Do Sunnis hate Shias or Jews more?

Do Sunnis hate Shias or Jews more?

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jews. definitely jews.
t. Sunni

Considering how the Gulf states, Egypt and Jordan all prefer Israel to Iran, I'd say Shias.

but iran more than israel

why Muslims hate Israel? Are they jealous because Jews are smarter and richer?

i'm sunni. and i'm okay with both of shiaa and jews.

get fucked amerimutt and stop the sectarianism

its not jealousy
they stole our land and betrayed us after a thousand years where we treated them as equals

Idk about other m*slims but here shia's are uncommon, instead we have alevism, a mixture of shia isl*m with middle asian shamanism.

Haven't seen any jewish massacres here.Çorum_massacreş_massacre

I'd say shias.

people got enough problems in daily life in mena than to care about shiaa or sunni
it is Iran vs Saudi not Sunni vs Shia


honestly i can't wait untill they build the wall

Jews, ironically they (under Saudi Arabia) serve Jewish-USaian interests now.

shias because they call themselves muslims even though their beliefs are kufr,just like the ahmadis
jews while not muslims are people of the book

Why don't you all just drop Islam and Judaism and become christian brothers living in peace and harmony?

fuck off paindu

Keep waiting
So this is the average jihadi intellect

im a pashtun

no,shais believe that the Quran is incomplete and curse the sahaba among other things.
just because someone does not like this fact does not make it any less true

censoring islam won't make westerners like you nigroglu

this post was made either by a sacred deceiver or by an apostate

cant,the bible is corrupt and exactly why God brought down the Quran Through Mohammad(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

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honestly,i thlugh the same regarding shias until i actually read what their beliefs were


cuck sunni

no u
all humans are equals sir. spread love.

Yeah it would make us Turks, faggot.

I wish I could just erase anything ar*b in this country.

How the fuck you guys can lie so much with a straight face is beyond me.

I'm glad west arabs imposed islam on you
a subhuman people like yours deserves a subhuman religion

>yeah bro you're my equal you just gotta pay skull tax and if you do any minor offence to a muslim we will execute you even if he deserved it

Holy crap that Nabeel Qureshi died in 2017.

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Wtf is Sunni shia? Arabs are mostly muslims

Can't they see that being a bunch of heathens is getting them nowhere
They must embrace Christ, God wills it

This goes for you too jewboi
Take the offer while it's still on the table, don't be a moron

wow powerful

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Politics makes for strange bedfellows. Those ties aren't necessarily reflective of how much anyone hates anyone else.



The Caucasus region is not part of Europe

So let me get this straight.

God zapped Jesus into heaven, body swapped him with some random person. Tricked all the disciples into believing they saw him crucified AND resurrected from the grave. They then proceeded to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the lands. Only then did God fix his mistake of tricking the disciples 600 years later with the prophet Muhammad.

Who then went against the teachings of Jesus Christ and preached killing apostles, stoning adulterers, allowing man to take 4 wives (and allowing himself to take 11), and believed that heaven was just a bunch of sex with virgins.

Am I getting this right?

Islam teaches that Christianity and Judaism were corrupted by heathens/satan

Not only that, but they claim that the New Testament was a corrupted edit despite no original "uncorrupted" New Testament ever being found, and despite every discovery of ancient copies or parts of the New Testament (including the oldest ones from the early second century) being more or less identical to later manuscripts

Shias are ok and good people they just have different religious beliefs.

Jews should disapear

Falling for the meme are you?

Stop larping shill and stop believing that we all "alluh ackbar"

Christianism being better is a meme. The reason why you think that islam is bad is because of the media, poverty, treetement of women and the wars.

There are alot of extremes in Christendom just look at the cults : Scientolgy, Jehovah's, mormans and those that killed themeselves.
ISIS and Al Quaeda are also cults but they became popular from the extreme poverty. When you have nothing to lose and see people promissing a better future for you its only natural to follow him.

Not a jihadi btw

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Scientology has nothing to do with Christianity, it's based off of the writings of a sci-fi author.

Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are very heretical and deny many basic Christian beliefs, they're almost separate religions disconnected from historic Christianity.

You are fucking retarded. Mormons/JWs are as Christian as Muslims are. Anyone that denies the deity of Jesus is not a Christian, simple as that.

Also Scientology isn't fucking remotely related to Christianity.

We don't deny him. So am i a christian know??

He means that Jehovah's Witnesses deny that Jesus is God, and Mormons believe that Jesus is one of many gods. Muslims deny that Jesus is God, and so they aren't Christians.

you said you weren't religious?

I am not. I am just talking from the behalf of all muslims

I clearly said anyone that denies the deity of Christ. You claim he is merely a prophet. Muslims don't follow the same Jesus as Christians.

Common man, Every single country was established in the land of anotherone, at least Jews treat beduins like equals, in fact, jews are forced to join the army, arabs no.

This is incorrect. Salafis love Israel. They work with Israel openly.

the mass majority of sunnis are not salafis