What would you do if you had $100 billion USD to spend to improve your country?

what would you do if you had $100 billion USD to spend to improve your country?

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More trains, bike lanes, light rails. And a border wall too

I would buy British Columbia

Free tendies

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Maybe build a big stone fence

Purchase ICBMs :)

build a wall around a few of the whitest flyover states and make my own country with no welfare nor income taxes so poorfags fuck off. then I nuke California just because it had to happen at some point
t. Californian

I would keep it all for myself

Give everyone guns

trains nigga trains

Buy a Gundam army

Send 99 billions to private bank accounts on fiscal paradises, spend 1 billion shooting criminals

Hire the best civil engineers around the world and improve the main population centers. Use a couple of those billions to donate it to education too.

Buy the moon.

Gas chambers and death squads.

build a high speed north-south train line, buy out SAS

I'd buy my way into the presidency and then declare a national emergency, giving my dictatorial powers and since there's no time limit for emergency powers I'd just rule as dictator for my whole life. Throw a few billion$ into surpressing expected revolts.

From who?

I wouldn't improve my country, just my city. FUCK easties

giant statue of myself

Affordable housing and public transit out the ass. Also death squads tracking down people like this guy.

Pay off a little bit of debt.

Build a wall in the Sea of Japan

Mass executions of white people.

Pay off denbts
Reform pensions
Buy Austria

Plant more beer trees

Share it with my based NEET brothers.

Build the wall then infrastructure

Build up our military
Expand land reclamation, the expanded military should keep the Malaysians and Indonesians quiet
Build-up of the North
The rest will be used for investing

thank you user :) but i'd rather be my own country

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Why are you there if you hate it so much

>Pay off denbts

Because he's a faggot

Holy shit
This is the most retarded thing I've ever fucking seen
How can someone be this fucking autistic?

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The only good plan actually.
is not bad too.

>The only good plan

t. ruskie faggot ruled by a oligarch

put it all in education

Keynesian scum pls go

>mah democracy

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nuke it

Pay debts so we can get in debt again.

Make it illegal for any chick whos a 6 or higher to wear clothes

I would fund British Columbia's Independence.

Massive pasive solar arrays in Sonora, Tamaulipas and Yucatán for water deslination and the works to carry siad water far inland, adequate mass transit infrastructure for Central Mexico/Bajío alongside urban renewal and investment in cycleways, setting aside land for effective preservation of cloudforests and other vital ecosystems.

It's not going to solve the nation's problems nor make us wealthy but it's the first necessary steps in our surviving climate change.

pay the southern states to fuck off

Have a private farm and.start a socialist republic there with individual rights and property rights.


I would invest part in education and use some for reeducation camps for dumbass monkeys. Make these monkeys learn some shit.

nukes and anti missile systems

>New Zealand
>anti missle systems

rap school lmao

I'd probably it all in a space program. I don't give a fuck.

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he just said he would buy them not that we have them
are you fucking retarded?
>spells missile wrong even though its in the post he's replying too

No amount would be enough to save this shithole.

do a lot of cocaine

Lobby the politicians into implement eugenics.

Shut up kiwi faggot, I meant he's retarded for wanting to buy ant missile systems, fucking retard

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Demolish modernist buildings, build victorian/gothic styled ones in their places, pedestrianise lots of streets, demolish lots of sprawl and plant woodland in its place.

well of course buying ant missiles would be dumb, they would be way too small to affect anything, he wants to get anti missile systems

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I will buy Ukraine

Money wouldn't fix us. We need major justice reform. But if I had to answer - I would rebuild almost everything every road in the country. Then finish the restoration of the commieblocks. New Sofia airport. All of that would probably cost under $50 billion

>can't even spell correctly
are big words too hard for da widdle american brain?

Buy Flanders.

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nothing, keep the money
this shithole doesnt deserve any help from me, its already great enough kek

nuke all other countries on earth. then mine instantly becomes the best country to live in.

