Could you survive in your country if shit hit the fan?

Could you survive in your country if shit hit the fan?

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Yes, with god by my side.

>with god by my side

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Yes, in my property there's a ww2 bunker

Probably not. Everything that's mine will be stolen within a matter of days. And Korea is too small of a country to support 50 million people.


Yea I guess. Around here the people who have a small boat and fishing stuff and maps of small islands will be playing on super easy mode. Me on the other hand know how to make fire and fight hand to hand and thats it lol.

Shit has hit the fan a decade ago

yes if i convert to islam, otherwise i will get beheaded as an infidel.

I can go to an isolated valley but after that what?
I'd probably starve.

I spent a year being homeless, so yeah

like 50/50

without parents i will not survive in any scenario.
t. neet parasite

I have a heart condition. Without medicine my heart would fuck up in a few weeks. So no I'd be pretty fucked senpai.

Yes but winter would be troublesome. Often -40 and colder here, now shelter is no problem but food would be a hard job. Though I could fish and kill reindeer (they are semi-tame) since they roam around in herds of thousands.



>Without medicine my heart would fuck up in a few weeks.
Raid pharmacies.

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I wonder

yes, my dad always keep 2 months words of food in the basement and i dont eat much
if shit gets really tough i just kill him so i have enough supplies for myself

Could you describe a typical day in the life?

Are there anyone other than you or your family that know about your dad's food stash? if so, be prepared to kill them all since you're most likely to get raided.

dont worry the rest of my family is divorced, they wont even feel invited here

nothing special, I switched location every day so I did a lot of walking. I stayed near the coast at all times so I could fish, which is how I spent most of my time. I also didn't have any electronics, so I always had to prepare myself for the elements when setting up camp.

based as fuck

what compelled you to do that?

Hell yeah

I think I could survive, but not sure for how long because it would depend on the season

I'll be covered when I know Russian and Chinese.

>I could fish
With what?

desu I think it's a larp.

If you want actual anons with homeless experience your best bet is wizchan and 420chan

>live in a shitty area
I'd probably get mad max'd by a gang of gunmen relatively quickly and the lack of traffic laws would make me too afraid to drive

I'd probably just rob some virgin desu

yes i got a boat and i know how to fish

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no because I don't have a gun yet

Ayup. I am already living with one foot out of society. Besides bills I could hunt for food and water is nada problem

Maybe. They teached us some stuff in elementary school about how our ancestors :) survived. And there's a fishing shop near my house so I'll probably steal some stuff there

Im inna-army so that would probably sort itself out



Yes, we have plenty of beans, bandaids, buddies, bullets, etc and know to use them.
Not everyone in my country was born wealthy.

I like his video
He is a great man


Absolutely not

i have a 9mm pistol but i ran out of bullets like 3 months ago since i only got like 60 bullets when i bought the gun, i don't have a license so i cant legally buy ammunition and don't know where to get it, so unless i get ammo im fucked.

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even if you're the toughest man with 10000 guns and infinite ammo you will die if you stay alone
the most important is to build relationships, if you're a lonely weirdo none will gives a shit when someone will try to raid you, but if you are part of a community none will hurt you because people will be scared by your friends

i live in a small med town, the clannic mediterannean thinking will saves me and my fellows i think but i'm a bit scared by the neighboring villages, they could try to raid us

incredibly based

I always have to remind people how this guy is a survivalist hack who drives out to the woods on his free time and play in the mud. I feel bad for people who will try to use these techniques in a survival situation like they are a caveman and tools are beyond them. I wouldn't build a fucking mudhut to fart around in and freeze to death I would dry out some timber for a log cabin and make a fireplace not a shitty mudhut in the rain. He's a pro hint. If you want to survive don't force yourself into the copper age and pack some real tools.

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It's funny how you actually consider this guy to be a rival, judging by how you're blowing up.

He's just a hobbyist, relax a little.

Yes, the country would devolve into rural communities just like it's always been while the cities immediately collapse and become deserted due to lack of literally everything, no food, no water, no power. I have a sizeable family that's spread around in an area with farms and shit, I'd just have to get out of the city and not get killed in the process.

Well that is a funny little conclusion how you think I am threatened by him or upset because I have to explain what a hack fraud he is. That is exactly what I said he is a hobbyist. Too bad millions of Americans and europoors think this guy offers valid survival advice when he doesn't. All he does is show you how cavemen did things because he is too good to use recycled materials like we all would be if shit really did hit the fan. Maybe next time op shouldn't start a survivalist thread with this hack fraud white boy.

I don't think he advertize this as survival tips. It's basically anthropology or archeology videos where you learn how people used to live with primitive technology

Here's a little hint. Stop getting so butthurt about the mentalities of other people. Figure out instead how to utilize them to your advantage and sort out your own life. People are going to continue to be stupid whether you want it or not, make the best of it.

Or continue to be a whiner who always feels compelled to "correct" people who most likely couldn't give an actual shit. People really love that sort of autistic behavior.

hummm i think i understand a bit about the life style of a medieval peasant


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I want to fuck you in the ass leaf. If shit hit the fan, you would be my primal target. Just the way you speak, gives of a scent of weakness. In an OP scenario, I would pursue you, your every move, waiting for you to wear down, eating the last of your poutine to get some energy.. but it would be too late, there was a load of hot cheese already on the way.

Let's not talk about the situation where the pumps stop working just before bedtime, shall we?

I mean his channel is literally called "primitive technology"

Most college educated white boys don't have the physique or knowledge to survive out in the forest for a day or two.

I have a house in the countryside and a gun.
I guess i'll manage.


you don't have do anything to survive in a forest for a day or two

seething frog

yea i could look on youtube on how be an outdoorsman

Yes, but for prolonged scenarios most young people nowadays have no idea as their education is strictly outside of that and is also discouraged.

worst trips quints i've seen desu

The trick is to have food stockpiled and a gun with plenty of ammo.

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Basically have 6 months of food and water available, make yourself as unnoticeable as possible when shit hits the fan, wait for the masses to perish. Either the government will restore order within that 6 months or you will have to live off your hunting kills until the government reestablishes order.

you live in Canada, the worst that can happen is that Bioware releases yet another Mass Effect game

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fucking pastanigger

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Fucking wasted

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holy shit that's super based

>who drives out to the woods on his free time and play in the mud.
Yeah we all thought he lived there all year round and posted his videos from there.
>I wouldn't build a fucking mudhut to fart around in and freeze to death
Of course you retard, he lives in Australia and you live in fucking Canada.
Why are Canadians so retarded ?

If shit hit the fan here no other country would really care - maybe it will, we’re having a bit of a constitutional crisis over our elections coming up, but probably nothing serious
The plus side is, if WW3 happens nobody here will really care either, so it’s a fair trade

>freeze to death
dumbas nigeer
