Why is Putin so afraid of them

Why is Putin so afraid of them

Attached: inb4russiansbots.jpg (1080x1080, 60K)

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Based Putin fighting against the degeneracy

Zoomer music

Siberian huskies are nice dogs

>Implying what Putin is controls everything in Russia including shitty concerts of shitty musicians

Your media and way of thinking a really incedible retarded.

Russia's freedom of speech is so dead he isn't even allowed to talk about it. That's actually sad.

Ok, cuck

+0.5 rubles
keep up good work, comrades!

Ok, Johnny.

Is that how you get AIDS?

That's an ad campaign.

Look, Jo-jo, scary Russian bots hiding under your bed and going to fuck your wife! Beware!

Jeez, frogs really are retarded aren't they ?

>french flag
>can't read english

Not surprised

Shit music shit gruppa shit voice

Get in my level



Best fuck English

Franch brothers are best fuck englo sabhumans

Any franch who can read English best

Franch brothers you need to respect your lengouge and stop being englo cuck sucker

Here is a old gum from old time this is why as a new generation guy I respect only the old generation and love old ostro-Hungarian Jugoslavian Czechslovak Soviet Union music and realy live east Europa and don't give a shit about south europa and west europa gayropian weak human trash

So franch some time new is not so good some time the nostalgia is better in terms of music movies books wars technics look and style ;)


Fuck america and the American race glory to east europa and death to west europa and south europa

Attached: DkzymUFXoAAKl6U.jpg (2048x1152, 439K)

Government defence itself.

American and American influenced media should be banned.


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This god damnn they showing our lengouge as shit don't even know how to pronance it :( and the Hebrew lengouge they show it as good :(

Do you know thet the next džems bond kino will be agianst as agian :( and agian the women will be polish or Russian :(

Always we are the evil guys :( fucking hollywood human trash :( showing serbs and russisns Allways the bad guys who want to nuke the world :( I guess Arabs and Iranians terrorist is now not in feshion any more :(

The bad guy reading Mocкoвcкaя пpaвдa :( so thets mean he speak broken Russian and want to distroy the world with his comreds :( this time it's Germany and Russia who would be the bad guys

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I don't know but their '''''''''music''''''''' is terrible so nothing of value was lost.

what the fuck are you talking

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