Canada is afraid of incel wizards

>Canada is afraid of incel wizards

Why is this cucktry existing? You can literally conquer it by sending incel troops there.

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I wouldn't expect a a crocadil shooting alcohol future Chechen bombing victim to understand the importance of dealing with domestic issues.

The Dutch Prime Minister is an incel

They are right. Incel freaks are a problem. They should all be rounded up and shot.

More people have died in Canada in the past 5 years to incel attacks than to accidentally falling off bridges. Why would we add safety rails to bridges but ignore the bigger threat to public safety?

Stay scared, incel. Your final day is coming.

Seething clown country

I agree.

>They are right. Incel freaks are a problem. They should all be rounded up and shot.

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You mean they should be treated like jews?

*starts doing volleys with your head*

mentally ill, lonely, unemployed young men are unironically one of the most serious security threats in the West

The only person who is scared here is you, femcelina. But don't worry, soon the great gender war will end your femifascist regime in Canada when we will send 100000000 of incels into your pathetic country.

Attached: femcelina.png (229x295, 106K)

Based merchant

the first incel was a grill in quebec tho read your source

Perhaps he assumes the Canadian is that femcel since he calls him a "femcelina"

Kys kike piece of shit
It's not my fault I was born an ugly manlet

Are incels the new anonymous?

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You should reserve your anger and resentment for your parents if you must, not women who naturally don't want to carry on your bad genes and certainly not us.

They're the new muslims (muslims literally explode in public so they can get 72 virgins).

Could article. Everyone should be aware of incel losers and it is everyone's duty to mock these outcasts until they commit suicide

People are scared of incels because they don't want to admit the truth:

That all your worth is basically in your face and genes determine all your life

Don't worry cuckboy, the article is a massive agenda-pushing bullshit because not a single self-identifying incel has ever killed anyone and the forum posts are just edgy tough talk.

Most incels look fine, they just have horrible personalities (granted, that might be partially genetic).

Absolutely correct.

>canadian cucks ITT defend the article
Shilling hard.

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>Could article. Everyone should be aware of incel losers and it is everyone's duty to mock these outcasts until they commit suicide

Attached: 1514755688798.png (1879x1384, 571K) mean like elliot rodgers and stephen mcdaniels? yeah it's all tough talk heh heh

He's going to argue that they didn't use the specific word "incel" about themselves so they don't count.

>I-it's all talk!
Seems you're the soyboy, worthless incel.

Wrong wrong.

Looks is the only thing that matters
Incels were unfortunate to be born with the wrost curse that there is on this planet: Being ugly

But I don't expect you to understand, we basically live in two different world, and your brain is trying to do its best to remove this thought from your mind (it would be too much to accept to all your life all your success didn't happen because of you, but only because of your genes)

>more people die from car accidents/alcohol/drugs than from an incel bullet per year
I smell a plethora of roast ITT.

Putin himself is an incel. That's why he overcompensates so hard I guess.

During the time they were alive the term incel wasn't even a thing you retarded NPC, or should we brand every mass murderer/serial killer incel now just because?
>Whiteknight cuck defends WAHMYN from le ebul incels on the internet
Well at least I will jever be as pathetic as you

But I wasn't even defending women, you seething incel.

No shit, this board has been a safespace for roasties from crystalcafe/lolcow for the last couple of years.

Incels should receive disability benefits
Uglyness is the worst thing that could happen to a person

Even brain cancer is preferable to being ugly


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Thanks for revealing your incel ass pain as the source of this thread.

High IQ
Incels, while being just a minor group of frustrated men who pose no real threat, are getting demonized and portrayed as the second ISIS by media exactly because they reveal the true nature of femoids and the factual evidence that looks determine your entire life. And jews can't have that, ugly and average men should be kept in the dark, otherwise they will lose all incentive to wagecuck and betabux.

Keep seething, femceloid.

Incels should receive a bullet in the head

And here I am doing it for free every day just to talk to your faggots.

>Incels should receive a bullet in the head

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To our faggots? They are not ours.

if the term existed at the time they would have fit the label perfectly

Russians are great posters

>Russian speaking on behalf of the US


Elliot was by all acounts a mentalcel and volcel because: a) he was fairly good-looking b) he never even once tried to approach girls and thought they should approach him.
There isn't much information on the second guy but there is nothing indicates that he killed out of frustration because of inceldom.