>if you had $100 billion USD

wipe my ass on that worthless piece of toilet paper.

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> Finance industries and self-sustaining production/consumption.
> Improve roads
> Give gibs

It's really not very much money

Would spend 50bn on house building, 30bn on NHS, and 15bn on rail and 5bn on cycling infrastructure

Ahhhh, also a small fleet of solar powered boats for inter-island communication would be nice.

It'd mean nothing if I couldn't get rid of the cr*ollo, paisa and corroncho vermin. They all would steal everything from my dead body in no time after learning that I suddenly got such a big amount of money. My first priority would be getting rid of them all.

>cycling infrastructure

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Already too many vacant houses in the UK.

Would create a city,

Nuke Israel

fund communism

Half to fund renawables, the other half to light rail

I'd embezzle all of it, and hide it in an offshore account. That's what our leadership does, and we have the greatest leadership in the world.


I would build a huge Galați-Brăila airport (close to the border to Ukraine) with which I'd link Romania to the entire East.

I would also refurbish all the commieblocks and crack down on boomer mentality such as brewing moonshine in the little gardens surrounding the commieblocks. Also do a lot of underground parkings.

Would give 50% to my military forces, then i'd kill all the illegals with'em, politicians(leftists and fags), and retards. With the other 49% i'd try to restore our wildlife, because in my country we dont take care of animals.
Finally with the 1% i'd give it as pension fund/reform for everyone who is born in my country and has both chileans parents, which allows that all illegal immigrants who dont belong to my country die without any money.

wtf based

Massive regional subway system in the Seattle metropolitan area.

Give it all to Israel

I'd build a concise railroad network all over the country.

>Buy a huge plot of land somewhere on the coast in an cheap part of California, Oregon or Washington.
>Use some of the billions to lobby politicians into allowing it to become a new type of semi-sovreign homeland for Native Americans
>Any Native Americans can migrant here and become citizens if they pass a strict basic background check and intelligence test
>New state would feature and area designed for tax free tech and high profit manufacturing; politicians would be bribed to ensure that items manufactured here can be sold without issue or tariff
>Non natives could move and work there but it would be difficult for them to become citizens unless they have very needed skills
>Create a sovereign wealth fund (SWF) with some of the billions
>Sovereign wealth fund invests abroad and domestically in known profitable ventures, with a part of the funds going to starting up a few state sanctioned businesses run like private companies following market trends, and half of the profits are reinvested in the SWF and half are allocated in to an investment & savings fund (ISV)
>The Investment & Savings Fund (ISV) would be set up solely to create domestic talent and invest in citizens, each Native citizen would be granted and equal share of the ISV. Citizens could withdraw a portion of their share in the form of an interest free long term loan from the ISV but only to cover certain things, like healthcare, starting a business, buying a home or education.
>Non natives residents are taxed, Natives are not, these taxes pay for police and emergency services
>Ports on the ocean would allow imports from abroad, to be sold in free trade zones to Americans
>Along the border with the US would be gambling, Swiss style tax haven banks, and free trade malls, wholesale warehouses and retail locations, these institutions are only on the border, not inland
>Gambling profits would fund an equivalent of Medicare, public schools and defense
>Create very modern professional militia

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Build a wall to divide us from the south, deport all terroni and then incentives to increase population and R&D

Tower blocks. Everywhere.

Hire western officers and military advisers then build a huge well trained& equipped modern army and BTFO israel

how ae you going to turn it into a sovereign state. also 100 bill wont buy as much land as u think

Not truly autonomous, just semi autonomous, kind of like how the Native American reservations already work in the US.


>reshape the roads and infrastructure and
>buy tons of plants and hire planters
>buy books, scientific journals and built modern libraries
>revamp education system & lower the taxes to zero (if possible)


I would make lithuania nordic

Nuclear weapons, destroy g*rmany with them

pump it

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