Fr*Nch "people"

>fr*Nch "people"

Attached: 1546093271072.png (900x540, 535K)

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Based Sankara and based Lumumba

Why does he have an indian last name ?
Is he half indian or something ?

>drive out the entire middle class of your cunt and crash its economy with no survivors
>end up getting couped
Sounds awful fami...oh wait.

Attached: caracas riots.jpg (1024x582, 279K)

Ancient blacks reached India and became the Dravidians

Maybe it's the other way around
DRAVIDIAN BVLLS living in LEMURIAN kingdom BROWN'D ancient Africans so much that they turned into black and probably created yakub himself with their advanced technology


And he was also a smelly Marxist.
People can do great things for their countries but still be more of a demon than an angel. Stalin turned Russia from a feudal state into a hyper-industrialized country, increased the literacy rate by 100%, gave women more rights, etc. etc. etc. but he also killed 16 million people and purposely caused regions to starve if they disobeyed him.

>16 million
Make that 85

Attached: cceb05614cc435dc95006ce6d601ff47.jpg (701x956, 279K)

>Stalin turned Russia from a feudal state into a hyper-industrialized country

Attached: 81c.jpg (500x329, 61K)

But for reals though what is an African doing with indian name ?
Are Africans now LARPing as dravidians ?

Don't know why some Americans pretend to know everything when they clearly know nothing.

>And he was also a smelly Marxist.
Yeah we must assassinate him and drag the country to a civil war which lasts until today. He was doing a good job.

>He was doing a good job.
And he was a smelly Marxist. Communists don't have the right to live.

If he would proclaim himself as something would he be a good guy?
What does it matter what the """ideology""" if it's beneficial?

Yakub was bannished by Brahma so he created the wh*toids to get vengeance

Would he be a good guy now?

Attached: sankara2.png (892x433, 500K)

African names and words end vowls you even dudes with the name Sakura or Gao

Probably better than the guy the french put into power

I'm pretty sure it's bastardized or africanized version of sunitha or sunith
It seems Africans might ACTUALLY be Using some indian names after all

Ah ok

Sanka is Finnish
