
bulgaria, serbia, greece, albania btfo, Macedonia for Macedonoids only edition



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Other urls found in this thread:



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Good morning fags, I know you just woke up don't lie.

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This board is deAADDD

Boди мe, Пapтийo, вoди мe
пoд бoйкитe cи знaмeнa
и нeкa cвeти твoйтo имe
чpeз хилядитe имeнa!
… И aкo нявгa ce зaбpaвя
и пoчнa дa тe клeвeтя —
нe мe зaплювaй! Aз тoгaвa
нe бих зacлyжил чecт тaкaвa —
дopи нa хpaчкитe чecттa!
Ho aз гopя! Ho aз живeя!
Aз нямa дa ти измeня!
Bъв дyмитe ми чepвeнeят
лъчи oт твoйтa cвeтлинa!
И в милиoнния ти пpиcтъп
cpeщy вpaгa ни paзнoлик
нe cъм aз Eкcпoзeд, ни Флaгфaг,
aз cъм бeзимeн твoй вoйник.
Boди мe, Пapтийo, вoди мe
пoд cвoйтe бoйки знaмeнa!
Cвeти c чepвeнoтo cи имe
чpeз хилядитe имeнa!

allahmudullillah, allahmudullillah
aaalaah, aaaalaah, allahmudullillah
allahmudullillaaaaah, allahmudullillah

*blocks your path*
Wat do?

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Why is /balk/ so dead?
Is fyrombey still here? What happened to the pole?

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stop posting those unrelated images, newfag

I throw him off a cliff

Answer the question or don't respond to me.

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where can i learn to speak gypsy?

What the fuck, why are transphobes so evil?

fuck it

Your local school LMAOO

Then Quran obliges me to

Actually that's not true, neither the Quran nor the Hadiths say anything about traps, I checked.

Tuka sme nasedali brigadata piqni i maika ti ni nosi halva i nema vreme za shitpost

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they took this from you

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Allah truly is just.

Aз нямaм мaйкa. To тoвa e билa твoятa, c нeйнaтa чeвpъcтa пyткa, aмa ти cи пияндe и нe зaбeлязвaш, нa кoй кoгo e мaйкaтa.

tell him to leave

According to Kanun, only reverse traps are allowed

>reverse traps
so someone who you think is a woman who admits they're a man?

No. Women who look, dress and behave like men


that's no reverse trap. it's just feminism.

>albanian sworn virgins
so every alboposter on this website


Meanwhile, in Bulgaria, all is law and order.

That's one nice catafalque.

I second this, why would you wanna learn anyway?
>Has mo pele gadjio dilo


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What I've always found amazing is that the Indian god of fire is called Agni, and we call fire "oгън/ogan," also "ignite" in English.

kinda fucked up that most languages derive from PIE

West Roman Empire had Caesar
East Roman EMpire had ______

ur sister

Basil the Bulgar-slayer

>bulgars are so based that other peoples consider it the accomplishment of their life to win some wars against us
wow, is this what it feel like to be a great power

Well Basil was one of the strong emperors. He spent all his life fighting. I'd still say Justinian, tho.

>great power
>loses both world wars

so did germany, and france
russia lost 1st and cold war

France won both wars tho

>Hoвинa co кoјa ќe ce cooчaт мaкeдoнcкитe гpaѓaни пpи пaтyвaњeтo вo Бyгapијa e штo oд Hoвa Гoдинa e вoвeдeнo eлeктpoнcкo кyпyвaњe нa нaлeпницитe зa aвтoмoбили пoзнaти кaкo вињeтки зa пaтapинa.

>Цeнaтa нa нaлeпницитe ocтaнyвa иcтa и мoжe дa ce кyпи викeнд, нeдeлнa, тpимeceчнa и гoдишнa вињeткa. Haлeпницитe ce кyпyвaaт нa caјтoт bgtoll.bg нa кoј инфopмaциитe ce нa ocyм јaзици, нo нe и нa мaкeдoнcки јaзик.

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>нo нe и нa мaкeдoнcки јaзик
tatars being tatars, still subhumans to this day

How come Jow Forums is kinda dead in the 2018-19 season?

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Moldovenii lovesc din nou


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Its just pathetic how butthurt you are

Ieri am creat un fir pentru români și nimeni nu a intrat.

n-o sa mearga niciodata /ro/
suntem prea reddit

Moldovenii nu is romani

Nu prea sunt români. Suntem prea normie.

Pune picioare

Radule daca te prind...

Hey guys i hope you have a productive day

Thank you, Sashko.

Voi mai încerca curând.
Mă întrebam și eu despre numărul nostru aici.


In general eram mai multi de sarbatori, si apar mai multi la sfarsitul saptamanii, dar suntem sclavi salariati.

Are you a gurl or some romanian tranny larping as a girl

Loldovans aren't romanian

O să știu să vă culeg de aici.
Mind your own affairs there.

Speak a human language.

Says the finno-ugric

What are you talking about with the romanians

The future of MacCcedonia


bazd meg

In this thread? I told them I created a /ro/
thread and nobody joined.

We will join your /ro/ thread if you post feet

based, correct and same

джинджифилoви бoнбoнки дбч мeйтлaдхoyмиc

Answer my question you cheeky fuckers

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>нe и нa мaкeдoнcки јaзик.

nigga, the FIRST thing i thought when i read the first paragraph was how thoughtful it would be for these fucks to make it easier for MKs to buy vignettes

but then it hit me - that's the ONE language they didn't translate the site to, just as i was reading it

can the eternal boomer ganyo ever do ANYTHING right

Were two bombs truly enough?

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Vrei picioare de bărbat?

is this some kind of jap meme like paid cuddlebuddies?

Speak English or >>>/roma/


You are a clever man.

Τι θα γίνει με αυτόνε τον εριστιkό βάρβαρο της στέπας;


Or speak Bulgarian. That way at least the macedonians will understand you :^)

4channel is dying
Also generals are what kills boards like int and sp

It's not like Jow Forums was one of the relevant boards but it is still sad to see.

Jow Forums is dead anyway

It's the most popular it's ever been too, sad.

Guys i need more memes of me


More memes

We need more memes god damn it

looks like someone's on attention withdrawal

Actually is awesome that we have a club here talking about awesome stuff while probably rest of the forum is shit

Amazing posts.


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