
olive oil edition

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I hate my life what am i doing here.

Same, komshu.

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France is not med and neither are slavs

Just put 10 chilies I grow in my garden into bottle of olive oil. Gonna be delish in few weeks.


*raises glass with wine made from grapes grown under mediterranean sun*

You wish

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im Egypt diaspora
i asked the greek guy next to me in the flight if i look greek

French Meds are infact 90% Celtic

Haplogroup R represented approximately half of the lineages in both Corsican and Tuscan samples (respectively 51.8% and 45.3%) whereas it reached 90% in Provence.

I want summer.


you'll spend it in house anyway

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miss my ex, u?

I want to die out of boredom


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>Poojeet needs to import Berber women in order to be able to say they also have good looking women
absolute state of poo

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try reading a book

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what a fucking goddess

>Berber women
No such thing.


F-For the weather of course.

wtf are you talking about

she's maghrebi model who signed contract for bollywood and now lives in india.

arabs suck change my mind

what's the difference
looks pretty indian to me

>tfw no french (iberian) gf

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Wouldn't mind an Arab qt sucking me desu.

no she doesn't. you can distinguish between MENA and indians in most cases.

yes you can
but they look the same in some cases
which is the case of that model

it's impossible for me to distinguish between arabs and iranians. but I almost always guess if someone is arab or indian. when I first saw her in that bollywood song I instantly thought she is probably guest actress not native.

maybe i'm just not used to how indians look like
but desu i thought she was indian when i saw the pic
they are very diverse after all and she doesn't really look maghrebi or idk

she's too white even for north indian standards.

>doesn't really look maghrebi or idk
shutup she fucking looks like every horse faced moroccan roasty. Fucking berbers with their madeup identity.
>it's impossible for me to distinguish between arabs and iranians
iranians are pretty diverse, but you can pick some out

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>iranians are pretty diverse, but you can pick some out
if anything I noticed they have sometimes more mongoloid features than gulf arabs. probably because they were raped by turkmens and mongols way more.

doesn't matter she is ugly
like most of 'bebrer' nafri maghrebi fe*ales

mesh mafroud koun mawjoud f hasse3a

french and spanish women are waiting for you bro.

i don't like how spanish and italian women look like desu i want something exotic
like slavs but i'm a manlet and i will porbably never leave tunisia and i don't talk to females

>i want something exotic
>but i'm a manlet
that's problematic

>i don't like how spanish and italian women look like desu i want something exotic
>like slavs but i'm a manlet and i will porbably never leave tunisia and i don't talk to females
No wonder you are talking like this

mafe 3amal
mafe 2amal
barak el jamal
rekbe el na7es
tujjar beirut

my ancestors :)

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what i'm talking like
i don't like how med women look like and it's my choice desu
and you have to admit that being a manlet is the worse trait someone can get
people don't take me seriously neither males nor female not even my fucking parents

manlets get trampled on by everyone if they're bitter, acrimonious and air unpopular opinions.
If you are a manlet you have to be intelligent and humble, with emphasis on the latter, in today's society. Subconsciously manlets are registered as weak by most people, which is why nobody likes a manlet who acts tough, edgy or arrogant, as people just assume it's compensation (which is often also true)
work with what you have m8

thing will get better
t.191 cm

i look as weak as it can gets
and i don't try to act tought i swallowed the black pill i think i'm not even interested in girls irl
i just fap like once or twice a day to satisfay my urges and i'm fine with that ;)
i would pay 80% of my life and 1 6cm of my penis just to be that tall

Stop fucking larping we saw your ticket you're 1m76 that's average in tunisia

average for 50 years old people and fucking villages
i'm studying in a uni in the middle of the fucking capital
i'm like shorter than 90% of guys in my uni and 20% of girls

Aaaa it's you :3

Do you like being weak? what is preventing you from e.g working out?

you have mental illness

Is this now fighting against urge for suicide thread?

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cringe manlet cuck

He just has mental illness that grows stronger each time someone gives him attention

why fight for that
we are an overpopulated country I say let him

Im on the atlantic coast

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Or something else.

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i went twice to gym when i was in high school
and all isaw were tall somehow good looking guys
also it's full of mirrors and i don't like mirros
avpd and spd
for not liking how most north african and south euros look like
sry but it's called having standards
porbably i'm ugly short worthless i have no talents and no hobbies and lack basic communication skills
but i still have the right to have standards

Fe hali mhayarni, fe lili msaharni
W 3aleich ya 3omri, hram ya 3omri
T3adeb fia
Li rbi3 ma ydoum, wel ward yedbal
Wana hali ma3dour, hali ma3dour
Dirni fel bal

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>for not liking how most north african and south euros look like
No, for being a manlet

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Why would you hate yourself?

yes i guess
i have nothing to say
just end me
not just a manlet but small manlet and my wrist is thinner than a girl wrist

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>look at me I'm so smoll ovo
no one cares

>avpd and spd

Officially or self diagnostic?

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i know
but who cares if you don't care

officialy i used to go to a psychologiste

that sucks

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What is the franca lingua of med?


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kek. I'm glad we agree.



My father beat me and I called the cops on him

na malaka

>Goes to North Africa
> Fucks your women

Why are nafri girls so easy?

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they took him for a local i would say

nice suckeable lips

That's me, and I look nothing like you kek.

Why are they so easy though?

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The sodomist of Nafris.
That's what my pals call me, can't wait to turn northern africa christian

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>na malaka
most advanced Greek I've ever read on this site by a foreigner. Bravo.

>The sodomist of Nafris. That's what my pals call me, can't wait to turn northern africa christian

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are you dare i say homophobe

Gross, I bet he has subhuman nafri DNA, I'm glad I don't
I'm going to bleach your women mehmed

rica ederim komşu
who is this?

Me lel

So you banged a Moroccan prostitute?

Wow wtf i love egypt noao

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who's this serb

/med/ is gay friendly ;3

He is a friendless moor larping.

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I banged regular tunisian,moroccan and algerian women, they are still begging for my dick on whatsapp
Should I post their nudes here?

tant de larpers putain

>should I post their nudes here?
What sense would it make if you stole them from some /b/ thread or some sorts?
Also even if these nudes were really yours I highly doubt they fucked you and nudes are just nudes lmao.
Why would they go for a POORtuguese? Unless they were diaspora and even then they are barely maghrebi.
Nice larping btw, why would someone post their mug unironically on Jow Forums? Save it for the mentally retarded autists that come here, but they stand out at least. Also no poortuguese looks like that.