>b) he never even once tried to approach girls and thought they should approach him.
that fits the criteria of involuntarily celibate since the game doesn't work that way.
>There isn't much information on the second guy but there is nothing indicates that he killed out of frustration because of inceldom.
I watched hours of his interrogation videos and would have to disagree.

stay strong my russian incel brother. may our virginities keep our minds sharp and hearts true

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>I watched hours of his interrogation videos and would have to disagree
>he spends most of his time watching unproductive shit
>calls others incels

Srsly, this kind of obsession isn't healthy, go see a doctor

>that fits the criteria of involuntarily celibate since the game doesn't work that way.
That's the thing, if you don't try, you aren't involuntarily. Only GigaChads get approached by females first, all the rest do the approaching. You can't claim being an incel until you tried and failed.


you do realize this is just part of the female plan to turn males against each other? you wouldn't actually attack me for being a virgin right? that's insane

wanting girls to approach him = wanting sex
unless you're implying he was some kind of weird asexual that just wanted narcissistic attention
I have an interest in law. I've had sex, I've been voluntarily not approaching girls for a year or so for personal reasons. *tips*

He's trolling, we are on Jow Forums, everyone is some kind of virgin freak here

Either that or he is a faggot (or, 0.1% chance, a female roastie)

I would attack you for being an American. LOL. Freaks should be killed, they are a burden on the society.

Try harder, gypsoid.


>Uglyness is the worst thing that could happen to a person
Manlets suffer more.

Try harder, trianon.

LOL. Just fuck a whore.

I dont get it
arent incels just people who have a hard time getting laid?
why does that make them terrorists and make everyone hate them?

He would still be a virgin

(prostitutes don't count)

Because we live in the age of misandry and matriarchial expansion.

they get radicalized by other hostile incels

virgin freaks deserve death

They do. Here is the thing this incel thing only exists in your heads. You crerated an idea of a woman, an idea of society, whne the reality doesn't confrom your ideas instead of changing your ideas you go mental. Women are wortless subhuman, if you want to fuck one of them, just lie to it. They don't care about you as a person, they are vapid lowely creates, who are only intrested in lies. Incels are the worst subhumans, because you pretend that women are human.

Jokes aside, Canadians are turbo-NPCS with no self-reflection, I expect them doing stupid things out of conformity.

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See that's what I'm wondering about. Self radicalisation doesn't explain the hard right swing within the incel movement, they should be relatively apolitical. I suspect someone has been deliberately radicalising them for other purposes.

really? whats her name?

Dude most right wingers are just dicklets angry about women choosing to be with black men and believe voicing right wing opinions makes the appear masculine

Most left wingers are welfare leechers who wanna do nothing and get everything. Oh wait, that sounds like incels...

It's a fact that most incels are right wingers and most right wingers are low test (white men)

Doesn't change the fact that modern left wingers are just as losers as right wingers.

Actually incels often (not always) have horrible personalities.

Incels are bitter to other people because they have been rejected (not only romantically, in basically any way) time after time by other people because of their looks and some aspect of their personality they didn't control, and at the point they start considering themselves incels they are in a point of no return where they don't expect anything good from anyone and act accordingly, but they aren't simply born with horrible personalities.

ill copy a text that describes it better than I can

>toxic, weak, insecure, abusive behaviours and ways of thinking

Im not buying it when I see them crawling through the mud just to smell some pussy. They often remind me of littlefinger from game of thrones when they shitpost without trying to conceal their nature.

Pfft, toxic, who are you calling toxic? I bet you were the bully at school/uni. Bydlo.

>I bet you were the bully at school/uni
No I wasnt, I just find the incel shitposting disturbing/disgusting/pathetic when I browse Jow Forums.

What does bydlo mean?
I've heard Russians use it a few times and I'm always down for learning insults in other languages.

Then maybe you should stop browsing /pol if you are so sensitive diva?

Come at me bro.

first you try to play the victim
then you try to play the tough guy

See? Littlefinger.

It means cattle. It's like your bogans or chavs from the UK. Not necessarily gopniks, just low/working class trash.

I didn't even try, it's all in your head. How could anyone be so disgusted by incel posting apart from women, tell me?

I cant answer that. I just feel disgusted, both with the scheming to try and get pussy, the bloodthirst, and the impotent rage when thirst for pussy and blood is not fulfiled. Actually incels remind both of littlefinger and joffrey.

Gotcha, thanks for the new word Russian friend!

Do you also feel disgusted when you watch SAW movies or some snuff?

Also I forgot to mention the oppressive traits that exist in the shitposting. What sounds suffocating to me sounds normal to them (or at least normal to happen to others but not them).
I dont watch snuff joffrey.

Isn't it kind of ironic for incels to be calling anyone a cuck? Why is it their favorite insult?

Can you explain why jews would conspire against a bunch of guys who cant get laid. What goal are they achieving? Or do you just have a massive victim complex and want to blame your faults on others?

>Or do you just have a massive victim complex and want to blame your faults on others?
Oh really? And it's probably coming from someone who blames Russia in all his problems?

Incel is just the label for the people that are in those kinds of communities where they promote that kind of hate. Being a virgin doesn't automatically make someone one of them.

Why do you assume that? Because of my flag? Your worldview is fucked up from spending too much time on Jow Forums. I'm just a person trying to talk some sense into you but you've already applied a bunch of labels to me because I don't agree with you. You're only harming yourself with these beliefs.