
1970s edition

Attached: The rock band Boston poses for a CREEM Magazine Stars Cars shoot in Swampscott, Massachusetts, in Au (900x600, 461K)

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i can show dozens of proof, but it is literally useless
im done

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I hate white people

First for hoping death comes soon

Which of these guys is the one who killed himself by shooting himself in the head with a blank, thinking it wouldn't do anything?

What are you on about?

the only man i ever loved

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This but to america

Wait never mind I'm thinking of the band Chicago

>day 8061
>still no gf

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its that trans thing he keeps blabbing on about, dont worry about it

saving feral cats is retarded, they are an invasive species as bad as feral hogs

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Based. Death to all cats.

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>i can show dozens of proof
so can I

wish i could live in the wilderness with you folks, it would be nice to leave everything behind

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tried using Headspace again
first few minutes were rough with my heartbeat and chest but the last few minutes were really relaxing
should've done 10 mins instead of 5
oh well

She always talk to me to wash legs.
I'm washing them all time, it's just half of them coz i'm washing it all time but she talk to me they smell anyway.
biiitch, i hate youuu!

Industry plants have existed for longer than you think.

>By 1978, Kath was regularly carrying guns around and enjoyed shooting them. Around 5 p.m. January 23, after a party at the home of roadie and band technician Don Johnson, in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, Kath began to play with his guns. He spun his .38 revolver on his finger, put it to his temple, and pulled the trigger. The gun was not loaded. Johnson warned Kath several times to be careful. Kath then picked up a semi-automatic 9-mm pistol and, leaning back in a chair, said to Johnson, "Don't worry about it ... Look, the clip is not even in it." To assuage Johnson's concerns, Kath showed Johnson the empty magazine. Kath then replaced the magazine in the gun, put the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger. Apparently unbeknownst to Kath, the semi-automatic had a round in the chamber. He died instantly from the gunshot, 8 days shy of his 32nd birthday.
Ummm, sweatie???

>mom: "We ate dinner with soap on our dishes because I took them out of the dishwasher too soon"

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>i can show dozens of proof, but it is literally useless
>im done


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You live in scandi, just do it irl
I'm planning to buy a cabin near my rural family

>Sure, but what do want to hear? there are so many singers.
Whatever you think is exemplary/excellent. I'll leave it up to you

save kots

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might do it when summer comes just for a week or so, it sounds fun

>mom still cook dinner for him

Mom didn't cook, dad did.

pictures are not proof

Learn to fish. It's extremely satisfying to head out into the woods, catch your own meal, cook it up, and eat it

well, what about it?

>pictures are not proof

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yeah, ive fished before. never got anything though.

>dad did.
You're feminist family of what?

Assuming you only eat what you hunt and forage, what do you eat with the fish you caught?

Men are better cooks. I'm a better cook than mom as well.

My sista like this.


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pls congratulate me

>I'm a better cook than mom as well
>Sonny i gave birth to you, i didn't sleep nights when you were lil
> and now you lil fuck say you cook better than me? it really makes me think why i didn't do abort.


keep at it

Don't know why my mom would be upset by me being skilled. Parents are supposed to be proud of their children growing up.

ty user!

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I've got a serious question for Americans with non-immigrant parents Growing up, did they help you with your homework and/or enforce a studying time? Every day I notice my younger siblings and I see them struggling to do their homework alone, I feel bad for them. My immigrant parents won't bother to help them at all, since they're working most of the time and I believe it's my duty as an older brother to tutor and educate them. So, did your parents help with homework while you were growing up in elementary school?

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i don't know what is Headspace but i greeting you with joy but.



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no, I didn't get any help. help your siblings out if you're able to, they'll likely remember it later in life and be extremely thankful

it's a meditation app for your phone
thank you for greetings

thank you

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No racism, but there is russian song " Nigga have been killed'.

i love that song
do you like this one

Where did you do it? Saltwater, or inland? If you're fishing on rivers and streams, you've got to learn how to identify a good fishing hole, which can take a lot of trial and error. Definitely worth it though, catching and eating a nice fish on your own is extremely gratifying on a primal level, and tastes divine unlike fish you buy in the market which has been sitting around for a while

>seeing is believing

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It's not Ukraine, women don't care about stuff like that here. We are a cucked country where men and women are supposed to share cooking and cleaning responsibility

i was like 10 years old, and it was in a lake. But ill take your tips to heart, thank you

>Assuming you only eat what you hunt and forage
That would be an incorrect assumption. I just took it home and bought some vegetables and potatoes from the grocery store.

That said, I would like to get into foraging. We don't have a ton of good edible plants in my area, but we've got pretty good mushrooms and very good berries. I do like to grab some berries from the forest in the morning to accompany my breakfast when I go down to my cottage.

Uku uku uku Spring is on other side of river...

there is something about music with repetitive or no vocals that make it more feely

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speaking of the 70s watch this

Attached: The_Witch_Who_Came_from_the_Sea.jpg (1400x2100, 2.12M)

It was just joke, bud. i make some meals better than my mom too, though i never talk that to her.

another piece of advice regarding fishing. the absolute best way to have a successful fishing trip is to go to the local tackle shop (fishing gear store) and ask them what people have been catching lately and what they've been using. do that, and you're almost certain to have a good day of fishing anywhere you go. unless of course no one has been catching anything


I like this

Good morning to your moms.


your sister is based

lmao how is that allowed on MTV (fuck niggers)

Ah I see. I'd like to get into foraging but haven't gotten started. The areas closest to me are sanctuaries so I'd feel guilty trying to take anything from there (not that there is, I checked, and I assume if there was others would have taken it before I got the chance). I usually get stuff from my garden and I'd like to try to grow my own mushrooms soon.

Not sure where you are but in the PNW there are blackberry infestations that are excellent for "foraging" so that's about the extent that I forage.

what about this?
very good lyric as for me, about unhappy love man to woman.

Дoбpoe yтpo


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Mom thinks I’m gay but truth is I don’t want my parents knowing anything about my personal life so I never told them about my girlfriend despite us being together for a year now

what do you mean by this

>Uku uku uku
More like IKU IKU IKU am I right haha

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well, it's not racist song. probably it hard to understand in american society but here it's just funny name of song without any racist context.

Liked the beginning, didnt like the guitar
post more sad russian songs

its okay, it would probably be better if i understood what he was saying
redpilled song

Boston is the worst band ever.

Maybe, i'm not strong in your phonetic.
How about this, old hit.

they migrated to lgbt


He's saying that girl took half of his heart cos she didn't share his love.

theres a lot of things that i dont understand

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>Maybe, i'm not strong in your phonetic.
I've never seen "Uku uku uku" before, but IKU IKU IKU is what Japanese girls scream when they're having an orgasm (literally means "I'm going", i.e. "I'm cumming")

I don't know how this happened, but I've got a folder of a past /cum/ thread. I think I accidentally pressed a button somewhere.

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i rememeber this thread

>tfw posted one of those images

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im glad you are saving the bleach stuff

where the FUCK is ari or taytay

Attached: rs_600x600-141202202037-600.Taylor-Swift-Ariana-Grande-Instagram.ms.120214.jpg (600x600, 41K)

>I probably posted 5 of those
I need to get a life and stop /cum/posting lmao

rightclick anywhere in the thread and press save as, then you download every image in the thread

I didn't save any of these on purpose, I wouldn't know how to do it again. I just found it in my Downloads folder.

Is Ariana Grande a blackface performer?

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ahahaha, though i wasn't with japanese girl, but i saw their porn and it seemed to me they say EHH, Ehh somethingl like this.


at least two of those are mine

marked mine

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shut up bitch