America and China should just divide the world between ourselves. I think it would avoid a lot of unnecessary tensions

America and China should just divide the world between ourselves. I think it would avoid a lot of unnecessary tensions.

Attached: us-china.png (6460x3480, 2.1M)

Fuck you I'm not going with China.

Fuck off. Russia and US should do it. China is a sham

If they did that, China would win in no time.

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is a paper tiger

so is china

>not China's bitch

>is a paper tiger
Their new weapons can basically destroy the american armies (because 90% of american´s weapons are useless in XXI wars and are only made to companies keep profiting) and they have nukes, 14,000 nukes.

>so is china


why not? better than amerimutts for sure

You already offered G2 to China. They refused. Our master are going for your pathetic-ass, mutt.

Attached: _159319264.jpg (464x694, 71K)

I'm going with China, every non western nation should join China. You guys already said Latin America isn't part of the west, so let us join our new masters.

you must be a chinese immigrant

No! Latin America is our backyard

No worries, we are with you

The new weapons are meme. They can't even mass produce them beyond prototypes.

America should take north and south america and then build a wall around the whole place

China can have japan in exchange for australia and new zealand

sometimes i fantasize about a sea "wall" in the middle of the atlantic

Don't you love Japan?

Nobody cares. South America is somehow less relevant than Africa

I like japan, hate weebs. Love Australia and New Zealand. It's an easy call. Plus china would be butthurt that america so close


Attached: F4F0F0A0-C37A-4E95-897C-C490ADC3F014.jpg (600x449, 45K)

>not keeping the whole Western hemisphere for ourselves

Thanks for respecting our free will. We'll join China, trade exclusively with them and we'll let them bring nukes to latin america.

Attached: perfect world.png (5473x2521, 317K)

>bring nukes to latin america
well that solves the whiny south americans problem. 2 weeks at most after south america gets nukes that continent would turn itself into a crater

Why is this "perfect world" so cancer

what the fuck is this

You realize the whole world would perish in the event of a nuclear war?, they'd be there only to give weight to China in diplomatic relations.

Nobody would start a war over some retarded south americans nuking each other out of existence over a futbol game or something

Dumb faggot. China would station the nukes there to threaten America like the USSR did with Cuba

I have a better idea. Tibet and East Turkestan should become independent countries and the rest of China should be partitioned between the US, Russia, and Japan.

After all, most of Chinese history was spent divided or being ruled by foreigners.

Attached: China History.png (800x1672, 209K)