Jow Forums
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International #1008
Explain yourselves, Porguese anons
You support our independence from uralic oppression, right?
/ita/ - IL FILO
What are my chances of getring a good paying job just by speaking 4 languages? (Arabic , english...
So when people say they hate Chinks, are they including people from Taiwan...
Just isn't the same without you xx
Bolsonaro wants to destroy this
Why do american soldiers have their race written on their uniforms?
/deutsch/ Frühschicht
Portugal appreciation thread
Keep your likes
What's the richest, most developed south american country at the moment?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Japan has more hikikomori (700k) than South Korea has soldiers (600k)
Best posters
TERRIBLE posters
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
*Puts her foot on the seat as she sees you trying to sit*
This man walks up to you and says
/BR/ Fio Brasileiro
The sandn*gger fears the SLAV BVLL
Why Turks hate Arabs? They are the same
There's a game in france where everyone in a male group of partygoers has to show their penis...
/deutsch/ GIGERMETTE Ausgabe
Why do Italians look like Arabs?
Have you seen any of these beers in your country?
What type of panties do women wear in your cunt?
Europe is ours
Dear Jow Forums
The Holy Bible may preach peace, but when it is Christendom itself that is threatened...
If this whole region disappeared tomorrow no one would give a shit...
Evil Country Thread
But they plan and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners
"wow, a board for people from all over the world with their flag! That's so cool! :)"
Globalism is bad
I could never really tell wither they are trolling
They are fucking ugly and always do ching chong
Spain experiences lowest birthrate and highest deathrate since 1941
His country doesn't have the draft
What is your personality type?
/fr/ - le francofil
Thailand = Germany of asia
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What did the Vikings bring to your country?
What would your parents say if you brought home an ebony goddess?
Those are Korean jaw bones. Say something nice to them
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2129
Clean your room
Who are your favorite frogs
Oh hahah flat earthers are so stupid
How thicc are women in your cunt??
Sniff Pals General /spg/ - Slutty footpussy vs. Modest Footpussy Edition
Online experience
Monthly 12 hour power outage coming up (3rd world problems)
Is it “worth it” more to learn French or German
Post Disney songs you like in your native language, other anons might reply with their versions
Are you a NEET?
If you think that we couldn't fuck up EACH AND EVERY Eu*opean U*ion member AT ONCE you're making a grave mistake...
Kurva anyátok
Post your results and shitpost
D-does anyone want to cuddle? For b-body warmth, of course!
I'm chinese and I dont understand why the fuck vietnamese think themselves as east asian
Culture Pals - /cp/
-5 °C
Are you a virgin Jow Forums?
It's doomed lads
ITT: we get 8s
You will NEVER live in the United States of America like in the movies
Are Americans mentally ill?
Find a place that sells delicious red bean buns
Habt ihr den Faden sterben lassen ihr Verräter? Ausgabe für alle /deutsch/en Bernd
Is it over in your cunt?
The USA is breaking record coldness
How common are Soviet-era consumer products in the Eastern bloc today? I don't mean permanent structures like buildings...
When will all these countries finally unite?
Can New York jews read Hebrew?
You're a cunt
Zoomers are now nostalgic for the Era Where Everything Went to Shit (2007-2012) as it used to be called
Japanese and mongolians are the only east asians who can grow a beard
Do you like hot springs?
Jow Forumserstellar
Asians are real-life elves
Non-Americans, in your humble opinion...
Brazilian army cadet here, what if i get sent to Venezuela boys i don't want to die
How big is the biggest mountain in your country?
C,can 165cm qt Japanese boi immigrate to your country?
Why are we supposed to hate them again? I keep forgetting
Why do Finns look like Koreans with blonde hair and blue eyes, not white?
Fuck /balt/
Would you date an amazonian?
What's your favorite thing about Canada?
If you find girls under the age of 20 attractive, your a pedophile. Simple as
Why don't americans pay debnts?
In your opinion, what's the best international airport?
