A toast! A toast, to /brit/ edition
Unpaid janitorial staff subedition
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I miss Peep Show.
business idea: monetize Jow Forums (you)s
fyi the "I" at the end is the person who considers himself not a loser but posts on Jow Forums but then realises actually if it is statiatically more likely that homealone is 5'3 ugly etc then he must reflect on himself, "I", and realise that it is likely that "I" is also a loser myself. Am aware this wasn't super clear and considered attaching an * but assumed people would good reading comprehension would be fine. My bad.
wrt the content of your post I have never said I am not a loser if anything, despite all my money, I am perhaps the biggest loser here.
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
Big time cope Copealone.
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
have officially spent seven (7) hours avoiding unitoil
Plural cope, single post.
Now that's Coping!
im going to sleep enjoy the big get everybody
would u consider ever going on britfeel radio?
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
pretty picture this
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
Coping this hard!
you're a neurotypical
wow now that is a cope
That is some serious coping copealone.
crazy how its cold in the north, even when the sun is out. Hows that work lads?
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
her looks matched is unironically an incel
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
Might text my ex gf today
Might not
Might go out drinking later
Might not
>fyi the "I" at the end is the person who considers himself not a loser but posts on Jow Forums but then realises actually if it is statiatically more likely that homealone is 5'3 ugly etc then he must reflect on himself, "I", and realise that it is likely that "I" is also a loser myself. Am aware this wasn't super clear and considered attaching an * but assumed people would good reading comprehension would be fine. My bad.
I already know this. thought that was obvious but apparently not everyone has good comprehension skills like myself
it is likely that I am a loser too but we're talking about you. you're more likely to be a loser based on Jow Forums demographics than you are to be rich. that's all I'm saying
there is little doubt homealone is 190 and so i will remind you all of the standing protocol
*taps the sign reading 'don't (you) triprunts'*
always love a good excuse to spam my "niggers getting shitslapped" animations
where's "cope"?
M&S or Waitrose for bread lads? Thinking M&S tbqhwy
*boxes your ears*
imagine being gay enough to type out that post
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
Please demonstrate the cope, thanks.
incredibly insulting post
apologises, clearly my reading comprehension is not good enough to realise that
>"it is likely i am a loser also"
>it is to you, an outsider, yes
actually meant the opposite.
> you're more likely to be a loser based on Jow Forums demographics
i'm glad you realise this and if everyone who makes the assumption i am not rich but 5'3 ugly etc is working under the conditions that Jow Forums is disproprionately filled with losers then I am a happy man.
*bursts into thread*
*huff huff huff huff huff*
I don't like it when people talk about someone behind their back
Nurses do it all the time
feel videos like that without sound don't really do justice
cause you can't hear the dude make the
bizzaro sound people make when they're knocked unconscious
I am an artist
I am a feminist
I am an ally to the LGBTQ community
I am a weed smoker
If true then 190 has created one of the most successful ruses in 4channel history. The problem is I just don't think he's intelligent enough to do something like that.
Well most women are nurses
we all float down there?
Could've gotten with my looksmatch in school if I weren't such an autist
I am the walrus :p
>4channel history
now that is a subtle dig haha
>limp wrists and liberals lobby to abolish or make the seal hunt close to irrelevant as possible
>seal population out of control
>fish stocks, particularly salmon, are now in steep decline
what a shock, libtards have the IQ of a dung beetle. pic related, my ancestors doing God's work
>Cheating is the worst thing you can ever do to a person
>Once a cheater always a cheater
>You don't forgive a cheater!
>Cheating is actually evil, I could never do that to someone
>Cheaters are scumbags
STFU you lying wog.
"When children are food deprived it alters their behaviour and they become quite food obsessed, so we have some children who will be stealing fruit cores from the bins." - Siobhan Collingwood, headteacher
always like a bit of a drink before a long drive downtown after dark, for the courage
pretty numbers
just wait till you see mine (in about 1000 posts)
Wish America had something like this
Bit sick of seeing Murray blubbering on the news now.
neurotypicals wont like this if you transcribe the meaning to looks and attention
I don't care if you're happy, Copernicus
fake title
serpentza is based
churchill killed 4 billion in bengal via starvation, but he was the good guy in ww2 so it's okay.
a wild incel appears
I like this very flattering. Well you're making me happy desu
>Well you're making me happy desu
don't care
9000 posts aaaaaaaaaaa
get will be at roughly 1600 GMT
My sister successfully got on NEETbux
Hoping to mooch off of her
you could throw a rock in Bengal and kill a few million
he didn't kill them, he just let them die. Bit of a difference.
Nah the funny part is that its Native tradition.
So they reach an impasse and their logic collapses.
>we need to cherish the culture of the shitskin and the savage
>hunting these fuzzy fuckers is abhorrent
pick one and only one
Are jannys not allowed to admit they are the janny? Sometimes it's obvious who they are but I've never seen them own up .
didn't say you should care just that one of the byproducts of your two recent posts has been my happiness
Mum takes $200 of my youth allowance a fortnight.
if /brit/ doesn't win at least one of the big GETs then I'm going to hunt each and everyone of you down
so this is your brain on angloism
"Blog on." - Billie Joe Armstrong, 1988
what does feculent mean
who cares about some hindus
Sick of all these tedious JFs ITT
Sick of this copealone paki bastard
Sick of niggerspeak
Sick of shit zoomer banter
Sick of thin-skinned fannies who cannot take a joke
based. Churchill was scum
can you get dubs on /b/?
i know moot changed it years ago so you couldn't but did it ever change back?
No white man with a functioning brain.
>gurchill was scgum
Diego can you give me life advice? Share your wisdom.
boom boom boom boom i want you in my room
any good videos to waste 5-7 hours
please note: not played videogames for 2 years
>who cares about some hindus
Counter Strike 1.6
blog on dave
bout wot?
when being made, every Janny takes the omerta and makes a blood oath on pain of death to protect the family
meant videogames not videos
Life innit
/brit/ is dead.
meaninglessly broad mate sorry
>Canadian flag defending pajeets
memes write themselves
Any incel man in