into agrarian society and don't want to ruin everything for a few pointless smartphones you haven't been following at all. We are the ones who set up local-based commerce and live off of our own land, not the others. If we don't win in europe actually, you'll see this place be even worse for pollution.
All you're doing is repeating nationalists are the anti-ecologists without arguments because you've been told so but really that's just unfounded prejudice, if you actually did read the programs of the parties in europe you'd see who's an ecologist and who's not.

>Yes, you learn about cultures and customs, in some sociological way I'll grant you could even speak about a "character" but taking this to the point of drawing such sharp distinctions as to dehumanize others is learning nothing.
"dehumanizing" once again you keep assuming everybody who disagrees with you is a maniac, idk why all this hysteria

>That doesn't really make sense as a concept pre-Guttenberg, you can't separate intellectuals from literature,
There were 400 years between gutenberg and the modern jewish press, what's even the argument here ? That jews have always had a hand in culture ? Yes sure. So ? How does this exonerate corrupt modern day jewish journalists ?

>No, for their respective eras they rather lean they rather take to the contrary,
Yes precisely jfc, even tolerant people have always been antisemitic, by modern standards, that is for a good reason

anyways i need to go, i'll be back in a few hours if the thread is still up


>Arguably somewhat comparable to Mexico's white Spanish ruling class versus brown Amerindian peasantry
Yeah, I'm not one of those delussional Mexicans that denies racism exists in our society, that "brown Amerindian peasantry" tends to be rather well articulate tho as Americans are finding out

As for your argument for Africa IQ82 is a rather substantial difference isn't it? Take care of the very real malnutrition that does exist in the continent and invest in education it takes a single decade to make them useful by US army standards, I take it you're familiar with the Flynn effect? Because those brown Amerindians in Mexico as measured by Lynn himself should be smarter than the post-war generation that once made America great.
Very interesting but that isn't exactly a link to a reputable science journal is it?

>don't really believe what you're saying
I genuinely don't believe that means justify the ends, it tends to taint what you obtain. Speaking of WWII the concept of such a thing as "just war" really screwed up the Americans to the extent that they would later go on to justify such concepts as MAD, as if their ideological disagreement with the Soviet Union warranted human extinction, or in more recent times "preemptive warfare" there were real consequences to their war crimes however justified the bombings of Dresden or Hiroshima may have looked at the time.
>you can't give a fair trial, i guess there's nothing you can do
You're taking a rather Hegelian spin on that argument, in constitutional terms sovereignity is vestedn by the people in their institutions and they remaion free to take it back, that is assuming an uprising truly is representative of the people. You may argue regarding the nuances in that but the principle stands.
>israel was called a nation
I misspoke, I should have written country/state

>Very interesting but that isn't exactly a link to a reputable science journal is it?
Would you prefer that I send a JSTOR link? I sent you an HTML version of it for ease of access

>but you don't even know what i'm arguing for ?
Our first exchanges were on the matter of anti-semitic conspiracy theories, I know I'm arguing against that

>Prejudice is a needless pejorative
No, it isn't and trying to sanitize evil like racism under euphemisms like "race realism" is simply disngenous.
>learning everything from scratch
I'm not arguing against experience, again you're taking it to too farv of a reductio abstraction.

Not sure I'll keep posting long here, it's late enough I should be having breakfast but I'll get back if I have the time/energy

What I'm saying is it hardly dismisses the view that the Inuit posses a sophisticate culture largely responsible for their survival nor that a single work is enough to prove highly divergent evolution in modern humans, taking a break

>Generalization is the concept that humans and animals use past learning in present situations of learning if the conditions in the situations are regarded as similar.
Learning sure sounds a lot like 'prejudice' or 'preconceived notions'.

Thinking and learning are like a dance between inductive and deductive reasoning. Some people criticize inductive reasoning as mere conjecture, but it's a necessary starting point. It is only from the starting point of inductive conjecture that one can formulate general theories that can then be put to the tests of deductive reasoning, and distilled down to something useful; if there's anything useful left at the end of the process. Then you can start forming new conjectures with your newfound conclusions and start the process again. My main gripe with this anti-prejudice drive is that it seems to be trying to put a stop to this conjectural phase of inductive reasoning for people. This means that as long as one accepts prejudice as a bad thing, it can be very difficult to approach certain topics without either accepting axioms handed down from authority figures upon high, or else not thinking about those topics at all. This strikes me as a kind of intellectual tyranny.

>trying to sanitize evil like racism under euphemisms like "race realism" is simply disngenous.
Trying to demonize national self-preservation and sovereignty under dysphemisms like "racism" is simply disingenuous

>white people


>tfw married to a Salvadoreña
>hot pupusas, any time I want

White women go home

Attached: IMG_2506.jpg (400x400, 24K)

>What are the age groups
>What is the overall mariage rate
>Are all these people virgins?
God I hate half-truth/half-assed statistics

They're probably not virgins if they're all married, retard

Attached: 8c6.gif (480x238, 443K)

>22 times less likely to get a black wife

Attached: 1532996680815.jpg (1200x798, 338K)