Paintbucket europe thread
He doesn't have a College/University Degree
What did Asians think of this movie?
Do Americans really build their houses out of cardboard?
What do you know about them?
Wh*Te """people"""
/lat/: Hilo latino
Brazilian """"men""""
/br/ - Fio brasileiro
Do you like seeing foreigners enjoying your culture?
How do foreigners cope with not growing up in NY?
How do Eurofags stand this cold?
Yes I'm Mexican
I was diagnosed with obesity by a doctor two years ago. Does this happen in your country...
We gotta stop global warming
Genocide is a bad thing
The most delicious meat is pork! Muslims are poor
How do I get a box headed polish gf
1. your cunt
Why do most "Ainu" people basically look Japanese?
Pass the ketchup honey
Why is donald so uncool compared to based obama? obama was the coolest mf
MUSLIM thread
How do you call this in your country?
Why yes, I'm American. How did you know?
When will Lithuania come back to mommy Poland?
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
How do you third world anons feel when first world anons complain about their shit lives even though it is still 100...
Is iceland the /dumb/est country in north america?
Is it true that you do not take daily baths?
Why are americans always the best in everything? what is the secret
Is it true Americans don't consider Alaskans and Hawaiins as real Americans?
“hate speech laws don’t contradict free speech bro. It’s illegal to yell “fire!” in a crowded building”
Stop being sad
The great debate
Tomorrow I will take my father’s gun and go to school :-)
What is like to live in Spain?
Does your country currently hold any clay that doesn't rightfully belong to it?
That one kid who showed up to school wearing a leather trench coat
Today I walked into a weed store, bought some weed with my debit card, walked out, and will soon enjoy it...
Why are there so many highways in the USA?
So cold that train tracks had to be set on fire in Chicago for the trains to run
/wop/ - italian american general
Pay denbts Britain!
1. your country
Is Rhineland the greatest region in the world?
Jow Forumsbro's how do I develop my will power?
Ur cunt
Why does westerner do this?
Say something nice about my country
How do you call this in your country?
I've just ordered hawaiian pizza, it will be gr8. Hope Italians like hawiian pizza too
Your cunt tree
What the hell is going on over there??
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Which country has the qtest guys?
1) you're flag
I just have done 12 hours of homework today
I got really pissed at a black at my uni and called him a retarded gorilla nigger and now everyone looks at me in...
Europe vs. USA
Ur cunt
What will the Br*ts do about the Irish Backstop?
Is liking twinks gay if they're french?
/v4/ + friends
Be American
Have you ever eaten an octopus?
What's the best song from your cunt?
What did you just call me user
Berlin isn't the largest city in germany
Being ugly is torture
Murder Rates in the Americas
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
How does Jow Forums make money? They barely have any ads and most people here use adblock anyways...
That was perfect europe
Why do Arabs do this?
Why do white males do this?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Poland... will you marry me?
Which Country comes in your mind when you see this?
Why do white males do this?
Be european """""muslim""""
1. Your country
/ita/ il filo moderatamente bello
I like Nords. There, I said it. A Frenchie or Italian will probably murder me in my sleep for it, but there
How do we save women?
European Borders Fixed
Thanks Japan
What kind of image do you have about Japanese female?
Why are Pajeets so prone to date among themselves?
Have similar interactions happened in your cunt...
7 fucking days without homicides since 2012 in my state
How bad is Eastern Europe, generally? Is it more dangerous than the shitty parts of the US?
Mena girls like black guys
Can you draw your country without looking at a map? Lets do this boys
Which country's nature is better than the other, in terms of landscape, animals, and climate?
Why can't the modern wh*te man fight?
Sverigetråden - Öppna gränser och fri invandring
Not only Jews were being killed in the Holocaust
Jow Forums only allows respectful discussion of other cultures
In less than five years, Spanish will be the main language in Jow Forums
Why are white women so naive and innocent?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Do you support unified Germany?
Would you Jow Forums?
Best selling cars per country
Would you buy this house for 2000 euros?
Take 5 years of french classes
How do you call this in your country?
ITT:We all live together inside a single Soviet apartment complex
6 days until I move to the Faroe Islands
So how is your sex life, Jow Forums?
In Europe, living inside big cities is a sign of wealth and success...
Why do Americans do this
I'm glad that the good guys won in the WW2 and we got a happy ending
Fattest country tries to become even fatter
Well my University career went down the toilet...
Is Chicago a comfy place to live?
Daily reminder that Slavs are the actual Aryans who invaded India, and Germans were merely LARPers
Where is there a city in the US named after a fucking german?
If you could live anywhere in the USA where would you live?
Do you take walks at night in your country?
Are you allowed to idolize Hitler in your country publicly
What is wrong with white people's face?
Describe your country with an Apu
THIS is spanish beauty
1. your cunt
Do brits really do this?
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
I don't enjoy being alive
What does Jow Forums think of Afro-French music?
Your cunt and fetishes
I'm going to London in April, what should I expect?
/br/ - Fio brasileiro
Whiter than you Muhamma-
This is a Greek-Spain-Portugal friendship thread
Your nation?
Do you want to find love in Russia?
Opposite Thread
Whites can never resist blacks
Is this a Korean male or female elf?
Another day ruined because i'm a manlet
Why yes I am Russian. Whacha looking at faggot? Never seen a manly man?
1. Your country
My Norman brothers
French is a world language
Westerners will never appreciate the comforting and nostalgic beauty that are the commieblocks
Why does 23andme put East Asians and Native Americans together?
Fake. Where are the stars?
I'm making this kind of maps for Italy
Why yes the smartest and the most hardworking and productive individuals get rewarded in capitalism, how could you tell?
I think I know why they will dismiss me from work
How is the situation with the women at your country? Do they do whatever they want and become cumbags...
It not possible to survive even a minute outside there in Chicago
I don't care if my government was responsible for creating a civil war in your country and bombed your cities to ruins...
The mere mention of this man's name is enough to make Amerimutts SEETH and sends Japanoids into a state of berserking...
Why do American houses melt when it rains?
/mit geilen Schwanz grüßen/, schlechter bekannt als /deutsch/
Kurva anyátok
Probably the most underrated thot I've seen
My preffered economic system? Well, whatever the hell Germany is doing right now, it definitely seems to work haha!
My English accent
There are no Americans who can speak any foreign language
Tfw unironically have a cuck fetish now
What kind of pests do you have to deal with in your house?
I am 18 years old and currently live in a bland midwestern shithole. This is not to last, however...
Kpop thread
Could I pass as a local in your cunt?
Young Finnish boy disappears: 5 days missing
14yo kids have had more sexual experiences than you
Do Americans really do this
Ashekenazi hate thread
Post the last time your country won a war
1. Country
Sverigetråden - Finska vinterkrigsupplagan
>Global Warming is coming, you'll drown m8 omg
What kind of video games does your cunt make?
And her pussy tastes like skittles, what?
Eyo hol' up
God I wish I were a girl
I recently got into playing old isometric classic video games because i was born in 1996 and never got to play them
Being ugly woman fucking sucks
Tfw all the g*y posters on Jow Forums will be thrown off rooftops when the soldiers of Allah (praise be his name) takes...
Caveal warming? cave cold, grug no believe
Your country
R/India meet up
You guys can’t possibly be serious when you promote non-democratic forms of government on this board, can you...
He's done it; the perfect Europe. Post-Abrahamic pollution when?
One question for Germans: How strong is your self-hatred?
Average Italian male
One chance at life
Do you love Russian food?
Ukrainian goes US shopping
/luso/ + /br/
Finland... is benis okay?
Post powerful images ITT
Best/Worst country posters on Jow Forums ?
We should destroy this pagan bullshit
When will we kick disgusting leeches like Slovenia and Lithuania out of EU?
What if this guy never existed and Russia remained imperial and and Hitler never rose to power as a consequence of the...
Post your country's football national team badge
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Anime is gay
Are there any actual Japanese on this board or are all of them weeb english teachers?
How fucked will the newer generations be?
How much do you earn a month in your country?
Post nice photos from your country
Muslims are pedophi-
First world generals(e.g. the scandinavian generals, v4, brit, mammi, nederaad etc):
WW2 and Cold War are over. So why Germany and Japan are still occupied by American army?
Post your breakfast
Is it true Vienna was Heaven on Earth before the World Wars?
This scares and confuses the Slav
What race was he Jow Forums?
Ywn be Japanese
Global warming is re-
Post weird buildings
How are socially awkward people treated in your country?
Is Ukraine the only white third world country?
/v4/ + associates
Why Ireland-chan's head part is not Ireland?
Reminder that Charlie Chaplin prefered living in Europe (CH), because he thought that america is a shithole and it sucks
Would you rather move to the US and have to live in a sketchy town in Alabama, or move to Canada...
/cum/--Canada, USA, Mexico
Post propaganda posters from your country
Sverigetråden - Inre frid upplagan
Canada is afraid of incel wizards
Post your favorite Slavic country
Why do people say women care about money...
What's it like living in the first world?
1. Your country
Where do you thirdies dream of emigrating to?
Your honest opinion on Filipinas?
Dear white people, welcome to 12000 years ago
Why are normies so triggered by us?
Why do East Asians have a larger brain volume than other ethnic groups? Why is IQ high?
I noticed on tinder when you switch to europe every girl speaks english even in non english countries like auto default...
Do you want to lick this girl 's body?
What's your dream city?
Kurva anyátok
See a lot of threads with cute Japanese girls on Jow Forums
Is it safe to go outside to store(by foot) in this weather? :/
Why do the Japanese larp as white and European when they are asian monkeys like koreans and chinese?
Do you want to lick the side of this girl? Do you want to ejaculate aside?
Why do americans talk about other states/cities like if they were moving to another country?
George Soros calls Xi Jinping ‘the most dangerous enemy’
Are you excited for Chinese New Year?
Old Testament does matter!!
Is the west falling?
Apparently they're making an rpg based off South East Asia
Are people in the bible belt really as crazy as the memes say?
They share so much history and culture, why don't they merge into one country already?
Who are responsible for the crime in your country?
What nationality would you bottom with?
How did your ancestors live?
/br/ - Fio brasileiro
Why are men such fucking horrible people
My letter to Hogwarts never came
Is there anything good about being mediterranean?
China is the most populated country in the world and one of the earliest civilizations on earth
Unpopular opinion thread
What would you do if you became the US president?
Why do White women hate asian boys so much? Even when they're literal millionaires they won't even touch them
Europoors think their countries are cold
We will never be royal~
So americans, you terrified???
What is the most retarded thing your country has ever done in history?
Are you circumcised?
Cringe nation
Is this true Jow Forums?
What are Chicago girls like?
Fr*Nch "people"
How do we fix Canada?
I am moving to Vancouver and I am wondering how much rent money should I save before I leave to get there? Also...
What colour of eyes do you have?
I can't stop masterbation
Lol I’m like, the ONLY mexican in this class!
Tell me why you would rather live in Canada than in your shithole country user
Depression hours
Opinions on Peru
The future seems scary tbqh
Your country
Non-European whites
Have you ever enriched a woman from another country? How was it?
Which place has the coolest name (be it a country, a state, a city, etc.)?
Why are Asians so resistant against hedonism? At least in comparsion to all races...
Super power by 2020
/flag/ + /extraflags/
/ITA/ - il filo
Post your country's equivalent of picture related
His air force insignia is just concentric circles
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Tfw took a DNA test
I'm thinking about taking a week-long trip to Montreal. I have never really been there...
How it feels like to have a black gf?
Temperature 1 hour ago
Don't come to Japan
56% Amerrimutt argues with Arab Uber driver
Post the most beautiful woman of your cunt and other rate
Weather officials in the state of Iowa have warned people to "avoid taking deep breaths...
1. Your cunt
Mayo on Freedom Fries
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw no israeli gf
Eat less
Ugly flags
If there was one country you could get rid of, which one would it be?
Windows 10 is so bad!! it literally spies on you so I use LINUX instead!!
Can speaking German get me a Kraut bf?
TFW no long horse faced turkish gf
Why the difference between south america and africa?
I just ate a flank steak, 500 grammes just for me. Ask me anything
What are elevator etiquette rules in your country?
Why do Americans always say MENA people look like latinos?
Shut the fuck up
What are you studying?
Why do Americans come up with so many inventions to dehumanise wagies? Not that there's anything wrong with that
When did your country first get Internet?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Are they Germanic or Latino?
Sverigetråden - Söta upplagan
/balt/ic people's republic
Watching the Battle of Vienna from the Kahlenberg
Do political factions object to mainstream scientific views on ideological grounds in your country?
Are Latinxs basically a new race?
I wish I were smart
/fr/ - Le Fil Français Nocturne
/MENA/ "I wished I was as white as a berber" -Hitler
In Finland we have water
This is now a voice-only thread. Talk to each other only using vocaroo urls
Ushanka is actually Russian
We are Germanic, not filthy gallo-romans
I really love Russia
Dutchfag here (Ignore the flag, I live very close to the border)
*dabs on Romans*
Can these sand people be white if
/v4/ + friends
Brexit means Brexit
/deutsch/e /Anime/ Ausgabe
/ita/ - IL FILO
Tfw no qt German bf
State your unpopular opinions
Oh user...
What's the most common surname in your country?
Why do muslims do this?
Do Latin Americans feel connected with Europe due to European colonial culture or do they simply not care?
What is the most reddit-like board on this site?
Do people in your country use foreign words to sound cool?
Why are people of Jow Forums so rude...
Culture Pals - /cp/
Does your cunt have a historic Naval ship from the Age of Sail preserved?
Throw me a life jacket, brother
English - Dutch - Norwegian
Why Nordic girls like so much latin guys?
Why are Black people so much better than the other races, specially whites, at making music?
What is Europe’s “southern US” equivalent?
That's what shitty West is afraid of
I can't stand so many girls in bikinis, I wish I was an incel somewhere else :(
Why is being ugly such a curse?
Is your country colder than Antarctica?
1. cunt
The only surviving bastion of white indentity on Jow Forums
Just ordered this, wish me luck bro
ITT: national culture of your land
You wake up to this
Russian pronunciation: "мы"
55 MILLION people live on this tiny piece of land
How's food stockpiling, Britain?
/fr/ - Le Fil Français du Souper
Why yes, I'm Finnish, how did you know?
I´m a black bull and i will put an end in what has left of whiteness in Brazil
Sometimes when I can't sleep at night I would hear noises like a music performance or people talking but I know they're...
1. your cunt
Serious question, do most Europeans unironically believe the US failed in Vietnam due military incompetence...
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Sverigetråden - Invadringsupplagan
/deutsch/ am Abend
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
America and China should just divide the world between ourselves. I think it would avoid a lot of unnecessary tensions
If Donald Trump made America great again
Apu Thread
How does it feel knowing that you will never live in Paris, capital of the European Union?
How come Koreans and Japanese can co exist in kpop groups but are always fighting on the Internet?
What language do think in Jow Forums?
How does ethnicity mixing between the east asians happen...
Slavs of Jow Forums, does this place look familiar to you?
A whole month already passed in 2019
Every time i get warnings or bans, its because i said something bad about russians
What's the point of being a germanaboo if you're Asian? ;_; I'll never be accepted as German
In your country, can you tell from a person's accent which social class they're from?
Turkey lol
75 days to Game of Thrones final season
Hey Jow Forums, I have a question, hoping someone here can answer...
I don't beat my wife and kids every day
Hilo latino
Is there a top highschool for very rich people in your cunt (like Eton in Britain)? What is it called?
How much is a average hooker in your country?
Do you like finnish posters?
This plane full of pure EVROPEAN MEDS BVLLS from LEBANON is about to land in your cunt
/br/ - Fio brasileiro
Lads, i just realized that finland is the whitest country in the world
This is the best thing that has happened in recent European history
Finnland appreciation thread:
This is the ideal world: you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
So Jow Forums taught me that rurik was actually finnish
White Hispanics:
Why didn't he get the banter?
All i want is a European gf and European frens. is that really too much to ask for?
Daily reminder
Boxers or briefs?
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkό
If u had the opportunity to change ur color eyes, would u like to do it?
Brazilian joins the thread
A girl I know says she likes black men
1. you're gender and country
Is your country feminine?
Is there anything more miserable than a male virgin in his 20s?
Why don't they just build a bigger room? It's embarassing
What's their identity? Berbers, Arabs, Carthaginians or maybe simply North Africans?
Southerners aren't retards, user. That's just a dumb stereoty-
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
So I’m a black dude from USA visiting Germany and I must say I was caught off guard by how much of a melting pot this...
Do you like guys or girls Jow Forums?
Sverigetråden - Ensamma upplagan
So this is what WW3 will look like
Do students clean their classrooms at the end of the day in your country?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friend
Failed get into the prestigious university
Do Americans really have to pay for school lunch? How much is it? Is it any good?
If you think about it, Pizza & Burgers are actually quite nutritious
Honestly kingdom come deliverance is pretty good
What would the world be like if there were 1,4 billion Swedes instead of Chinese, 1,3 billion Finns instead of Indians...
/fr/ Le fil de le France - édition artistique
Which one do you choose?
When did you figure out that "Finns are Mongols" is not a meme?
I love Arabs and Arab culture
Hey user, you do buy your games exclusively from GOG, so you can support Poland in taking over Germany, right?
What country has the best culture? I think it's Germany or Italy
E-ey whiteboi how dis make you f-feel
Do you trust your fellow countrymen?
Soviet Union thread
Eastern Europeans should be flayed
Wake up
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Don't like wh*toids
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2128
Anyone else don't care if global warming is real?
Do the Prussian Values still exist in today's Germany?
Why are saudi arabians so dark skinned?
The absolute state of americans
What is weed situation in your country?
Why are br*wn people so boring?
Do the Bavarians, Prussians...
Is it true people from outside spain greet women with a handshake...
Since i went from 95kg to 75kg i had to spend over 1000 PLN on new clothes because old ones looked like potato bags on...
As if it wasn't already evident allowing Italians to mass migrate here was a mistake...
Why does Sweden look like a Slavic country while Greece looks like a rich 1st world country?
This is unironically the best Europe
What is ur sex fantasy?
European language
Millions of years of evolution and piss still drips after pissing
So this is the power of Ukraine
Wanna hear a joke?
Slavs will assimilate your nation in the next 10 years
What european country has the most feminine women?
Post 'em 2
Don't listen shills
Is this accurate?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why is Hitler treated as a bad person than Stalin?
How do you call this in your cunt?
Why do Yanks think we're fucking socialist?
Will the Germans be kind masters when they inevitably take over Europe?
/balk/ - Balkan General
Why is Putin so afraid of them
/alland/ ehemals /deutsch/
/skandi/ + finland
Kurva anyátok
What do you think when you hear the word Slav?
Your cunny
This is the only correct way from a genetic point of view
Just realized that havent had a shower in 2 months
I got accepted into Politecnico di Milano for my Masters Studies (it was cheaper than studying in the US)
Do your country have names that nobody want to have because people consider them funny?
Opens DNA test
/cum/- Canada US Mexico on my face edition
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
What do italians and mexicans think of one another?
Searching for Someone
Is Japan a good place for pedos to live?
If you are American
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship